
Chapter 4

Ashley POV
I walked into my room slowly, staring at my phone intently. Danny had just sent me a message saying there was going to be a massive party on Friday, everyone in the year was invited. I was considering going but I wasn't sure.
I put my phone away and sat on my bed. Maybe i would meet some new people. Yeah I liked Danny and his mates, but i always felt like I didn't belong with them or they didn't want me around anymore.
I got my phone back out and replied to Danny, saying that I would go for a bit. Then I threw my phone on my bed behind me and went downstairs to get some food. As I walked into the kitchen, I heard my phone go off again. So after grabbing a packet of biscuits, I went back upstairs again and found my phone. I had a message from an unknown number which was surprising as I was expecting Danny to reply. I layed back on my bed and opened the message and saw it was from Andy.
-Hi Ashley, it's Andy. I got your number of Jake and I was wondering if you want to meet me at lunch tomorrow so we can practice something for our project
I groaned. Danny wanted me to try out for the football team with him tomorrow but I really needed to get something sorted for the music project. Danny didn't really need me on the team anyway and I could always try out another day. I rolled over onto my stomach and started to reply.
-Hey Andy. Where did you want to meet then?
I pressed send and got a reply almost instantly.
-Errr the music room, where else? ok see you tomorrow then
I rolled my eyes and replied that it was fine before sending Danny another text saying that I couldn't do the football tryouts tomorrow and I'd just do it another day. Just as I sent the message my nan called me down, telling me my dinner was done.
I went down and sat down at the table. My nan had just put some pizza on and I quickly ate it, savoring that taste. As i was finishing my fifth slice, I was suddenly aware that my nan had been staring at me the whole time.
"Um, you ok?" I questioned awkwardly
She nodded and opened her mouth to speak but closed it quickly.
"Ashley, would you mind me leaving you alone for the weekend? I know I don't usually do this but it's a friend. She in hospital and her kids are young, six and nine, and I promised to look after them."
"Is tha-"
"of course if you really didn't want to be alone, you could always come alon-" I cut her off quickly.
"Nan, it's fine. It's only the weekend and I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself. And if I get lonely I'll just call Danny or something." I smiled a her. "Stop worrying. Anyway I'm done and I have to do some homework. I'll see you later."
I escaped from the table and sprinted up the stairs to my room. Grabbing my phone for the third time, I saw Danny had replied while I was eating.
-Ok man. I'll talk to the coach and get another day planned for you.
I didn't bother replying and I got my headphones out and turned on some music. Reaching under my bed, I got out a small bottle of Jack Daniels. Taking a sip, I thought about Andy and how beautiful his eyes were. Then I realized what I had just thought and pushed it out my mind. I only thought it because I've never seen eyes like his before. That's all. nothing weird about that.
Rolling over, I tried to think about what I was going to do for the music project but Andy kept popping into my head. I took a large swig of the alcohol and closed my eyes. he was kinda cu- NO I wasn't thinking that. That was weird. I've just had a long day and this is just my tired brain saying random things. I decided I needed to sleep and I'd be back to normal after I had some rest. Placing the bottle and my phone next to my bed, I got under the black blankets and lightly shut my eyes, quickly falling asleep.
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Yeah another crappy chapter. Sorry it's so late. School work and stuff. And I'm just lazy and couldn't be bothered to write anything
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