Status: Completed

Surprise! I Love You!


I smiled happily to myself as I silently hurried off our bus. It was mine and Alan's 9th month of being in a relationship, and I wanted to surprise him with something he loves almost as much as me-- a kitten. I had made arrangements with some friends of mine in the area that lived a little ways away from where were staying, so I pulled my hood over my head and began my walk down the street. It was pretty early, I had made sure to set an alarm so I could get out before Alan woke up, and not many people were out on the streets, but it was San Francisco, cars were already hurrying passed in a flurred rush, late for work or wanting to get to school before everyone, so it wasn't quiet. I didn't mind though, and the few people that were on the streets, that knew who I was, stopped and shyly asked for autographs. I gave them all gentle smiles and signed whatever they had, before saying I had somewhere to be and rushing off with a goodbye.
I reached my friend's house and knocked on the door, which was answered a second later, by a shorter than average older woman, who hugged me tightly.
"Austiinnn, good to see you, come in, come in!" the smiling woman gestured me in, and I nodded with a chuckle.
"Good to see you, too, Jean," I smiled back and looked down at the few cats already beginning to circle my legs. My smile widened as Jean spoke.
"The new litter is in the sitting room with Carl. They're all 9 weeks old, and there's about five of them. We think there was six but one didn't make it," she said sadly, and I frowned, as we walked into the other room. The kittens were all crowded around a small pile of fuzz, watching it intently. If it moved even a little, a paw would shoot out, then four more right after, and clamp it down. I held back a d'aww and looked at the elderly man sitting in the chair watching them.
"Carl, it's been a while," I smiled kindly at him and leaned to shake his hand, which he did strongly with a hearty laugh.
"Too long, my boy," he nodded. It was silent for a moment, then he looked at me. "So you need a kitten, eh? What for?" he asked. I think I told them on the phone, but they're elderly, I can't blame them for forgetting.
"It's mine and my boyfriend's 9th month together, and I just wanted to surprise him with something he loves," I replied, bending down to hold my hand out so the kittens could sniff me. A small light, caramelly-brown and white one was sniffing me all over, so when I reached out to poke his nose, he opened his little jaws and mewled, gnawing on my finger.
"That's so sweet, Austin. You're so caring," Jean snapped me from my inner d'aww and I nodded, pulling my finger away from the little kitten and picking him up.
"Can I take this one? He's perfect,"I asked, looking at them. Jean nodded and went to get the bag of kitten stuff we'd need, and a small crate for the way back. I gently set the little kitten in and hugged Jean again, before saying goodbye and headed out of the door, back towards the bus.
The little kitten mewled the whole way back to the bus, making me look down more than once, always with a smile as I caught it looking back up at me with wide brown eyes. Then it would mewl again and I would smile wider and look away. I got back after about 10 minutes, because I stopped and got a cup of coffee at a gas station. Grimacing at the cup as I took a sip, I realized it probably wasn't the best choice to get coffee from a gas station, it usually sucks, and believe me, it really did. I could've gotten better coffee from McDonalds, and that's saying something. I shook my head to myself and headed towards the bus door. Aaron was standing outside, leaning against the side of the bus, and saw me walking over.
"You're up early," he commented with a chuckle as I finished my coffee and shrugged. He glanced down at the crate. "You finally got that kitten, huh?"
I started to smile again. "Yeah, for our nine month. I thought he'd love it, and I really hope so because this little ball of fur is way too cute not to love," I replied with a chuckle as I set the crate down and removed the little kitten. It squirmed in my hands, looking at Aaron with a slightly tilted head, which was adorable. Aaron even 'd'awww'd' a little at it.
"You name it yet?"
"No, I was gonna let Alan decide. Was he up when you woke up?" I asked, and he shook his head. I let out a small sigh of relief. "Good. Make sure the stuff doesn't blow away or something. We're gonna go wake up the princess," I said, and he nodded with a small chuckle. I slowly opened the door and closed it softly behind me, trying to be as quiet as possible. The kitten was about to let out a small sound, but when I pet it a little, all it did was purr and shut up. I headed over to Alan's bunk, peering in.
Of course, he was passed out still, laying on his back with his arm over his eyes. I suppressed a chuckle, and leaned over to give him a soft, gentle kiss on the kiss. "Allaaannn, wake uuppp. I have a surprise for yooou~" I cooed gently, and set the kitten on the bed, by his side. The ginger haired male groaned and rolled over onto his side, facing me, his eyes opening slightly. The kitten traveled up to his face right as he opened his eyes, so he was met with the adorable little look on the cat's face.
The noise he made was so girly and inhuman I almost laughed, but it was adorable when he sat up in a hurry and picked up the kitten, cuddling it to him like a teddy bear. I sat on the bed next to him, and he looked over after a few minutes of squealing over the kitten.
"You got us a kitten?" he whispered, and I nodded, smiling widely. Setting down the kitten gently, he leaned over and hugged me tightly. "Thank you," he murmured when he pulled back. I just smiled again and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back with a smile, and then the kitten tumbled in between us. Alan pulled away and looked down. "Does he have a name?"
"Nope," I shook my head. "I was going to let you decide on that," I looked down at the little caramel brown kitten. He really was adorable.
"Hmm," Alan looked away in thought, tapping his chin a few times. "How about..." he broke off, obviously deep in thought, telling by the frown on his face. "Santiago?"
I let out a little chuckle. "Where did that come from?"
"My brain, duh," he rolled his eyes like it was the most obvious thing. I returned it with my own roll of the eyes.
"Santiago it is."
The little kitten was looking in between us, his eyes wide and his head tilted a little. I d'aww'd and picked him up, holding him up to my face and kissing the his nose. He mewled and I set him down.
Alan laid back down and let Santiago crawl over his stomach, and I shifted my position so I could lay next to him, after scooting him over. I may not be very big but damn Alan was a bed hog. Santiago quickly took interest in my stomach and made his way back to the edge of Alan's, waggling his haunches and making a leap for my tummy. Alan was snickering like a little kid, and he rolled over to rest his arm over my chest, somewhat petting Santiago.
I looked over at him, and he glanced up, smiling. "Thanks for the great present," he said, leaning up to kiss my nose softly. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him on the lips, holding it for a few seconds before pulling away and looking him in the eyes.
"Anything for my princess."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the first fic I've ever actually posted on the internet for more than like three people to read, so I hope I picked the right one. Just a fluffy little oneshot that I decided to write after hearing something about a tour kitten. cx
I hope you liked it!