Sequel: Just One More Second
Status: I suck at smut, so bear with me. It's my first. But I've read plenty.

Mop Up My Love

Jack is not a dull boy.

“ ‘You sure about this?’

Alex checked his phone uncertainly, wondering if he'd gotten the wrong address. But nope, the streets were correct, Butler and Keeler, just like the text said. No wonder Zack didn't text him the house number. It took up the whole fucking street.

‘Yeah,’ Alex replied, his voice a bit shaky. Everybody at school said Zack's parents were loaded, but damn.

‘If they've got a shitload of cash just growing out of their trees,’ Alex's best friend, Rian commented, ‘then why didn't the kid just hire a fucking normal babysitter?’

Alex shrugged, wondering the same thing. Zack had said Jack had special needs, but they were sure damn rich enough to hire three special needs nannies.

‘How old is the kid, anyways?’

‘Couple years younger than us,’ he responded promptly as Rian pulled up the half-a-mile driveway. Lights glittered all around them, lampposts in the grass, a water fountain in the middle of the parkingway.

Alex opened the car door, stepping out into the sprinkling rain and watched as Rian drove away, a fluttery feeling in his stomach. When his BMW was completely out of sight, he walked up to the door, ringing it doubtfully. What if Zack set him up to some rapist's house?

But the doubts cleared away and Alex thought maybe a rapist couldn't have been worse when a tall boy opened the door, a grin on his face.

Alex didn't quite right away see the special needs part. Jack looked like a normal kid, tall, lanky, with his blink-182 shirt and red skinny jeans that left little to the imagination, black socks over his skinny feet. His hair was dyed unusually, resembling somewhat that of a blonde skunk tail, but otherwise, nothing about him was weird.

Except for the ongoing, seemingly unnoticed tent in his pants.

Alex blushed a little, though he didn't know the boner wasn't because of him, although it would be, if Jack didn't already have one.

Jack wrapped his thin fingers around the older boy's wrist, pulling him with him as he ran up the stairs, trapping Alex in his magnificent, spacy room.

Alex, too stunned to realize the situation, gazed upon the chandelier hanging from the marble ceiling, observing the light coming in from the ultra-wide windows so it sparkled. His phone vibrated, and he opened the text message, reading the expected ‘strict instructions’ from Zack.

Hey Alex. Thanks again for watching him. I'm really sorry. Normally, I can do it myself, but I've got a really important meeting to attend. Anyways, Jack knows his chores. There are condoms in the drawer. You'll only need a few, but if you really want, there are also gloves for his 6:00, 7:00, and 8:00 handjob. The rest, he knows what to do. He's on routine, so please be prompt. Thanks, man.-Z

Alex laughed, finding the whole thing as probably some joke, and Jack laughed, too, but for a different reason. Jack was laughing because he’d opened the gigantic package from his ‘special’ doctor, only to find copies of porn, to which Jack obviously already had in stock, sitting on the shelves of his gigantic closet, collecting dust due to the dullness of the sex. Nothing could soothe Jack’s ongoing boner for more than an hour at most, and no matter what he tried, it was named literally impossible for the seventeen year old boy to have an orgasm.

Alex slid his phone back in his pocket, sitting cross-legged on the younger boy’s bed, letting his gaze fall on the beauty before him, watching as Jack chuckled to himself, causing Alex to wonder what could possibly be in that box. He let it go, shaking his head, amused.

‘So. You have chores, huh? What for? You’ve got money, why not buy a maid?’

Jack didn’t reply, just closing his box and tucking the package in a wardrobe. He sighed, glancing at the ceiling, and Alex followed his line of sight, seeing a holographic clock resting above his head, the time naming 5:57.

‘I have to do them to build character,’ Jack responded finally. And because Zack never mops up his own cum.

‘You’re mopping up my love.’

That’s fuckery shit.

‘Okay,’ Alex smiled, looking at Jack, which caused the younger boy’s heart, unusually, to flutter. ‘What is it that you have to do?’

Jack said nothing, and the two watched the clock, the minutes tick by. Fifty eight.


Zero. Jack felt his cock twitch. He stared at Alex, for what, two seconds, max, watching the innocent boy sit and smile, feeling awkward. Then, he made his move, practically pouncing on the older boy. Alex gasped as lips smashed into his, hands fumbling around his zipper. The elder made no move or sound of protest, being a horny fucker himself, thinking that if the minor consented to it, and it wouldn’t technically be statutory rape, because Alex was barely nineteen, then sex couldn’t hurt that much.

The blonde followed along, moaning sensually as Jack bit down on his nipples through his shirt, before stripping it off, licking his bare chest. Alex nipped at the taller one’s neck, sucking gently until he was sure a hickey would be left. Jack stopped his kisses right at the waistband of the elder’s boxers, skinny jeans discarded long ago, sitting up between his legs. The younger boy, not wasting any time, removed every inch of his clothing, giving Alex quite a show before leaning forward and kissing him deeply.

‘Suck my dick,’ he demanded, ass sitting on the almost-brunette-but-not-quite-there-yet’s chest, his cock in poor Alex’s face. The other boy complied, taking dominance and flipping them over so it was him who sat between the dark haired boy’s legs, leaning down to take in Jack’s ever-growing length.
Jack moaned as Alex’s tongue swirled around his head, the blonde’s skilled hands pumping his cock, squeezing his balls now and then, causing Jack to moan and shudder and scream, which was oh, so hot.

‘G-gonna….fuck, Lex….I-I’m…c-come,’ he panted, and Alex braced himself, taking in the boy as much as possible. It was his thing, with blowjobs, Alex was a cumslut.

Jack, on the other hand, stared at his dick in the dark (as the lights turn off at the sound of Jack’s voice, leaving the two to deal with sexual measures in the less awkward space of a seemingly pitch-black room), looking from Alex back to little Jack, wondering, (while panting, still, because, wow) how the hell did Alex manage to give him an orgasm. Not that he minded, he always welcomed the feeling, but with his condition, he hadn’t had one in nearly a year, which was saying a lot, considering he was involved in sexual activity about eighteen hours a day, every day. Except today, Jack had an orgasm, making him feel more alive than he’d ever felt before. He stroked his dick, expecting it to be in its raging all-time-boner, but was shocked to find that it wasn’t, that his dick was normal, flopping around like all dicks do.

He also realized that his dick was awfully small.

Alex, having swallowed every last bit of Jack he could, done savoring the taste, stood from the bed, dressing and switching the lights on. Jack dressed slowly, and Alex watched as the younger boy cleaned his room, organizing his something-thousand books by author, and dusting everything until Alex was sneezing because of all the dirt floating around.

Neither mentioned what had happened at six pm, because business is as business does, and Alex was a babysitter, so he did just that.

Then the clock struck seven, and soon, Jack and Alex were on the bed.

And for the first time in his life, Jack bottomed,” finishes Jack, his voice slightly amused by the piece of-literature-could you call it literature?- he just read, aloud, to his boyfriend. The lanky man leans puts his phone back in his pocket, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Alex’s forehead, muttering an ‘I love you’ and ‘I’ll be back tomorrow to read some more.’ Before leaving the room.

That was their thing, or Jack’s thing, correctly defined. The younger man would come in every night at six forty-five, and sit next to Alex’s bed, and read him something. He usually read fanfictions, mini stories their fans wrote back when the band was still intact, back before the accident.

Six months ago, before Alex dropped into a coma.

Jack liked to read things where Alex was happy, or hell, he liked the weird, crazy sex fictional Jack and Alex had, longing for it in real life. Longing for Alex, really. They all told Jack that it was no use, to get a new boyfriend, Alex would be okay with it, but no, Jack refused. Alex was going to be fine, he told them, and he remained by his unconscious boyfriend’s side for twenty seven weeks, and would remain there for twenty-seven thousand more, if he had to.

And it’s a good thing Jack never gave up, too, because at exactly ten thirty four pm, half an hour after Jack leaves, nurses are smiling and screaming and doctors are sighing in relief because a miracle happens.

One simple smile, one little movement of the facial muscles, and tons of brain activity is happening, his heart is speeding up to par, and they’re all waiting for him to open his eyes, but Alex doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want to wake up to a bunch of doctors.

So he keeps them closed and waits for Jack to arrive.
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omg ok
sorry if this was downright shit
its my first time, so it may rly suck
its not like those people who say its their first and write a goddamn piece of smut literature so
hope you enjoyed it :)