Status: Active.


breakfast at Marie's

I let myself into the house and locked the door behind me. My lips were swollen from kissing but I still couldn't stop smiling. After two weeks of endless texting, calling, and hanging out Hunter had finally asked me to be his girlfriend. We shared our first kiss just moments later, followed by several more. My hand drifted unconsciously to my lips and I grinned wider. I couldn't remember being so happy.

I immediately sat down at the piano, trying to capture my new feelings into the song I was writing. I was inspired for the first time in months. The notes seemed to flow easily from my fingers, as if my heart were communicating directly with the piano. I got lost in myself for hours, only stopping when exhaustion set in. It was the middle of the night before I stopped. I couldn't even manage the walk upstairs. Instead I pulled a blanket out of the ottoman and curled up on the couch. I slept easily.

"Grace, wake up," Hunter's voice permeated my dreams. "Sweetie, come on, get up, I want to take you for breakfast." I sat up when I realized it wasn't in my dreams that I was hearing Hunter's voice. He was kneeling beside me on the couch.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, squinting up at him. He grinned.

"You left the front door unlocked," he said with a casual shrug. I tried to remember the night before. I was pretty sure that I had locked the door as soon as I got home but maybe I'd forgotten. I rubbed my eyes and stood up.

"Can I at least shower and change?" I requested. He sighed and motioned for me to hurry. I kissed his cheek before racing upstairs. I quickly showered and dressed, tossing on clean shorts and a tank top. Flip flops and my purse were already by the door ready to go. I pulled out my keys and locked the door behind us.

"Come on, I'm taking you to Maria's Pancake House. It's my absolute favorite," he announced.

"Sounds good," I said, even though I really didn't like pancakes at all. I wanted to please him and it seemed to early in our budding relationship to complain about small things. When we arrived we were seated almost instantly. The waitress seemed to know Hunter. She touched his arm when talking to him and turned her back to me. I was too tired to say anything, plus I didn't want to seem like the jealous type. As soon as she walked away though Hunter reached across the table and took my hand. I smiled at him, glad he wanted to make it clear that we were together. I didn't realize right away that he had ordered for me until the girl came back with food. She glanced at our interlaced fingers sullenly before slamming down our plates in front of us.

It appeared that I didn't need to worry about not liking pancakes. Hunter had ordered me an English muffin, scrambld egg whites, and a bowl of fruit. I stared down at the food in front of me, wondering why he had ordered this for me at a pancake house.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "I figured you're probably watching your figure, so I asked for healthier options for you." I didn't know quite what to say to that so I just put on a fake smile and began to eat.