Status: Done (hurray for drabbles :D )

Game Over

Run Prey Run

Crisp, cold moonlight slipped through the dismal clouds. ‘I was going to be okay, I was going to be okay,’ the words seem to blend together as I repeated them inside my mind like a spell. Over the crunching of my own feet trampling the dead, autumn leaves I hear yours. You don’t bother to keep your feet quiet. You want me to know that I’m being followed.

My wheezing breath drawing in air that’s gone to quickly, and shaky leggings pumping carrying me further from danger. The air should’ve been cool and comforting, but it was hot and smoking, burning against my lungs. I had to keep going but I was so exhausted how could I?

I hid behind a giant oak, clutching at the bark. My breath is in short painfully loud gasps; I wish I could make it quieter. The pounding of your feet echo inside my head drowning out all the sanity I had left. Fear is all that I feel now. Fear that you will find me. Fear that I won’t be able to see another dawn.
It’s too late to change my mind now. I can’t go back in time. I wish I could, I would’ve listened to everyone I hadn’t before now. Every dream I ever had of us is being destroyed, no it already has been, it was when I found out what you are. “Prey and predator,” You hissed in my ear when you pushed me into a tree at the beginning of the woods. “Run, prey, run!” Those words were punctuated by a maniacal laughter. I didn’t even have time to feel the chill run down my spine before my instincts took over listening to your command. I ran.

All those years I complain about doing track, now I was sure it was the only thing keeping me alive right now. Even you had said the same thing. Whenever I complained you pat my back and tell me it could help me one day. I joked and said ‘Yeah, only if I ever decided to run a marathon’. And now I was in a marathon for my life. Then you laugh and kiss me saying ‘You never know what the future holds.’

But you did. You knew this moment was coming. You waited for the perfect time, when I would be most valuable to you. To the point where I had already fallen for you so hard I wouldn’t notice the dark glint in your eyes.

You’re feet are closer now, you slow down. You know I’m close. I take one last breath before darting away from my shabby hiding spot. I tried to run and hide behind another tree, but it’s too late for that. I didn’t even have time to scream before you pushed me into a tree. Your hand at my neck cutting off any voice I might’ve had.

I could only stare on in silence; everything had gone quiet. You’re face wide and wild, a fiery light in your eyes that I’d never seen before, watching, waiting, in a dark world for every fear I had come to life. Every nightmare awake into reality. The last thing I ever hear was a dark whisper of your voice in my ear. “I found you. Game over.”
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Sorry about the grammar guys, it's not my strong point and it never will be. It's not really scary, I know, but I wrote it for my Creative Writing Club and since I haven't posted in a while I thought I'd just add it anyways.