A Life Not So Ordinary

A Life not so ordinary (Ch 1-4)

A Life Not So Ordinary
Chapter 1

Why me? Why did something like this always happen to me? I didn't even do anything really bad. I only got in to a small fight that I didn't even start! So tell me why I'm going to a stupida$$ boarding school! I'm going to boarding school because I was defending my- self! I was being made fun of because i believe in vampires. I don't find that fair! Other people believe in vampires. Why don't they get picked on? I guess they are to scary to be picked on. Huh?
Well let me start from the beginning, I am Shelly M. I believe deeply in vampires. Some people say i am Goth but I'm not i'd like to consider myself emo, AND NO I DON'T CUT!

I didn't have many friends. I had two guy friends, Jeff and Brandon, and one friend that is a girl, Joy. We were inseperetable. If any of us got in to trouble we all did, but one day I was by myself. "The Wantabe HOllYWOOD PLastics" surrounded me. They started to pick on me for believing in vampires. They stared to go on with other things "wrong with me". They wouldn't stop they just picked and picked like vultures and a carcass until there was nothing left but bones. That’s when one of them touched me. She saw the anger blaring in my eyes. She just had to go as far as to go and poke me on my shoulder! That is when I had it. "I don't like to be touched!" I screamed as I flung myself at her. I punched her hard in the nose. It bled. Then I started to kick her. Some one screamed but I wasn't paying attention. I was being pulled of her by three other girls, but I had just flung them off my arms with no problem. I think they fell to the floor. The girl that had originally poked me was known on the ground curling in to a tight ball. As I kicked her one more time, a harsh male voice was yelling for me to stop. I finished the kick I had started and backed off as he came running to help her off the floor. He told someone to call an ambulance. He was a security guard for my school. He then walked me to the nearby office and told me to stay put. I did, I should have runaway but I didn't. The security guard came back and asked me my name and my hose phone to call my father to come and get me and to tell him what had happened. My father came within minutes with a worried look on his face. I could tell it was fake. "What happened? Is Shelly alright?" He asked, as if he really cared, but I knew it was just a show. Then he realized me sitting on the chair. "Shelly, here, was beating up some poor incident girl!" The security guard said. As if. "I..." I tried to say but got cut off my dad. “I don't want to hear your excuses, SHELLY!" he said pointing at me. then thanked the guard and took me to his car and drove home. We drove in an awkward silence but I appreciated it.
When we got inside i tried to walk up stairs but he told me otherwise. I walked to the family room and sat in a chair. He went off then. It was hilarious to watch him. He flung his arms in the air and paced. I knew better than to laugh though, but then I heard boarding and school together in one sentence. He knew I had heard him. He stopped pacing and tuned toward me. "That’s right. You heard me. Boarding School!" He yelled it at me with a smile on his face. That had hurt the most. "Go to your room, now, young lady! And I will be there momentarily." He said pointing it the direction of my room. He still had that hateful smile set on his face.
"FINE! I HATE YOU!" I yelled walking to my bedroom. What I just said was nothing but the truth. I did hate him and I am pretty sure he hates me to, just look at that smile. When I get to my bedroom, I lied on my bed and stare at my wall. It was filled with all types of crazy stuff from posters to CD booklets to balled up tissue paper from past Christmas to look like flowers. I then decided to go online. I sign on to my aim.
XXMCRGurlxx signed on at 3:30 pm.
Emo_sk8er(Brandon): Hey! where were u?!
XXMCRGurlxx:the WHPs were picking on me for my vampires.
Emo_sk8er: OH no. What happened?
XXMCRGurlxx:one of em poked me.
Emo_sk8er: Oh CR*P! the byo*ch.
XXMCRGurl:Haha! ya I punched her in the nose.then kicked the shit outa her. the security guard pulled me off& call my dad
Emo_sk8er:Nice...Well... u no what i mean
XXMCRGurlxx:Ya... umm BTW he is sending me to boarding school :(
Emo_sk8er: Sh*t! were and what do i gotz2do 2 go with u?_?!!!
XXMCRGurlxx: IDK anything yet... ot-oh her comes mr. mean now!
XXMCRGurlxx is away at 3:50pm

Knock, knock came at the door. "Come on in" I say with a sigh. The door opened "Hey, Honey, I'm sorry. But I just don't know what to do with you. So I'm sending you to a boarding school just out of the state." He said all nice now. "Outside the state! Good! I don't care! You hate me anyway! When do I go!" I scream. "Tomorrow afternoon, you won't go to school. I have already notified them you will no longer be attending. Call Joy tell her to get your stuff from your locker and what not." He finally turned out the door and left. I felt like crying but then I heard a moo from the computer. It was Jeff signing on. I opened up a chat room so that Jeff, Brandon and I, could chat.
XXMCRGurlxx: hey ;(
Emo_sk8er: poor shelly.
Soul_eaterXxX: what I miss?
Brandon told Jeff before I could
Soul_eater: OHH mann Im gona miss you! *huggs*
Emo_sk8er: me 2!*joins the hugg*
XXMCRGurlxx: aww guys im gonna miss u 2!
Soul_eaterXxX: Does Joy know?
XXMCRGurlxx: no not yet
Emo_sk8r: Well call her! SHE needz 2 no!
XXMCRGurlxx: ok i'm callin. be back soon.

Chapter 2

I picked up the phone to call Joy. It rang and rang taking 30 rings (I counted) for her to pick up. "'Ello?" Joy spoke through the phone. "ello Joy!" I answered. "Hey Shell! What happened where were you?" so i told her the story. When I was finished I had to ask her if she was still there. She was but she sounded on the verge of crying. Joy took at few deep breaths. She finally said she would miss me. And I her. I asked her if she would bring all my stuff from school to me tomorrow. We talked for a hour or so, then i told her i should start packing.

I woke the next morning thinking last night was just a dream. Then I saw my Father holding some blonde barbie's hand leading her out of his bedroom downstairs. I waited for him to come back up the stairs before telling him, "You know, every time they get younger, but you just get older." He shrugged and mumbled something I didn't understand, he obviously had a hang over from last night after I went to bed. I went back in to my bed room to pack the rest of my stuff and wait until 3 o'clock for Joy to come.

It was now 3 the doorbell rang and I answered the door knowing it was Joy. Joy held a box of my stuff, I took it from her and but it on the floor to the corner in my house. i then gave her a huge hug then I realized the guys were behind her! "HEY GUYS!" I ran over and gave them each a hug. Brandon hugged me longer though. "WE'RE GONNA MISS YOU!" they all yell at once in my ears. "Ow. I'm gonna miss you guys too. I'll come back any time a get a chance! But if i can't I’ll e-mail you and we'll talk on aim! i have my laptop packed up! I closed my front door and Brandon grabbed my writs and ran to the abandon play ground across the street. Brandon put me on a swing and started pushing me. We left Joy and Jeff to walk over. Brandon started to hum our old song we replaced lyrics to when we were younger. Friends, we'll always be there for each other. Friends to the end, never to be apart! I started to hum along and Brandon all of the sudden stopped me mid swing and hugged me.

~~~~~Brandon's POV!!!!!!!!~~~~~

I stopped Shelly on the swing because she began to hum along with me to our old song with me. It made me depressed to think that i wouldn’t be able to see her beautiful face everyday. I hugged her from her back and rocked side to side. She giggled. It was just like old times. ‘I’m gonna miss you!" I whispered into her ear. "I'll miss you, too!" she sobbed quietly. Then Jeff and joy finally made there way over here to join us. Jeff flung himself at Shelly and I to join the hug fallowed by Joy. We all stood there in a big group hug with the swing in between us. “I wish you guys could come with me!" Shelly burst out after a few seconds. We all started to weep a bit. We all wanted her wish to come true! I kissed the top of her head, Jeff pecked her forehead, and Joy hugged her tighter and gave her a sisterly kiss on the cheek. Shelly started to cry. Tears staining her pale cheeks and making her black eyeliner run. Jeff and Joy wiped of ether side of her face. We tried to comfort her. Joy then broke away from the hug to say, “Shelly I will get my mom to send me to your boarding school! Some how! I will!"
"No, Joy, Don't torture yourself! Thank you anyway!" Shelly refused sincerely. Then I saw her a-h0le Father stepping out of the front door yelling for her. He saw us and walked, well stopped over. "Shelly it's time to go!" He hissed from the front of the playground. Shelly sighed sorrowfully. "OK. Guys I'll miss you and I love you all!" She said walking away from us and waving good-bye. She strode pass her father not looking at him and when she got to her house, she walked in and grabbed her things. I love Shelly and i will find out a way to be with her, somehow.

~~~~~Shelly's POV~~

I got my bags and put them in my Fathers car. When I got in the front seat, I turned on my I-pod and listened to Escape the Fate The guillotine. My father got in the car and started to drive to my boarding school. on the way we passed my friends walking sadly to Jeff's house I waved to them. I could see Joy start to cry. I was Joy’s first and only friend since kindergarten. She was shy and timid. I have been her only friend until we met Brandon in 1st grade then Jeff in 3rd grade.
It took two hours to get to the boarding school. When we got there he didn’t even get out of the car he just dropped me off just outside the entrance and he didn't even say goodbye!
Great!(note sarcasm)Now were is the office? I walked around the huge campus, passing some unfriendly looking people. I finally found a huge sign saying "MAIN OFFICE". I walked in to the lobby. there was a counter with women sitting behind it looking board. "Hello, my name is Shelly Memming." I said. "AH! The new one. Here is a map of the campus, your class schedule, your key to your room V. 360; you will have to share the room with five others. Maybe one of them will be willing to show you around," a woman with short curly brown hair said. “Um. Where is V. 360?" I asked trying to find it on the map but couldn't. She gestured for me to hand her the map. She highlighted a path and circled the dorm system "Vamp V. for short. Your room is on the 6th floor in the second part of the building."
"Ok thank you!" she waved me away and flipped open her magazine.
I fallowed the line she made on the map to a set of building with a sign reading Vamp. I wonder why it's called Vamp? I walked in to the second part of the building and took the elevator to the 6th floor and to the left was my room. I knocked softly then put the key into the keyhole and opened up the door.

Chapter 3

When I opened the door, I saw three startled faces tuning their heads towards me. "Who are you, why are you in our room?" A very good-looking boy with black hair falling in to his face asked. "I’m Shelly and I’m your new roommate this is V. 360 isn’t it?" I asked. "Oh. Well I am Van, this is my sister Val," He pointed to her then to a boy who also was good-looking with black hair with red streaks and bangs in his left eye. “And this is Ben." Van finished." Hi! Val, Ben" I said with a small wave. "Hey." They said at the same time. "I'll show you were you can sleep and put your things." Val said. Wow, its like she read my mind!" Ok thanks." I fallowed her leaving Ben and Van talking and watching a show on the TV.
She showed me were the kitchenette and bathrooms were. She then, turned to a door next to the kitchenette to knock on it." Go away!" a voice hissed from behind the door. "NO! You are the only one with a extra bed in their room and we have a new room-mate!" She screamed back. Then I notice the faint rhythm of Escape the fate!" Oh great!" His voice was heavy with sarcasm." Shut up and open the darn door!" She yelled at the door. The door opened and we were hit with a piercing bust of Escape the Fates screaming.
The boy who opened the door was stunningly gorgeous it was almost scary. “What? Why? Who?" He asked hurried and annoyed clicking off the stereo with a small remote. Val pointed at me. His face seemed to light up but as soon as it came, it went. "Hi" I said. "Hi." He sighed. "Max, Shelly. Shelly, Max." Val introduced us. "K. Val I'll take over." Max about to walk into the room said unhappily. Val grabbed his arm and whispered, "Be nice to her!" I heard what she whispered but acted as if I didn’t. I wonder what that meant. I picked my bag up from the floor, which I had put it, wile waiting for him to open the door. I walked in to the room. The room was smaller than my room at home but then again my dad was rich and my room was huge. I saw posters of all MY favorite bands all over the room. "Wow!" I said exaggerating the ‘ow’ sound. "What?" Max asked annoyed. "I love your posters! You have all of my favorite bands even Flyleaf!" I pointed to the one flyleaf poster over the neat bed across from the unmade bed. Well at lest we like the same bands! "Your bed is over there under the window." He said, pointing to the neat bed under the window that had a black curtain. The room was dark, but I am ok with that. "Do you like Escape the Fate?" He asked knowing the answer and clicked the remote to the stereo and blasted my favorite The Guillotine. I flung my bags on to my bed it had dust red covers on it. I sat on the floor. I started to sing/scream along to the words. "So have you met everyone yet?" Max yelled over the guitar solo. "Um I have met Val, Ben, and Van. Is there anyone else?" I knew the answer but i just wanted to hear him speak. "Yea Rose, she is Vans girlfriend and roommate." He yelled between yelling the lyrics to the song [which was almost imposable]. "Oh ok." I said as the song ended. "Ben is Val's boyfriend." He went on. "So do you have a girlfriend?" I asked curiously. "No. do you well not girlfriend, boyfriend?" He asked chuckling. "Not unless you count guys that are my friends." I said. No He smirked, "So why did you come here?" I told him my story. "Dam*! So you believe in vampires?" He said after I had finished telling him my story. "Yea, I don’t care what people say; I think that they are out there. They may even be walking among us rite now." I said holding my head high. "You don’t know how right you are." Max said under his breath but I couldn’t understand him. "Do you believe in them?" I asked tilting my head to the side like a puppy would. "Not only do I believe in vampires, I know they exist." He smiled widely with his teeth showing. His long pointy canines shining in the slight light from a small lamp on the long desk that runs from my bed to his. My eyes widened. I knew it! I was right vampires did exist! "So, you are one! Cool!" I said coolly. "Yea. Your not afraid?" He asked stunned. "No, I only expected as much." I said. "You expected me to be a vampire?!" he questioned bewilderedly. “Well, not you personally, but the fact that this dorm system is called Vamp. Kind of gave it away. So that means that there are others, a lot of others. Right?" I said. "Yea, you are the only human to ever come here I think." Max said not looking at me but the wall. "What do you eat?" I asked. I had always wanted to know if blood was a myth or the truth. "I eat whatever... I eat pancakes, pizza, steak/blood." He answered shrugging. "Steak-blood or steak and blood? I like steak blood its yummy especially when it goes in your mashed potatoes." I said. "Both...umm okay then." He shrugged again. I continued to ask more questions. I think he is amazed that I am not at all fazed that I know that I am surrounded by creatures of the night. Max said something that took me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I said. "All this talk about food and stuff is making me hungry." He said sounding a bit like vampires in movies when they are about to feed on someone!

Chapter 4

~~~~~~~SHELLY's POV!~~~~~

Max must have seen the distress on my face because he looked at me in horror, “NO, I didn't mean it like that! I meant that I am hungry and I want to go in to the kitchen to make a... sandwich!" Max said. "OH, ok. Sure ya I’m hungry." I said a little bemused. With that, we walked out of our room and into the kitchen. Everyone was sitting at the small table including a girl I haven't seen before I assumed that was Rose. They were eating Chinese food!*grumble* my stomach was so load! I flushed with embarrassment. "Hey, how come we were not asked if we wanted some!?" Max complained then pointed to my belly, "Did u not just her stomach? it's crying for food!" again I got red with embarrassment. "Well we did knock on your door but you guys probably were blasting your music!" Rose retorted. "Erm, ya, Shelly knows we are vampires!" Max said under his breath but everyone heard him. "So, that’s what you were talking about!" Val grinned. "Your not at the lest bit scared of us?" Ben spoke up. "No, I have always believed in vampires and have had an obsession over them, ever since I saw The Little Vampire movie, and I have always wanted to meet NICE vampires. I some how knew I would one day meet vampires. Well I guess that day is today!" I said. "Ha-ha. Seems to be so. and it looks like Max has taken a liking to you. That’s rare that he even talks to a girl much less look at one." Van said laughing. "Well it is kind of hard not to like someone who is going to share the same room to sleep in!" Max said. "Touché" Van said back giving up. "Whatever! HERE. EAT!" Val said throwing a box of lo-main at him; he caught it neatly in his hands. In a blink of the eye, he had two plates and forks in his hands with the lo-main split up on to the two plates. I stood there wide-eyed stunned at his speed. "Max! You scared her!" Val scowled at him. Then walked over to me and placed a friendly hand on my back. "No, it's not that he scared me so much as surprised me. I knew vampire could move fast i just didn't know how fast." I said looking at Val. "Ah, I see...Max, Shut up it's not funny!" She yelled at him. "No, no it's not. But did you see her face. That was priceless!" he said cracking up laughing." MAX! it is not that funny!" Van said rolling his eyes. "Yes, yes it is!" max replied. I hit Max on the arm hard. "OW! That hurt!" Max rubbed his arm. "Well, at least she stopped your laughing!" Rose said irritated. Max shrugged. Then he handed me the other plate. Rose moved over to make space for me at the table.
We talked about random stuff. But the whole time Max stood eating is food off of the counter, he didn't take is eyes off me. It gave me small tingles of fright or maybe it was delight, to know a HOT looking boy was looking at me, but he was a vampire...

~~Back were Shelly's Home town is~~
~~~~~~JOY'S POINT OF VIEW!~~~~~~~
We are laying in the grass of Jeff's huge front yard staring at the sun-setting sky. Brendon is heartbroken. I can tell he misses Shelly more than me or Jeff even though we miss her a lot he misses her more and I am pretty sure he wants to kill her father but he knows better.
~~~~~~~~~~!!!Val's POV!!!!!~~~~~~~~

I'm glad Shelly came here. She has made Mopey Max happy. Shelly has been excepted by some in class but not all they stare at her, blood thirsty, but we send them mental images and thoughts of not to look or touch her and if they dared they would face saver consequences. No one would be dumb enough to disobey us we are, after all, we are stronger physically, mentally, and by blood. That is except for Shelly, she doesn't know that she isn't a full human, yet. I am not sure what she is but i know that she has unbelievable power. I have sensed her power the moment she touched the door handle to enter the room, that she had secrete abilities she doesn’t know of, only I know she does. Sensing those kind of things were my special ability every vampire had at lest one special ability that just happened to be mine.
We are sitting in the T.V. room of our little dorm suite. Watching one of those cheesy vampire movies. Shelly, Max, Ben, and I are sitting on one couch wile Rose and Van were sitting on the smaller couch/chair thing. I saw from the corner of my eye Shelly flinch when the vampire jumped out in front of an unsuspecting victim. Then I saw Max put his arm around her shoulder. AW! She leaned in to him, he rested his head on her's! They would make such a cute couple! They need to become boyfriend/girlfriend!
~~~~~~~~~~~SHELLY"S POV!~~~~~~~~~

OHMIGOSH! MAX JUST PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME! I don't know how to feel. I'm a bit nauseated form my overwhelming happiness. I.. I think I love him. Is this bad to be falling in love with a gorgeous, vampire boy? I don't care right now. I'll find out later. I just want to feel safe and I do with his arms wrapped around me, but I also miss my old friends!
I’ve spoke to Brendon via AIM. for a short time he had said that he would come and see me here and he was going to bring Jeff and Joy too. I don't think it is a good idea for then to all come here, you know because of all the Creature's of the night!

~~~~~~~~~~~~MAX's POV!!!~~~~~~~~~~~
Shelly looked up at me smiling then she wrapped her arms around my waist hugging me so i hugged back and kissed the top of her head. Her hair smelled of honeyed pear and silk. Her flowing blood smelt even better but I wouldn’t dare bite her.
I have fallen for her. I have fallen for a beautiful human, mortal girl. She would die one day. I however would never die… of natural cause. I hate that I love her. ...Wait, isn't that a song? Well if it is I understand it. "Maxi," Shelly took me away from my thoughts. "mhm?" Shelly just looked over at the TV screen it was showing the end credits. Was i thinking for that long? "Oh." I said. Then I realized we were still in a tight hug. "I.. um.. have to pee." Shelly said letting go of me. I laughed and let go of her, unwillingly. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom.
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sorry bout spelling ill fix it later