Status: Active.


we've been here before

When I got home I wanted nothing more than a hot shower but just walking upstairs to my room exhausted me. Instead I collapsed onto my bed and succumbed to sleep. I woke up to the sound of someone coming upstairs.

"Grace?" Liam called out. He sounded concerned. I wondered if anyone had told him and Liz where I was the past two weeks.

"In here," I called. I sat up slowly in bed just as he walked in.He stood for a moment staring at me.

"Oh thank God, where have you been?" He asked, his voice filled with both relief and concern at the same time. "We've been so worried about you."

"Where's Liz?" I asked.

"She didn't think you would be here. We've been coming by every day but we didn't know where you were. I had my parents call your parents but they wouldn't tell them anything other than that you were fine and you'd gone away for a bit. Hunter wouldn't say anything either," Liam explained. I flinched at Hunter's name.

"I was sick," I lied. "I was in the hospital. I'm sure my family just didn't want everyone to get worked up about it until they knew what was going on. There was some concern that I might have what Sophia had." I felt sick lying to him like that and using my dead sister to do it but I didn't know what else to do. I felt trapped.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lied again. "I'm fine now. Just a few lingering side effects but once those clear I'll be totally good to go. I'll be okay in time to start school."

"School starts in two weeks," Liam pointed out. "You'll be okay by then?" I nodded. I hadn't realized how much time I'd lost in the hospital. He hugged me gently and I relaxed for an instant. Liam was very strong and he had always taken care of me in the past. I considered telling him everything. I opened my mouth and I knew the words were going to spill out.

"Grace?" It was Hunter's voice this time. I stepped away from Liam to see Hunter in the doorway. He grinned and pulled me to him. "I'm so happy you're okay." He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

"Well I'll let you two talk," Liam said. He smiled at me and then left. Hunter dragged me to the window to watch Liam get into his car and drive off.

"Why is it always Liam?" Hunter asked, his voice low and deadly. He grabbed my arm hard. "I think maybe you should stay away from him and his slutty sister entirely."

"Baby, they're my friends. She's my best friend," I argued, pleading with him. His grip tightened and I froze.

"Not anymore," he said firmly. I nodded my agreement. "Good. Now come here and show me how much you love me." He kissed me hard and pushed me back until I fell onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and I realized where this was going. I hadn't been ready the first time we'd had sex and I felt even less ready now.

"Baby, not tonight," I whispered. "I'm not feeling up to it." He kept kissing me, running his hand up and down my side. I tried to pull away but suddenly his hand was around my throat. I fell still instantly. He was still kissing me but his hands were starting to wander. Anytime I squirmed one of them would come to my throat immediately. When I didn't protest he was peeling my clothes off. All too soon we were naked. "Hunter, please," I tried one last time to stop him.

"Shut up Grace," he snapped. "I saw how Liam was holding you earlier. Is that why you don't want to do it? Too tired from doing him earlier?" I shook my head. Hunter pried my thighs apart with his knees and looped one hand around both my wrists. I didn't even realize what exactly he was doing until it was too late. I cried out in pain as he entered me. This time the pain didn't lessen. It hurt the entire time. I lay there staring at the ceiling until finally I felt him tighten and shudder inside me.

Once again he fell asleep easily, even though it was only ten o'clock. I lay awake for a long time before I rolled out of bed and crawled to bathroom. I locked the door behind me and climbed into the tub. I turned on only the hot water and sat there as the tub filled around me. I didn't feel any cleaner though so I stood up and switched the water to the shower head. The water was scalding but it still wasn't enough. Eventually I gave up and turned the water off. I wrapped a towel around myself and stood in the middle of my bathroom. I didn't know how to deal with what had just happened. Just thinking about what had transpired earlier made my stomach lurched. I realized that there was another reason my stomach was lurching and lunged for the toilet just in time. I sank to the floor crying and laid my head on the cold tile.