Status: In Progress

I Wouldn't Know What to Say If I Had You

Chapter 6

“So what would you like to do Rylie? We can do whatever you want!” Jack seemed excited to get this little hangout session started.

I looked at him and shrugged, “I don’t really care what we do, I am up for basically anything.” I honestly didn’t care about what we were going to do, I just want to hang out and have some fun with Jack. Well, actually, I just wanted to hang around him so I could stare at his beautiful face and hear his voice.

“Well...we have a bunch of stuff we can do I guess. The only thing we actually have to do though is bake a friend’s birthday is coming up and I promised her that I would make her a cake.” Well, that was a little random.

“Oh...okay? I didn’t know you baked?”

“Oh! I don’t. I just told her I would because it sounded like a good idea at the time. And then I thought about things we could do when you hung out and thought it could be something fun for us to do.” He laughed, “I hope you don’t mind?”

“No its cool, I am kind of like, bad luck in the kitchen though, just a warning.”

“I doubt you are that bad Ry.” He tilted his head slightly and smirked.

I actually laughed out loud at that comment, “You really don’t know me, I tried cooking a baked potato in the microwave a couple weeks ago, and ended up putting tin foil around it. Let’s just say, I nearly lit my entire apartment on fire. Thank god for tongs, otherwise I would’ve been like...dead.”

“Oh my god, you literally put tin foil in the microwave...everyone knows not to do that?” Jack was laughing now.

“Well...not me, until now then, but yeah, I wish you luck if you want me to help you!”

“I think it could still be fun! So lets do it!”

“Right now?” I didn’t really care if we did it now, but I thought he said there was other stuff to do.

“Why not! We can get it out of the way, then we can relax a bit and play some xbox!” I did like playing xbox, even though I was terrible at it. I wasn’t really good at much to be honest, but I liked doing most things, so I enjoy basically everything I do which is good.

“I guess that works! Like I said, up for anything!” I smiled as we walked back into the kitchen I was just sitting down in. Jack went around to pull out a bunch of ingredients, it looks like he had a list on the fridge that he had written down earlier. He got out all of the basic ingredients, flour, milk, eggs, and bunch of other stuff like that. I guess he was prepared to make this cake. I smiled as he glanced over at me sitting at the kitchen bar, he was so cute when he smiled back. I blushed and fixed my hair by doing a quick flip and then playing around with it with my hands. It was a fastly done motion but very important that I do it right, otherwise my hair would look really stupid. I have mastered it though so I am almost positive my hair looks good right now.

“Alright Rylie! Lets get this party started!” I stood up and walked over to him. He started throwing ingredients into a bowl and mixed them up. I just watched from the back.

“Hey Jack?” I stared at some of the ingredients that he already used, maybe I could clean up a bit?

“Sup?” He turns slightly to see what I wanted.

“Can I clean up some stuff to get it out of your way? I want to help out a bit!”

“Sure, thanks!” He laughed and went back to mixing. I went over and grabbed the milk and put it in the fridge, followed by the eggs. I put back most of the stuff, the only thing left out that he didn’t need was the bag of flour. I went to pick it up but as soon as it I slipped backwards. Shit.

The bag flew up into the air and all I could see was a giant white cloud fly towards me and the kitchen floor.

I opened up my eyes and I could feel the coating of white powder all over and around me. I saw Jack looking down at me wide eyed with his mouth dropped open.

“I guess you really are bad luck in the kitchen…” He started to crack up, he put down what he was holding and slid down the ground against some cabinets. He was tearing up with how hard he was laughing.

“Jack…” He was so cute laughing.

“What?” He managed to get it out of himself and forced himself to stop laughing.

I smiled, “Tell me I’m pretty.” I started giggling and closed my eyes.

I felt his body above mine now and my eyes flew back open, he had crawled over me and was smiling down at me. “You are the prettiest flour covered boy I have ever met Ry.” He leaned down and kissed me ever so gently. I leaned upwards into the kiss not wanting him to pull away. His body was so warm against mine. I moved my hand up to his cheek, his little bit of stubble was so scratchy and I loved it. We started rocking back and forth to the rhythm of the kiss. I opened slightly to grab a breath of air and he entered with his tongue gliding onto mine, I reciprocated with the motion. He pulled away after a couple minutes of this wonderful moment and just stared down at me with his big brown eyes. I was blushing so hard right now and I was so hot. He was so hot. This had to have been the best moment of my life. We stayed staring at eachother for a minute before either of us spoke.

“Wow…” I managed to get out, “You are a really really good kisser Jack.”

He chuckled, “Thanks Ry, you too cutie.” I flushed even redder than before.

He leaned in to peck my mouth again but before he got fully connected we heard a yell.

“My Kitchen!!!” We turned to see Alex standing there with his hands on the side of his head and his eyes extremely wide, “What did you do! Why is there fucking flour everywhere, oh my god! You better clean this shit up, I swear to god Jack I will destroy everything you love, I just cleaned!”

Who would’ve thought Alex would be such a clean freak, I chuckled a little bit before going into a full out laugh attack. I looked up at jack as he pulled away from me and stood up, he was now covered in flour as well as the rest of the room.

“Sorry bro, Ry may have slipped up and threw the bag of flour.”

“Hey! It was an elegant slip!” I yelled in my defense.

Alex just stood there and facepalmed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it has been two weeks.

I really should be updating this more frequently, but I am attempting NaNoWriMo this year and that has taken up a lot of my free time, and that job interview from a while ago? Yeah I got that job and have been working too. So I have a lot less free time and I basically haven't done ANYTHING so yeah. Even my blogging has taken a toll! :(

So yeah, sorry for that, but here is an update! Have some fluff!
