Status: Active.


more missed chances to escape

"Okay honey, how are you going to get home?" Dr. Reynolds asked. I looked up at him.

"I can go home?" I asked. He nodded. "Um, I guess I'll call a cab."

"Okay sweetie, you'll be able to leave in a couple hours. Now, we need to discuss your home care," he said, grabbing my chart and jotting some notes on it. "We kept you here as long as possible so you should be alright on your own. You'll find that you're going to get tired very easily. Get plenty of rest but try to increase your activity daily, it will help you heal faster. The nurse will make an appointment with you to come back."

"That's it?" I asked. He sighed and put down the clipboard with my chart on it.

"I would also like to recommend therapy. I can't force you to go but I strongly advise it," Dr. Reynolds said softly. I shook my head. I didn't want to deal with another adult. "Think about it."

I closed my eyes and waited for him to leave. I had lost track of time since I'd been in the hospital. It had to be August already but I wasn't sure of the date. I had been alone the entire time, with no visitors. I jumped when someone knocked on the door.

"Grace," Auggie's voice was soft. I opened my eyes to see him and James standing at the door to my room. "We heard they're letting you out today. Do you need a ride home?" I shrugged. James approached the bed slowly. I felt more comfortable with him, partially because he was around my dad's age. Auggie was too young to really be an adult figure for me.

"Honey we came to see if maybe you remember what happened to you?" He said gently. I shook my head. The detectives exchanged a look. "Grace, we can still protect you if you tell us who did this now. If we take you home and we haven't arrested him, he's going to be able to do it again."

Obviously they had given up all pretense of pretending to believe me. I buried my face in my hands for a moment.

"I don't know," I told them firmly. We all knew it was a lie.

"Okay sweetie," Auggie pretended to agree with me lie. "Well it's time to go. Do you have real clothes to change into?" I reached into the drawer beside the bed for my things and pulled them out. The hospital had issued me sweatpants and a t-shirt since I had been naked when I'd come in and I hadn't had any visitors to bring me clothes. I stepped into the small bathroom to change. As soon as the door closed behind me I took several deep breaths. I wasn't sure I was ready to go out into the world.