Status: Oh. You're sexy

Fun and Games


It was a rainy day, and like always, water fell from the sky.
Gerard looked up at the sky, today something bad would happen, he could sense it in the rain.
"Gerard dear, come in", a really feminine voice said from behind him.
Gerard turned around, to see Mikey, standing there, in the rain, right behind him.

Mikey hadn't hit puberty. That's why he never smiled.

"I'm coming", Gerard said and pulled Mikey inside with him.
"Mom said we should have a get together tonight...", Mikey said to Gerard, meaning that their friends, Frank and Ray, would be coming over.
"Sure, let me just call up Ray and you can do Frank", Gerard said and ran to his room to get his phone.

*Meanwhile at The Toro household*

Ray turned up the radio and started dancing to his favourite song, Beauty and A Beat by Justin bieber.
He literally whipped his hair back and forth, and lions and popcorn started falling out.

"Ray, come downstairs, you have a call!", Rays mother yelled at him.
He couldn't hear her, since the music was too loud.
She came running upstairs, and then that's when she blew up.
"Chill mom, I'm not gonna cut it. It's part of me", Rays gentle voice said.
"It's not part of you. It's a stupid phase. You'll grow out of it soon", she said.
With that, Ray started getting angry. NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE, INSULTS HIS HAIR. NOT EVEN HIS OWN MOTHER.
"Mom, this ain't a phase. It never will be. Get over it.", he said and then pushed her out of the way, and walked downstairs to get the phone.

"Hey Ray...", Gerards voice came from the phone.

*Meanwhile at The Iero household*

Frank Iero was like every other teenage kid. Except for the fact that HE WAS FUCKING HOT AND SEXY.

Frank walked over to his desk, and saw his phone flashing. No really, it was flashing, it's cover wasnt on and wow. Not a good sight.

"Frank!", Frank heard a squeaky voice come out of the phone which he held.
"Mikey", Frank replied.
"So anyways, I'm gonna be out of airtime soon so gee and I are having a party tonight, please attend." Mikey said, and then Frank heard a beep.
He had held up on him.

Frank didn't want to go.
One simple reason: he was gay.
He loved guys and all of his friends were guys. But the secret gets worst- He wanted to have a fivesome with all his friends.

Frank took out his tightest skinny jeans and slipped it on. He then took out a bunny and placed it in his bra, which said "Frank Iero". He loved wearing bras. Frank Iero and bras were inseparable. That was his secret though. He was a hemephrodite.
He then headed out, to Gerard and Mikey's place.

*meanwhile at the plant household*

Earl the plant just stood there. What else do you fucking think he would do? He's a fucking plant, Jesus Christ.
Anyways, he stood there, on Gerards window sill. The wind blowing through his leaves.
Nothing was going on in his mind because for FUCKSAKE. He's a plant.
Gerard then walked over, and pass Earl the plant.
Earl the plant would feel abandoned if he was human, but he isn't.

*Gerards Place*

All of the boys were wrestling each other, with Ray on top.
Ray got off, and then they all got up and sat on the couch.
"Phew, that was tiring", Gerard finally managed to say.

Ray then ran to kitchen, to grab a bottle of water, when he passed the mirror. He looked deep into his reflection.
Was cutting his hair a good idea? He loved it. His hair. It reminded Ray of his dead pet hamster. Fluffy and shit.

Gerard ran to his room, whilst Frank was chasing him. They got tired, and then started laughing and both collapsed onto the bed.
Gerard looked at Frank, Frank looked so sexy.
Gerard decided to play some music, to set the mood.
'S my D' by BOTDF started playing, and Frank just laid on his back, whilst Gerard was infront of the bed.
Just when 'Open me up like Christmas' started coming up, Frank sang along.
He opened his legs, slowly, but seductively.
He then remembered his problem and quickly closed his legs.
"I cant do this", he said to Gerard.

Mikey was sitting in his room, crying his ass off. He wanted to be masculine! He always had to be at the bottom when they wrestled and he couldn't take it anymore!
Mikey went through thousands of porn magazines, just so that he could have that fucking wet dream! Nothing helped. He didn't feel turned on !
He then gave up, and went to sleep.

Earl the pot plant fell down and broke his pot.

Ray turned the tv on, and that's when he saw it.
He saw a pair of sexy jeans and he knew he had to get it. He went out, and just as he walked out, a ninja appeared and cut all his hair off and now he was balled. He cried and cried.

"Why not?", Gerard asked.
"Because I'm a freak", Frank said.
"What do you mean?", Gerard said and then sat on the bed, next to Frank.
"I'm a hemephrodite ", Frank finally said.
"Oh.", Gerard said and Frank gave him a confused look.
"Since we're telling secrets... Well... I'm a paedophile and I really wanna have sex with you Frankie boo", Gerard said, and then pushed Frank onto the bed.
Frank pushed Gerard over and ran to Mikey's room, crying.

Gerard started crying too.

They all cried and lived sadly ever after.

The end.