Status: Active.


regrets are for the outsiders

I fidgeted with the dress that Liz had picked out for me. It was one of hers, brought over by her brother. I was slightly taller than her and the dress was shorter on me than I wanted. It also showed more cleavage than I was used to showing. The makeup she had put on me felt heavy. The only part of my look that I liked was my hair, which curled gently around my waist with braids at the front. It was some complicated style that I would never be able to replicate. Liz swatted my hands away from the bottom of my dress. I glanced at her standing behind me in the mirror.

"Stop worrying. You look beautiful. Now go downstairs and play hostess while I get ready," she ordered. I walked unsteadily down the stairs, wobbling in my heels. I stumbled near the bottom but thankfully Liam was there to catch my arm. He made sure I was steady before drawing his hand away.

"I see my sister got to you," he said quietly. I glanced up at him then away, avoiding his eyes. "You look uncomfortable."

"I am," I admitted. "I feel very exposed and my house is about to be filled with people I barely know." I clamped my mouth shut. Sometimes when I was talking to Liam I told him things that I never meant to share. He had that affect on me.

"Are you scared? I won't let anything happen to you," he promised. He nudged my chin until I was forced to look up at him. "I know I couldn't protect you before but there's nothing that's going to happen here tonight that I can't handle." I leaned into his warm hand and for an instant I thought I saw something flash through his eyes. Then he pulled away.

"Thank you," I whispered. With his reassurance I headed into the living room to greet the people who had already arrived. It wasn't long until the living room was packed full of people. Liz descended the stairs shortly after the party really started to get going, just in time to make an entrance. She immediately began to mingle. I stayed on the fringe of the party, hovering near the kitchen entrance.

I drifted outside to the back porch and sat on a patio chair. The night air was refreshing and it was slightly quieter than in the house. I closed my eyes and let my thought wander. They landed where they so often did - on Sophia. I wondered what she would be doing at this party. When she was my age she had been vibrant, healthy, outgoing, and beautiful. She had probably been to a hundred of these parties.

I was jolted from my revere by the sound of the door opening. The noise of the party washed over me and then vanished. I turned to see a stranger sliding the door closed. He smiled when he saw me looking at him. I couldn't help but stare, partially because he had startled me but mostly because he was incredibly handsome.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't realize anyone was out here. I just need a moment to myself. I can leave if I'm disturbing you." I shook my head.

"No, I don't mind," I said. He pulled a chair out and sat on it backwards, straddling it. He leaned his arms on the back and leaned his head down. He looked sweet and vulnerable but also like he was trying to start a real conversation with me. I pulled my feet onto the chair and wrapped my arms around my calves.

"I'm Hunter," he said with the charming smile I would soon learn was his trademark. My heart fluttered.

"Grace," I whispered. I couldn't look away from his butterscotch eyes. I wondered for a moment if he could see into my soul.

That was how it all started, at a party in my own home, with my best friend and the man who had sworn to protect me not twenty feet away.