They Stole Something Precious

You Can't Sweep Me Off My Feet

It had been what felt like since I left, and Green and I were heading towards Celadon City which means it hadn't been long at all.
We decided to walk through the forest instead of on the road, because we had ran into lot of other trainers wishing to battle and although it was nearly impossible to beat either of us, we would accept.
"Are you coming, Paine?" Green asked, seemingly annoyed. I scoffed and held back my sarcastic response.
"I'm right behind you, Green" I had been wrong when I assumed Green's attitude was all an act. But maybe he was acting this way because I wasn't being too likable myself. When we had left Lunar Town I was trying to get to know him, and he wouldn't really talk to me much. So I just tried to ignore him, and do things on my own. Which is never a good idea when you have always had someone by your side.

"Green, do you know how long until we reach Celadon City?" I asked, he hummed, and looked up at the sky before looking back at me. "A few more hours. Why are you tired?" He asked, a smirk adorning his face. I turned my head to the side, and answered with a quick "No."
"Well then we better talk to make it seem like it isn't taking as long. What is your favorite color?" He asked, I eyed him cautiously.
"Are you serious? If I don't say Green are you going to get mad?" I answered, he laughed and I couldn't help but smile. "Not at all." I shrugged, and hummed.
"I suppose my favorite color is Green. But for reasons other than you." I said, his smirk had never left his face however it had gotten seemingly larger.
"You're a bad liar" I shook my head as he was laughing loudly. "So why is it your favorite color? Enlighten me." He continued, I crossed my arms and looked around us.
"The color Green reminds me of Nature. The smell of Grass, and the wind and I suppose it is what I link with freedom. Growing up, Mercy and I-" I stopped talking, unable to continue.
I didn't trust him enough to know about what had happened to the two of us. As far as he knew, we were two Lunar City townsfolk.
"Just forget about it, Green's my favorite color. Hey look a Spearow!" I called, sending out my Jolteon. "Jolt, use Thunder Fang!"
The Pokémon was weakened so I sent out a Pokéball, capturing the poor thing. I retrieved the Pokéball and smiled at it. "Just wait. You are going to become strong, and you will love being a part of this family." I said putting the ball away on my belt.
"Congratulations on catching your first Pokémon on this Journey." Green said, I turned toward him and grinned widely. "Thanks! But we still have to train a whole lot before we are ready for the League." I said, sighing. He placed his hand on my shoulder and led me forward. "When the time comes, you will fight. But you need to get all of the badges, remember?" I was actually a bit nervous about that. What if he decided one day I wasn't good enough to train, or I was a burden to him and just up and left?
I nodded and we continued walking, laughing at each other. I hadn't noticed until we arrived at the town that his arm had been around my shoulders the entire time. When did that even happen?
We walked into the Dept. Store and split up, grabbing things we needed. I purchased my things, and headed up to the roof to buy some water, where a trainer came up to me.
"Will you get me a drink? I will trade you for a TM." I smiled at the kid and nodded.
I picked out lemonade for the both of us, and gave the kid one. He smiled and thanked me, handing me the TM before exiting. I looked down at it, and grinned at the Tri Attack. Green came up next to me as I placed the item in my backpack, and took my drink.
I glared at him, as he raised an eyebrow at me. He handed me the empty container, and I slumped down on the picnic table. I heard him grunt and walk away, then I heard the vending machine drop something, and another Lemonade was set in front of me.
I was surprised, and I looked up at Green who had his usual smirk on his face.
I grinned at him and took the drink. Maybe I was right after all. It could all be an act.