Status: In progress. Updates whenever I get around to posting.


Chapter 6

I laid there, playing with the bag of ice calmly, until I felt my legs being raised. I let out a noise of complaint, which was pretty embarrassing, honestly, and pulled them away from his hands, glaring at him weakly, which just earned me a wide smile accompanied by a few chuckles. I kicked his arm weakly, sitting up a little so he couldn't grab my foot. He sat where my legs had been a moment before, draping his arms around the back of the couch, keeping his gaze on the tv screen. He had a lazy smile on his face, and he looked content. I caught myself staring and just looked towards the screen, hopefully before he noticed.

We sat there in silence as the movie started, each of us on a separate end of the couch, him looking relaxed, while I… Well I looked nervous. I had my knees pulled up, my arms rested over them, the ice still pressed against my hand, and my chin resting against my arm. My eyes wouldn't stay in one place for more than a moment, and my fingers were tapping against my leg. I must've looked ADD to someone that walked by the room.
We were about fifteen minutes into the movie, when Austin paused it and stood up, holding out his hand for me. I looked up at him, an eyebrow raised, to which he rolled his eyes, like he knew that was going to be my reaction.

“We gotta bandage your hand, come on,” he said with a small smile. Oh right, it’s been twenty minutes. I felt my cheeks heat up as I felt embarrassment flood over me, I’d forgot about my hand, honestly. I took his hand and stood up, following him towards the stairs as he started to walk. It wasn't even until we breached the top steps that I realized he hadn't let go of my hand, and I started to get even more nervous. Do I pull it back? Do I leave it there? Do I ignore it and act like it’s nothing? I shook my head, telling myself to calm down before I had a panic attack and made him worry even more about me, which he didn't need to be in the first place. He finally let go when we reached the bathroom, and I hopped onto the counter while he looked through the cabinets for the bandage. He pulled out some burn lotion, handing it to me and telling me to apply a little bit of it to my hand before he bandaged it up. I gave him a weird look, but I did as he said, handing the little bottle back to him after putting a small amount on my finger. Since when did he become a doctor? Not that I was complaining, hell, I’d love to have Austin as my personal nurse. He’d look cute in scrubs too. I bit my lip in attempt to hide a smile because damnit, he’s standing right there, Kellin!

I began to rub the little bit of burn lotion onto my hand, hissing in discomfort because it burned, so bad. I bit my lip to keep the soft groan that wanted to escape in, sucking it up and rubbing the lotion in. Austin found the bandage, eventually, and went to stand in front of me, gently taking my hand and wrapping it in the bandage. I watched his hands the whole time, occasionally glancing up at his face.

He was careful the entire time, and he had the most caring look on his face as he was doing it, like his child just got a scraped knee or something and he was helping them bandage it up, and it made my heart melt. His tongue was sticking out of his mouth just a little as he focused, and I had to bite back an “aww”, because, it was just the cutest thing. I guess I was still staring at him when he finished, because he looked at my face and smiled softly. I felt my face heating up, and I looked away with another slight bite of my lip. I heard him say something under his breath, and glanced over.

“What was that?”

As if he were shocked that I heard, he started to get a little pink and looked away, taking a step back and putting everything back. “Nothing…” he murmured, not making eye contact with me. I frowned a bit. He glanced over, saw me frowning, then looked away, running his hand through his hair nervously, letting out a shaky sigh. I hopped off the counter and rested a hand on his shoulder, hoping I was being comforting.

“Austin, you’re my best friend, you can tell me,” I said softly, and when he glanced over at me, I smiled gently to back up my words. His lips twitched up in a smile and he shook his head a little, closing his eyes for a mere second before opening then back up and looking over at me again.

“I just said you look really cute when you’re blushing, cause, ya know, you seem to do it a lot when you’re around me,” he said, leaning against the door frame. At first, I just stood there, trying to let my mind process what he just said. I blinked a little, then glanced down, hoping my hair was long and dark enough to cover my face, cause now it was definitely heating up, BIG TIME. I heard him chuckle a little, then felt my chin being tipped up and my hair being moved. “Like that,” he teased, then chuckled a little more, which just made me turn more red. “Now, come on, we have movies to watch,” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bathroom. I hurried after him so I wouldn't trip over my own feet, but it was in vain, because I still did it anyway, and caught up so I was walking by his side.

“You walk, insanely fast, you know,” I huffed out as I caught up to him.

“Maybe you just walk too slow,” he retorted back, but there was a snicker under his tone. I rolled my eyes, and he continued, “It’s because I’m so tall, have you seen my legs?”

“Austin, you’re like all legs. And they’re too skinny,” I replied, reaching over and giving his thigh a quick squeeze. He let out a high-pitched squeal and hopped away from me when I did, which just made me let out a short laugh.

“Stop that! That tickled! Not funny!” he whined as we started down the stairs. I started to smile a little, swinging our hands in between each other, taking a slight glance over at him to see him smiling. It just made me smile bigger, and I stayed silent as we reentered the living room. I resumed my perch on the couch, folding my legs up against my chest again, resting my chin on my knee, as he started the movie up again, watching him as he sat next to me. And I mean, next to me. Like, really close. He didn't seem to notice, though, as he grabbed the popcorn, holding it on his lap. However, after a few minutes, he set the popcorn on the other side of him, out of my reach, and when I asked him for some, he just shrugged and continued to eat it. I huffed in annoyance and reached over him to get the bag, and you’ll never believe it. He moved the bag further away from me, making me lean over more. I swear he likes being tall, just so he can do this. It’s not fair! Eventually, I just gave up trying to get it and settled where I was resting, leaning against his side, my head on his chest a little. He didn't seem to mind, really, and I could feel him shift to let me get more comfortable.

Austin was really warm, and he smelt really good. Okay, okay, I know that sounds really weird, but I can just smell him from where I’m sitting. It’s not like I was purposely trying to smell him, or anything.

He stopped munching on the popcorn a few minutes later, and I lunged for it, sitting up and grabbing it before he could stop me, taking a few pieces from it. But instead of eating them, I just turned and threw them at Austin’s face. Startled as he got hit with pieces of really-fattening-but-so-good corn, he recoiled back a little bit, then looked at me, a startled look on his face. I was about to burst into a fit of giggles at his facial expression, and when he took one of the pieces that was sitting on his chest, and threw it back at me. I leaned backwards and caught it in my mouth and leaned back to my original position, chewing with a smug smirk on my face.

“Oh so you wanna play that game, huh?” he started to smirk and took the bag back from me. Before I could protest, he took a piece and threw it at me again. It took me off guard, so it hit me right between my eyes, and was about to fall to the floor, but I grabbed it before it could disappear forever in the couch, and threw it back at him. He tried to catch it, but failed and waved it off as it fell to the floor behind the couch. He took another piece out and tried again. We went on like this for a while, completely ignoring the movie that was playing, until we were down to one piece of popcorn. He raised it to his lips, but didn't eat it, just kept it held in his mouth, like he wasn't sure if he wanted it or not, turning his attention back to the movie. I bit my lip and resisted the urge to reach up and grab it from him. His eyes were fixed on the movie, but he would steal a glance my way once in a while, and I noticed. He had the slightest bit of a smile on his face when he would looked over at me too. I narrowed my eyes and watched him, not bothering to turn towards the movie. I could feel myself beginning to smirk, and my thoughts suddenly spilled from my mouth before I could think about it, or stop them.

“Are you gonna eat that piece of popcorn or do I have to do it for you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this might be the longest chapter so far.
I think there'll be like two more chapters of my prewritten crap before I have to actually start writing it again. Ohno.
Just enjoy it while it lasts because I'll probably end up forgetting to write, or write something else, and yeah...
Anyway! Enjoy! <33