Status: Active.


the first time

"Happy one month anniversary babe," Hunter whispered in my ear. I snuggled closer to him. We were in my bed cuddling and watching television. It was just after midnight.

"It feels like longer," I said. "It feels like we've been together forever."

"Well that's because we go together so well it's as if it has been forever. Plus it's summer," he said. I turned to look at his face.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Summer days are like dog days," he explained. "With so much free time to spend together it's as if each day we're together is really like a week."

"Ah, so really it's as if we've been together for seven months?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Exactly. And that would be seven lucky months for me to be with such an incredible girl," he told me.

I blushed and kissed him gently on the lips. He deepened the kiss, pulling me closer to him. We rolled a bit so that he was on top of me. I relished every kiss from him as we made out. He began kissing my neck and collarbone before sitting up. I sat up too and he pulled my shirt over my head. He kissed my breasts before returning his mouth to mine. He began to squeeze and fondle my breasts. I let out soft breathy moans every time he did anything that made me feel good. He slipped his hand behind my back and undid my bra hook. My bra was discarded over the side of my bed, along with his shirt. I enjoyed the feeling of his warm naked skin body against mine. We continued to make out as he started to grind his pelvis against mine. I was actually starting to get really turned on. Eventually we were both down to just our underwear. I pulled away from him, panting heavily. He didn't give me a chance to say anything before he leaned down and sucked on my nipple. I gasped as pleasure shot through my body. He grinned and continued to gently suck and bite both my nipples, using his hand to play with whichever one wasn't covered by his mouth. Then he came back up and I kissed him hungrily. He slipped his hand down to my underwear and I stopped.

"Hunter, I'm not ready," I whispered. He pulled away immediately.

"Of course. Sorry. I know that you're only fifteen and that your virginity is important to you. I hope that one day, when you are ready, you'll give it to me," he said sweetly. I kissed him gently and we resumed cuddling.

I noticed that my phone was blinking and grabbed it. I had missed a text from Liam.

'Are you still up?'

'Yes, watching TV with Hunter. :)'

"Baby, who are you texting?" Hunter asked.

"Oh, it' Liam," I said.

"Why are you texting another man in the middle of the night? Does he always text you this late?" Hunter asked, his voice low. I shrugged.

"Yeah, sometimes. He knows I'm usually up writing songs," I explained. Hunter grabbed my arm hard, and I cried out.

"My girlfriend shouldn't be texting some other guy this late. He might get ideas," he continued, shaking me as he spoke. His voice was quiet but still dangerous.

"Baby, it's just Liam, he's one of my oldest friends. And he knows I'm with you," I pointed out.

"I don't care. Only little sluts text other guys this way," Hunter yelled. I started to protest but he reached out and hit me hard across the face. I froze. I didn't know what to say as panic set in. My heartbeat pounded in my ears. Before I could even think how to respond I felt another blow, and another. I knew that Hunter was yelling at me but I couldn't discern what the words were.

I pushed away from him until I fell off the bed. I huddled on the floor, waiting for another blow. When none came I peeked up at Hunter. He looked horrified and to my surprise he began to cry.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry," he sobbed. "I've just become my dad. I'm so so sorry. I can't believe I did this to you. I swore I would never be like him." I hesitated a moment before climbing to my feet and hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. I could hear him whispering apologies over and over. My heart broke for him. I didn't know that he had grown up with an abusive father.

"Shh, it's okay, I know you didn't mean it," I reassured him. "It's not your fault." I held him until he calmed down and then he kissed me. I didn't know how to handle what had just transpired. Bruises were already beginning to appear on my pale skin. I was still mostly naked. He kept kissing me though until finally I kissed him back.

He gently escalated our kissing back to the level it had been at before, moving very slowly. I moaned as he continued to try to arouse me. I was very turned on but at the same time I couldn't shake the feeling of fear. When he reached for my underwear once again I put my hand on his. Hunter looked me in the eyes and I saw the man who had hit me was still in there, waiting to come out again. I let go of his hand. I wanted to say no, to tell him to stop but I was afraid of what might happen. I winced as he slid himself inside me but after a few thrusts the pain stopped and it actually began to feel good. I raised and lowered my hips to match his rhythm, moaning in pleasure. We climaxed together and he collapsed on top of me then rolled to the side. I flinched and then relaxed when he pulled me closer to him. He fell asleep easily but I couldn't follow suit.