Status: In Progress

The Castaway's

The Crash {Marcus}

My name is Marcus and I was about halfway through my residency as a surgeon when I decided I need to do more so I talked with the chief of surgery and then signed up for a 3 month exploratory boat that was heading across the pacific. When we heard of a storm we turned to avoid it but sadly we didn’t it hit and threw us not only way of course but also onto land crashing and most of the crew didn’t survive there were only 8 of us alive and 6 missing but most likely dead. As I began to look around and almost everyone seemed injured I stood up slowly and began searching the part of the boat that was still on land I couldn’t find a lot of the better medical supplies but I found enough to get everyone at least stable and up. Then I looked around and the island seemed mostly jungle with some other island in the distant ocean all different for the most part all jungle we seemed to be on a smaller island and it didn’t seem like there was much more. As everyone sat around in relief to be alive I said “Ok so anyone knows what we should do first cause some of us are really injured and shouldn’t move far and we need to set up fire and get food and find out where we are.” Then a younger guy stood up slowly and said “Well I know how to hunt and I can easily find out what sort of game lives on this island” But he had a large splinter in his leg after the crash. I could only remove a small bit of it so I said “Yeah ok well you can’t go far if that wood I had to leave in your leg comes out u will lose a lot of blood so Intel we can find a way to get those supplies I don’t think you should go that far so let me come with you and I can watch your leg.” Then the captain said “Wait take this” and handed me a handgun then said “You know how to shoot that don’t you” I looked at it and said “yeah but don’t you have a rifle I saw it on the boat” “Yeah but that part went down with the other part of the ship.” So right before we headed off I said ok the rest of you try to find some stuff to get a fire going
So me and the kid headed off and as we were walking down the beach I said “Oh by the way my name is Marcus” He looked over and said “well thanks for the bandages Marcus I’m Jacob” We then turned into the jungle a bit more and started to looked around then he said “Look at this it seems to be some kind of wild pig” “How fresh” Then he said “Wait there are some other tracks here they look really weird I don’t know what they are but they headed the same way the pig did” We followed them deeper into the brush and then Jacob said “Do you smell that” We pushed away some brushes and there was the pig dead and it had been eaten and then the brushes nearby I pulled up the gun and fired a shot near the bushes and we could hear something sprinting away he said “Did you miss” “No I just wanted to scare it away well let’s cut up some and take a bit back.”
As we returned to camp I heard something behind me back in the jungle and I said “Hey Jacob what sort of predator’s do you think would live on this island” “I don’t know but those tracks we found had claw marks so it is probly a predator why” “Cause it followed us listen” We could here small sticks and leaves crunching then it stopped and then started again but got quieter. Then I said it must have turned back kept on back to the crash with the little bit of meat we could pull off the dead pig. We sat down and they had a fire going and we pulled out what we had and said “well we tracked a wild pig and then found it dead and it had been eaten” then someone said “Wait we heard a shot” “Yeah there was something in the bushes I shot near it to spook it but that’s about it except for a strange track we followed and then something following us back to the beach.