Status: Active

Blood, Sweat & Ink

Wedding of the year

I was proud of my sister she was in the final three and Dave hugged her on tv. I was renewing my vows tomorrow and she had a whole week off to do her bring tattoo.

I was going on a vacation with Dave and she had the house to her herself for a week and Kyle was staying with her. I invited all the girls over and Dave was allowed to stay with us and the guys were over. We were having a ball and everyone was having a good time.


I woke up and headed to the huge estate we booked the wedding at. I was nervous and couldn’t believe I was renewing my vows. I started to get my hair done and makeup. I heard someone open the door and it was Lydia.

“How does Mrs. Navarro feel?” She asked.

“Nervous” I said.

I finally got done and slipped on my dress. I wasn’t going to cry because I was a strong woman. I got my jewelry put on and got my flowers ready. I looked at my sister who was smiling and told her to find her seat beside of Kyle. I was ready to walk down the aisle and stepped outside.

I heard the music and walked down the aisle. I grabbed Dave’s hands and he wore an all black tux.

“the couple has their own words vows to share, and the bride will go first then then the vows are next. I will say them” said the priest.

“Dave, I just wanted to say that when I walked down the aisle five years ago today I still mean what I said. Nothing can ever break us apart or shattered our relationship. We may fight we may argue but at the end of the day we still love each other” I said.

“Vanessa, you are my rock. The woman who completes me. You’re the woman who taught how valuable love really is and how much I cherish it. I love you more than I love my music and my guitars. You made me the man I am today and I love for it” Dave said about making me cry.

Then, the vows started.

Priest- will you support Vanessa in everything she does

Dave- yes

Priest- will you promise not to burn food when you cook for her

Dave- yes, I promise

Priest- would you make sure bri is taken care of while you’re on tour

Dave- yes, along with Jonathan

Priest- slip on the ring Vanessa

I slipped on his ring

Priest- would you let Dave use ur eyeliner, and black nail polish if he runs out

me- yes

Priest- Do you promise to not throw out the sexy gift that Lydia has bought you and Dave for your honeymoon?" My jaw dropped and I started giggling while looking over at my sister who was acting all innocent and watching the sky.

me- yes

priest- do you promise to make the sweetest love to Dave tonight

me- don’t have to think twice about it

priest- slip on the ring Dave

Dave slipped on my ring

priest- ladies and gents i now pronouce to you mr. and mrs. Dave Navarro, and you may kiss your bride

Dave bent down and kissed me. Everyone clapped and cheered. As we headed to the reception and we walked into the [url=]reception[/url]