Status: This is posted on the Black Veil Brides site too, I'm under the same name there :)

*** It!

Chapter 2: We're Here To Fight

"How are you feeling?" said a familiar emotionless voice. I opened my eyes to find Leo inches away from my face. I jumped up startled, causing me to butt heads with him.
"God dammit Robin." he said rubbing his forehead. I quickly threw my covers off and attempted to walk to the bathroom. My head was pounding and my body felt like shit. I staggered, refusing the help of an already angry Leo. I raised an eyebrow at the big lump of human passed out on the bathroom floor. It was Dizzy, or Vince. Or Dizzy and Vince.
"Fucking christ." I groaned pushing their naked bodies outside the doors. I locked the door and turned the shower on. The little bit of clothing I had left on falling to a messy pile. I exhaled, allowing the warm water to soothe my muscles. I didn't know what time it was, I didn't care. When you're hungover this bad all you want to do is shut the world out. But lately all I wanted to do was shut the world out. You'd think the fame and attention the band was getting could pull me out of depression but it just made me sink farther. I didn't want any of it, I didn't want the masses of people calling our name. It frightened me. Because I know as quickly as things come, they go. I didn't want to allow myself happiness. I wasn't capable of it. But I know how important it is to the rest of the band. I wasn't going to ruin this for them. As long as I can be near them, and make music with them, I don't need anything else, right? I don't need to let the rest of the world in.

I finished my shower and threw on some clothes, trying to ignore the aggressive pounding in my head and my body yelling at me to go back to bed.
"Where's the schedule?" I asked Chaz looking at the blank bulletin board.
Our manager James should have had it ready hours ago.
He shrugged, "I haven't seen him all day. If he doesn't come in a few, we can just take off and act like we thought we had the day off." He grinned at me. He looked good today, his black hair was falling perfectly on his face, and his smile was as seductive as always.
"I'd be all for it if we didn't have Preliminaries today. Battle of The Bands, remember?"
He sighed, "Right."
"What's wrong, not excited as the rest? Leo looked like he wanted to shit rainbows." I said.
He laughed, "Yeah, I'm sure he's just fucking thrilled. I don't really care, I just don't know what to expect. It's our first time doing something like this."
"Yeah." I replied, looking to the floor.
He pulled me into a hug, "We'll be okay Robby."
"Yeah." I repeated, holding onto his embrace for a few minutes more. I turned to the front of the bus to see a panicked James stumbling over his feet.
"I'M SORRY. I'M HERE. GOD. I'M SORRY. FUCK. FUCK ME. GOD. FUCK." He said quickly pinning the long awaited schedule to the board.
"What happened to you James?" I laughed.
"I had company- I mean I overslept and the alarm and yeah." He said still rumbling through his things.
"Look you guys have a meet and great to prepare for in about 4 hours and after that you guys are going to be interviewed by two different Radio Stations. Following that, you'll have to run over to the preliminaries venue and start getting ready for soundcheck and rehearsals. You don't perform for about two hours then so about an hour before you and Chaz will be interviewed by Bryan Stars. This is important okay? That interview may paint how the public start perceiving you." he exhaled and I patted his back.
"Thanks James. You did good. Now go pick up some breakfast." I smiled.
He looked a little taken back, "Well aren't you in a good mood today. You're never this nice to me." he blinked a couple times and reached to see if I had a fever.
I swatted his hand away, "Don't push it. I've got a killer hangover and this is me trying to stay positive." His look of surprise quickly faded and he grew agitated.
"You guys DIDN'T. DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT TODAY IS? WHERE IS MY IDIOT OF A NIECE?" by niece, he was referring to Dizzy.
"Hey uh, I don't think Diz wants poor old Uncle Jamie to see her passed out and naked. Soo, I'd stay on this side of the bus if I were you." I tried to calm him down but his rage was growing.
"James, we'll take care of it, alright? Her and vince will be as good as new in about an hour. It's not my first time sobering them up. I won't let them make a fool out of themselves, promise." Chaz said massaging James' shoulders. Like always, Chaz to the rescue.
"Okay, but I WILL have words with her later." He said grimacing.
"Of course." James replied. He mouthed, "GO." to me and continued to massage James' back. I tiptoed over to the bathroom and filled up a bucket with water. I tilted my head at the awkward position Vince and Dizzy were in. I could compare it to a pretzel. I then swiftly poured the contents of the bucket over their bare bodies and watched the fun.


By the time we arrived to the meet and greet Dizzy and Vince were back to their obnoxious selves. I could hear Leo bickering with them in the background. When it was like this, Leo was the one who suffered from their play the most. They took joy in seeing him get riled up. When we got to the meet and greet there was a surprisingly large amount of people waiting to see us. We sat down and talked to fans, took pictures, signed autographs. We managed to get Leo to say a few words, but nothing big. The thing that shocked me the most was response to a fan that handed him a condom with a number on it.
"Why not." I'd never seen this side to him, it brought me a lot of amusement. Don't get me wrong, he has a lot of sex, A LOT of sex, but I'd never seen him go out of the way to please or charm a fan. It was a big improvement for him.

The interviews that followed went fairly quickly and before we knew it we were on the road to the venue. This was the time that the bus was most chaotic, we were getting our concert clothes ready and everyone was fighting for the mirrors to apply makeup. When the bus pulled into parking we stared out the window wide-eyed. Of Mice and Men, Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Asking Alexandria, all the bands we often listened to had tour buses here. Even more popular pop rock bands like Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco were here. And of course, Black Veil Brides. I grinned a little bit, this could actually be fun.
The venue was huge, and unsigned bands who weren't on the invite list had already begun auditions. The line extended almost half a mile outside of the entrance. When we got inside we had a changing room with our name on it. After a couple minutes James popped in and pulled me and Chaz out, "It's time for your interview with Bryan Stars, follow me." He gave Dizzy a solid glare and an 'I'm watching you' gesture before closing the door.

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't intimidating. As me and Chaz walked down the corridor there were a lot of bands chit chatting outside. Not a single one of them didn't turn to look us up and down. We linked arms almost automatically. We came to a room with a few couches, it looked like a lounge. Bryan Stars shook our hands and gestured us to sit down. He was a quirky kid. I'd seen a lot of his interviews before and knew what the nature of them usually were.
"It's pretty cool to meet you guys. This was one of my most requested interviews this month. I like your look today. What would you call this?" He said looking back and forth to me and Chaz. "Just Punk Rock. Maybe Assuming Rock haha." Chaz replied. I clenched his hand tightly, I was nervous. Bryan picked up his microphone
"We're here with Assuming God singer Robin Valentina and drummer Chaz. How are you guys feeling today?" he said leaning the microphone towards me.
"We're good Bryan, thanks. This is our first time doing a competition like this so we're not sure what to expect, but we're ready to fight." I replied.
"Fight? Do you guys have like a pre-show exercise or warm up where you fight each other?" he asked jokingly.
"Oh totally, we have a boxing match with a little ring and everything." I replied.
"Yeah we have customized gloves and costumes just for the occasion." Chaz added.
"What happens if someone gets knocked out?"
"Well we're pretty fucked then aren't we? It's never happened so we don't know yet." I laughed.
"Do you guys want to show me?" Bryan asked.
"No. It's a secret ceremony. We would have to kill you if we showed you." Chaz replied.
We joked on for about 20 minutes and Bryan came to an anticipated question.
"So, Black Veil Brides. Friends or Foes?"
"AAh I knew you'd ask. We don't know them, we've never met them. So we can't really comment. It's not like we're rivals or something, we don't really know what they consider us. But we're cool. This whole thing about competition was just sort of something the media made up, we've never really had any relation to them except for a flier they stapled to our bus." I said.
"We know you're close with them Bryan. Tell us, are they plotting against us?" Chaz said jokingly shaking him as if it were an interrogation. We all laughed and dove into a discussion about an upcoming tour. About ten minutes later Bryan saw someone walk past the lounge and ran after them. We could hear from where we were sitting "Andy! are you busy right now?"
Me and Chaz looked at each other questionably.
"That'd be.. slightly awkward if it was Andy Biersack he was bringing." Chaz laughed.
"Why would it be awkward." A deep voice said sarcastically as it entered the room. I spit out my drink and locked eyes with the tall slim man.
"Wow. Fuck. Sorry, I'm Chaz." Chaz said standing up and shaking hands with the man.
"Andy." he replied shaking his hand.
I placed my drink on the table and extended a hand to him.
"I'm Robin." Instead of shaking my hand he pulled it forward and kissed the top of it.
"It's a pleasure."
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Aww, see you guys get a long already. I think this will be my highest viewed video since I captured you guys meeting for the first time." Bryan said.
"Oh. Was that your motive?" Andy laughed.
"Maybe." He winked.
"Alright, I think the bands need to go prepare for the Battle now so we'll be ending the interview here. Andy I hope we can do another BVB interview soon and Robin I'd love to see you guys back for a second one. We still need to meet the rest of Assuming God." Bryan added.
"Well we'd love that. Thanks for having us." I said.

When the cameras turned off James pulled us out of the room with an agitated expression.
"Dizzy and Vince are missing." He said looking at the both of us angrily.
"What? What do you mean they're fucking missing? Where's Leo?" I asked.
"He's at the room. Earlier he stormed off pissed. When I ran into him he said they weren't there when he got back. Have you seen them?" He said.
"Well, no. We've been here the entire time. Chill your tits. They've gotta be around here somewhere." Chaz said.
"No Chaz. I can't chill my tits when you have sound check in less than an hour." James said.
"I know where they are." the deep voiced popped in again.
"What? Robin why does Andy Biersack know where my niece is? James said turning to me. I shrugged.
"Because she's drinking shots with our drummer CC." He piped up.
"Look buddy I don't care who you guys are don't fuck with my niece. The little invitation you left us the other day was fucked up. YOU DON'T KNOW ME. YOU DON'T KNOW MY FAMILY. OKAY?" I tried not to laugh being that James is at least a foot shorter than him. Andy grinned and I spoke up, "James. Sit down. Seriously what is wrong with you." I turned to Andy, "Can you take us there? Sorry for the trouble." James grumbled and we followed the singer to his changing room.
Like he said, Dizzy and Vince were there. Only Vince was drinking by himself and Dizzy was being groped against a wall by the drummer CC. I guess you could say I lost my shit.
"We're at a fucking competition what do you think you're doing?! Get out here. Now!" I told the two. They scurried out and I could hear the rest of the band cackling. I was embarrassed. I felt like they lured them here on purpose. "We're not a fucking joke." I wanted to scream. I turned to Andy,
"As a matter of fact don't fuck with us in the future. Because we're here to win and if you think you can make a fool out of any of us like this your dead wrong. Stay the fuck away. The next time we see you better be on stage."
"Or what?" He replied, still amused.
"Or you're done motherfucker." Chaz said.
"We don't take kindly to threats." CC stepped in.
"We'll see about that." I said as we walked away.