Status: This is posted on the Black Veil Brides site too, I'm under the same name there :)

*** It!

Chapter 3: Stop But Keep Going

The preliminaries. Lord. The preliminaries. The crowd was insane, the competition was insane. We were cleared to the next round.. along with Black Veil Brides. The theme for the next round is announced tomorrow. Then, we travel to the location of the second round. Tonight, theres a bonfire for all the bands that are in. The problem? We still can't decide whether or not to let Dizzy and Vince go.

"CHAZ, ROBIN, PLEASEEEE! I'm sorry okay? We were bored, and CC and Andy were walking around all 'exciting-like'. I didn't mean to disappoint you guys, it's not going to happen again!" Dizzy exclaimed, tugging on our shirts.
"Exciting-like? Do you hear yourself? You guys have no control! You're going to humiliate the band in front of the entire competition. We don't want to let you go just to have to watch you all night. Robin has the final say." Chaz said.
"I PROMISE you, I'll behave, we both will. We're serious about the competition now, okay? In it to win it. C'MONN Robsss, All Time Low is going to be there and I-" she began panting jokingly.
"For fucks sake Robin you're not our mum. Don't worry. We know we've got an obligation to uphold the band's reputation." Vince added.
"Okay. Fuck It. Go, and have fun. But know shit is going to start getting serious when we get on the road. You can't be drinking everyday." I said. Vince and Dizzy did a really sad high-five and then pulled me into a group hug.
"Now Dizzy love, what were you saying about All Time Low?" I winked at her and laughed, she then pulled me away to discuss her game plan with me.
I could see that Leo and Chaz were talking about something serious in the background. I tend to worry because sometimes we can't tell Leo everything. He's over-protective when it comes to the band, and well, he's done a lot of jail time. One time, this dude at a gig touched Dizzy's boobs and Leo sawed his right hand off clean with a pair of scissors. Fucking crazy, right?
Within a couple of minutes we were all dressed and ready to go. We passed a joint around to get the evening started while we walked to the bonfire.

The bonfire itself was amazing, there was food, a shit ton of booze, party brownies, acid, ecstasy, you name it. But that wasn't even the amazing part, it was the turn up. In one corner I saw Pete Wentz and Kellin Quinn doing Jager bombs. In the next corner I saw Ronnie Radke and Tyson Ritter attempting to square dance. Within minutes we all found something to do. Even Leo. Leo doesn't party, ever. He just waits and watches vicariously for some sad fuck to do something they shouldn't have. In this case, a pretty blonde from some band approached him and now he's fucking her brains out in our tour bus. After an hour or two he'll kick her out and go back to watching us. Thats just what he does. We've learned to get used to it. Dizzy was talking to her man-prey, and Vince was doing some crazy fucking thing that could potentially break every bone in his body. Typical evening. Me and Chaz were sitting close together drinking beers and enjoying each others company. Eventually the boys from Asking Alexandria invited us over and we chilled for a bit. Jinxx and Ashley were sitting with them but we didn't really care because they were talking amongst themselves.
"Hey I'm just going to go for a walk and stretch my legs. I'll be back in a bit." I said to the guys.
"Yeah, just be careful." Chaz said returning to a story he was telling.
I lit up a cigarette and began to walk out to the busses. There was some type of nature path into the woods that looked pretty appealing. Especially because I was a little bit stoned. Me, alone to my own thoughts, it's all I ever wanted sometimes. I frowned when I passed by Black Veil Brides' tour bus. Andy was standing outside smoking. I was hoping he wouldn't see me but it was pretty unavoidable. He called out to me like a creep and I kept walking. He started walking faster and I sped up. I actually broke into a sweat trying to get away from him. "Hey! What's your problem!"
I kept walking and he eventually caught my wrist and spun me around.
"What's wrong with you? I just want to talk. You made me feel like a stalker."
"Says the stranger pinning me to a tree." I spat back. His grip loosened.
"Like I said I just want to talk. I'm sorry about earlier We're not bad people. You just misunderstood a little. Don't be mad at the band." He did a cheeky smile in attempt to wipe the hate off my face. My face indeed softened but I was still weary.
"How do I know you're not just saying that? So that I would let my guard down?" I said.
"I do want you to let your guard down. I'm not a scary person." he laughed.
His blue eyes pierced right through me. As if they were saying "Trust Me!"
"You know, your eyes come to life at nighttime. Either that or I just wasn't looking hard enough earlier." he said. I could only look at him with the most bewildered expression.
"Are you trying to flirt with me?" I asked.
"Yes." he replied.
"Get off me."
At that moment he crushed his lips into mine. I quickly broke away "Andy what the fuck!"
He caught my mouth with his and slipped his tongue in. I broke away again and slapped him across the face. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed.
"I don't know Robin. You're just beautiful." He said leaning in for another kiss. I pushed him away again. "You're beautiful too but that's not an invitation to molest you!" he looked at me for a second then laughed. Shit. What did I just say? "No. That's not what I mean't! Stop laughing!" I said.
"You think I'm beautiful." he pleaded. What was this. How could anyone make me feel so unsure and embarrassed.
"I'm leaving." I said pushing his arms off of me.
"I don't want you to." he said pushing me back against the tree. He closed the space between us with his body and lifted my chin.
"What are you afraid of?" he asked.
"Nothing. I just don't wanna be moles-" His lips cut me off and I squirmed underneath him. He deepened the kiss, kissing me rougher than before. How could anyone be so fucking persistent? Does he not know shame? His hands traced my curves up and down. I don't know when it happened, but I began to kiss him back. And it wasn't a soft kiss, it was passionate, and it was wild. My instincts took over. I didn't know this person but he lured out the naughtiest thoughts in my head. This is what it felt like to be seduced. He moved his lips to my neck and I shivered at the touch. I could feel the smile on his lips. He began fondling my breasts and I started grinding my hips against him. He made a growl and slipped his hand into my panties.
"You're so wet Robin." he whispered into my ear. That voice. My name. It could have made me collapse. He rubbed my clit in circles, a gasp escaped me. I could feel his member harden against my leg. I wanted more, I needed more. But I knew I needed to stop this, it wasn't the right place or the right time. "Andy stop." he responded by unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down. I was frustrated. "STOP!" I yelled. Andy's hands stopped moving. "What's wro-"
"Get off of her!" Chaz's voice came from behind us and Andy looked up confused.
Before I could respond Chaz tackled Andy to the floor in rage. I regained my composure at the site of Leo running behind him. "Shit."
"CHAZ! Get off of him! CHAZ!" I proceeded to tackle Chaz off Andy now.
"Get a hold of yourself!" I slapped him.
"What was he doing to you?!" He exclaimed, hurt filling his eyes.
Leo didn't stop to listen to anything and punched Andy straight across the face. Andy recovered quickly and lunged at Leo, getting two punches in before Leo's hands reached for his neck.
I ran towards them, "LEO STOP!" I managed to nuzzle my way between them getting crushed in the process. I looked into Andy's eyes they were filled with hate and anger, much like Leo's. Chaz suddenly decided to snap out of his rage fit and help me out.
He pulled Leo off the ground and I pushed Andy further away.
"Everybody just calm the fuck down!" I yelled.
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I'm just copy pasting these, some things are a little goofy because Italic and Bold doesn't work on here. please try to ignore it XD