Status: Active

Blood, Sweat & Ink

Josh-Part 2

Lydia was napping on the couch in the loft when she awoke to somebody throwing her off the couch and, for good measure, kicking her in the ribs with a steel toe boot.

"You fucking whores are all the same!" he heard Josh scream.

She gave Jime a puzzled looked.

"I'm just as clueless as you are, man," Jime said.

"Me too," said Kyle.

"Me three," added Joey.

"Me a billion and one times," Tatu Baby said.

"Relax, bro," Jime assured the other four contestants. "The judging of the head tattoos is coming. No way in hell he'll escape after that shitty biomechanical he did on that old guy, not this time."

Jime turned out to be right.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Josh screamed as not only did the judges eliminate him, but also had the police handcuff him. Dave had revealed the night before that Josh had attempted to rape her sister. The original plan was to simply disqualify Josh before the Elimination Tattoo, but the other judges said no, they wanted to see if he could pull a damn good tattoo out of his ass. Turns out, no.

"This show is fucking rigged!" he continued on. "Lydia is Dave's sister-in-law, and she's screwing Kyle as well! These four have been plotting to get rid of me since the show began! Don't arrest me, arrest them!"

Chris gave the arrested man a look Lydia had seen only once before: just before he threw Made Rich off the show for admitting he hated doing Asian-style tattoos, Chris' specialty. The patented you-are-dead-to-me look.

"Holy shit," Tatu Baby breathed, after hearing some vile words out of Josh's mouth, crudely implying that she slept her way to the top, just before he was tazed, finally shutting him up just before he was dragged off.

"It's gonna be a very dull competition without him," Joey observed.

"Here, here!"