Status: Active

It's a Small Town After All

Let Loose

Kaity wiped down the counter with the white rag in one hand and was texting her friend in the other. Tonight was the big bonfire party and she wasn't going to miss it. She would close the shop now, change in the bathroom and then head on over to the clearing where the party was being held.

Hey, pick me up in 15 mins.

She sent the text to her friend, Lia, before putting her phone away and continuing to wipe down the counter until it looked clean enough. Kaity threw the rag into the laundry room, wiping off her hands on the black apron that was tied around her waste. She walked over and locked the door and turned over the sign that said open to closed. Kat hit the lights and then walked into the back room where she took off her apron and hung it up.

Kat changed from her work clothes and into a pair of short jean shorts and a black cropped tee that had daisy's on it. She let her hair down and brushed it out a bit. She touched up her mascara a bit and then she smiled at herself. Kaity grabbed her bag and headed out the back door where she locked it once outside. She lit up a cigarette and waited on Lia to get there so they could party.

The Annual Bonfire, as they call it, was one of the biggest parties there was. It symbolized the end of the school year. And for Lia, Kaity, and a bunch of others it meant no more school. So this party, Kaity promised herself to have a good time. After all this time she thought she'd never get out of high school. Yet here she was working at Lucy's Place on the last day she'll ever had had school. It was almost unbelievable.


"C'mon Kit-Kat, get your ass in the car!" Kaity smiled as Lia pulled up, yelling at her to get in the car. For as long as she could remember Kat loved the girl. Lia was just someone you got to know and then just never let go. She really didn't understand how people could say such awful things about her. Saying she was a slut, trash, and other horrible names. It wasn't fair to her. Lia definitely didn't deserve any of that. Just because one stupid kid screwed up didn't mean she didn't have feelings. Kaity got into the car and fastened her seat belt before looking over at her best friend.

"Let's go party!!" she exclaimed, arms thrown into the air.

Tonight was a perfect night for the bonfire. The air was warm but not hot. The wind was blowing just slightly. The sky was cloudless, stars shinning bright as ever. To be honest Kaity was in love. This was the kick start to her freedom. The party represented adulthood and getting out of this fucking town.

"Wow, I didn't think this many people would be here." Kat said as the car parked. There were definitely more people than last years.

"Really, Kaity? It's the party of your life time, and you didn't think it would be like... This?" Lia shrugged as they walked closer to humanity.

The flames were large and she could almost feel the heat from way over where they were. Kaity looked around the dark land scanning the people to see if she noticed anyone she knew. She saw Mattie Oakley, a ditzy cheerleader, dancing in the middle of a bunch of people. Her brother wasn't in sight, if at all there. Kat turned to Lia and just as she was about to say something her ears caught the sound of something beautiful. Flight Facilities's Crave You, the Adventure Club dubstep remix, was playing and she wasn't about to miss that song.

The brunette looked at her friend apologetically, almost pleaded her to come and dance with her to just this one song. She knew that Lia probably wouldn't come so she told her she'd be right back and then trotted over to the "dance floor." She weaseled her way into the group of people, pushing herself to the middle where she began to let the music wash over her, getting rid of all the school years she had just finished, all the people in this town, everything bad. Her eyes closed and her hands went into the air, her hips swayed, and it was like nothing could go wrong.

The group jumped and swayed to the beat of the music. Out of know where Lia appeared in front of her, sticking her tongue out in sort of a challenge way. Kaity laughed and agreed. They danced next to each other, trying to out beat or go along with one another. Suddenly she felt hands on her hip and hot breath on her ear.

"Glad to see you came."

Kaity turned around surprised to see Bryant Parker, the towns 'bad boy', pressed tightly against her. They hardly knew each other and she knew for a fact he didn't like Lia because one of his friends just happened to be the dumb ass who knocked her up.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at Lia who just shrugged at her and rolled her eyes.

"I'm having a good time."

Kaity sighed and shook her head. It was the last day of school, the first day of a new life. Why not go ahead and do something she normally wouldn't? She turned back around and rubbed her body against him. He was built, rock hard abs, but not overly muscly. What would one night with a handsome guy possibly do? This was innocent dancing. Kaity could only hope that Lia would be okay with this. It wasn't like she was really associating with him, right? Was she betraying her friendship by doing this?

There was no way. Lia had already found someone to hook up with, like she did almost every other night. She never got attached, was always safe. She didn't care anymore. So Kaity would keep dancing with this rich boy, and if Lia had a probably she knew that her best friend would tell her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kaity's Outfit

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