Status: Posting and writing chapter now, 11/7/13.

40 Ounces and an Acid Tab...

Week One, Day Two.


Fast asleep on Nick Andopolis' couch, dreaming...I was pretty sure something else was happening around me.

"I swear to God man," Jason was saying "I'm telling you man, R.E.M is gonna make it, I heard their new single, it's pretty good."

"Aww man, I just don't know, I mean, when you take bands like-"

"Nicholas." Nick was interrupted by his father.

"Huh? Oh, dad! I thought you were gone this week." Nick stammered out, while standing up and trying to make himself semi-descent looking.

His dad was in the military, and could be a very scary man if he wanted to be.

"Nicholas, what the hell is this? It smells terrible in here, and it looks even worse!" his father barked angrily.

"Dad, me and my friends were just-"

"I know exactly what you were doing! This kind of stuff is not accepted in our household! No drums for a week!" Nick's dad was beyond furious now, and I just sort of felt awkward just lying there, listening to their argument.

"DAD!" Nick argued, but to no avail.




"What the fuck-WHOA!" I barely said, while falling of the couch.

"And I want all of your weed, smokes, alcohol, or any other kind of drug in my possession. Tomorrow morning it should all be on my desk. AND I KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE SO DON'T HOLD BACK!" His father was eying my evilly, and I could tell he thought I was a bad influence. Nick seemed almost defeated.

"Dad, I know that-"

"You don't know anything, Nicholas. Your grades are terrible, you are turning into a burnout, and all of your friends are illiterate!"

"Hey!" Jason yelled.

"Get out, of my house. NOW!" Mr. Andopolis marched up the stairs, fuming.

"Alright guys, you just, better head out..." Nick said quietly.

"Lindsay, you need a ride?"

"Yeah, I'll drive you and Jason."

"Thanks for coming over...." Nick trailed off. He seemed defeated. It bummed me out.

Later that day, at lunch, Daniel Desario walked up to Nick. "Dude, Ken says that he could score us some really, really sweet acid. Like the kind we had with Sandy a few weeks ago."

Nick seemed all of a sudden very interested once he mentioned Sandy, and the acid of course.

"Really? Nice. Where is he getting it from?"

"I don't know, his cousin or something, who cares? Probably the same guy he got it from a few weeks ago" Daniel seemed uninterested with the details of how they were going to get the acid.

"Yeah I guess- Oh, hey, let's invite Andrew Rennon... and his buddy. They were really cool, I got baked with them last night." Nick suggested, grinning.

"Okay, fine, whatever, but they gotta pay for their part, you know?" Daniel eyed Nick suspiciously.

"Yeah it's cool. I'll tell him. Hey, so you know R.E.M.? I really think they could make it as a band, you know..." Nick trailed off

"Hey... Hey!" Nick yelled down the hallway.

I turned to look who it was, and once I saw it was Nick, I responded,

"Hmm? Oh, yeah... what's up?"

"Dude, one of my friends is gonna score us some acid, if you and your friend pay ten buck each, you could chill with us on Saturday, that's when we are taking it." He said excitedly.

"'Uhh, sure, maybe I mean. We'll see." I was a bit unsure, but it could always be fun.


Shit, the bell always rings at the worst times!

"Hey, catch you later, gotta get to science... I'll talk to Jason about it." I told Nick, who seemed content with my answer...

"Listen, I just don't know, ya know? I was explaining, while walking with Jason, "I told him I'd tell you about it, but I haven't ever taken acid before... It sound pretty fun, but still."

Jason was listening attentively, and he seemed down with the whole idea.

"Listen, these guys are obviously cool, we'll have a whole party, man. It'll be fucking awesome! Just pay your ten and I"ll pay mine, we'll go through with it."

"I'm still uneasy about the whole situation...listen, I just don't know, I know Nick is cool and all, but-" I was interrupted by a blonde bombshell who seemed to be eavesdropping.

"Hey, you guys talking about dropping acid with Nick Andopolis and his friends?" The girl said, smirking at me.

"Umm..." I stumbled out.

"Yes, we are. What's it to you?" Jason said coolly. He didn't seem to like the fact that she had just interrupted our conversation, not to mention had just been eavesdropping as well.

She continued on without caring if we had anything to say,

"I had some with them like, a few weeks ago. It was wild..." she trailed off at this part, most likely remembering something that happened, "You should totally go for it. I'm Sandy, by the way." She stuck out her hand, and was still wearing that smirk on her face.

"Hey Sandy, I'm Jason, this is Andrew." Jason was always smoother with the ladies than I was.

"Hey. Umm, so you are sure that their cool?" I asked, still not convinced.

"Yeah, totally! ...They can get you some really great acid too." she said.

"Alright. Okay, I'll do it. You want to come with us?" I said, trying to be smooth for Sandy.

"Nah, I have other shit going on, you know? But tell me about it later, alright?" she replied.

"Sure thing, I'll see you around." I said quite smoothly, again.

Jason and I continued walking "She was pretty cool, right?"

"Yeah.. let's go talk to Nick."

Before now were just the events leading up to the real story, the part where my life changes...

That night, a little after midnight, I was just finishing up my homework when the phone started ringing.
♠ ♠ ♠
The year is 1981, and you are reading this as if it was written in 1981, a few months (possibly a year) after the events of the story.

Written by Ejmartin99

Edited by BaconAndopolis