Status: Active.


another lonely sunset

Around four o'clock the loneliness started to set in. The house seemed especially quiet and empty after the party the night before. I meandered around aimlessly for awhile before finally settling in front of the piano. I began playing familiar melodies to practice before beginning to work on the piece that I was writing. It was based on my life and all the things I had experienced. I had hit a block though because my life had been stagnant for the last six months. I loved writing my own songs, making the people and events in my life into music. This piece was the first that had stumped me though. I had written several shorter, more focused pieces about specific events.

Finally I gave up and wandered over to the couch. The light from outside was starting to turn gray as the sun disappeared over the horizon. I knew that I had once found sunsets to be very beautiful but I couldn't find that feeling anymore. I laid down and closed my eyes, hoping that sleep might take me away from my pain and loneliness.

I was startled awake by the sound of the doorbell. I padded to the front door and opened it to see Hunter. For an instant I was frightened but then he smiled and the feeling passed.

"Hey Hunter, did you forget something?" I asked. He grinned.

"No, I just thought I would come by and see if you wanted to get a late dinner with me, if you haven't already eaten," he explained. "I know your parents aren't coming home...for awhile. I figured you might be bored here all by yourself." I inhaled sharply at his well placed pause. Had I told him that my parents weren't coming home? I wished I could remember what I'd said in my drunken stupor.

"Yeah, sure, that would be great," I agreed. I grabbed my jacket and my purse from the coat rack behind the door. "Let's get out of here." I closed the door and Hunter wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I felt my body tense but tried to shrug it off. I couldn't believe I was turning into such an introvert that I flinched when a cute guy put his arm around me.