Status: Active for your Eyes Only. <3 [Incomplete/Ongoing]

Chaotic Demons

Almost Normal Day

Beast's POV

I walked around the car grabbing a bottle of water along the way. I had grease covering most of my body. I looked out the open garage door. “Lunch,” I called out to the guys.

“Finally, Beast,” Tommy called. Tommy was a tall man with dark brown hair and brown eyes. The way he carried himself caused most people to want to avoid him as much as they could. He also happened to be the vice president of Chaotic Demons.

All of the guys who worked at Evans’ Repair were members of the biker gang. I was the president. I did what I thought was best for the club. I enjoyed the spot as president because I loved being the leader of everything. We all were the type of people that were feared by the general public.

“Well, you could have watched the clock, Tommy,” I replied back with a teasing grin.

Once we ate, we did get back to work. They all tried to beg from doing so, but they did it nonetheless. I didn’t even have to say anything. I had to do was glare at them. I shook my head when Trevor literally got on his knees and bowed to me muttering a ‘yes, master’.

I looked over to the street one last time to see a blue car with a woman driving pulling a moving trailer behind it. I had never seen a car like that in this part of Las Vegas. It was a big city. No one knew every single person in this town.

I could only wonder if I was unsure about how I felt about this. The person could be a spy or just plain annoying. Of course, then again it could be someone amazing. I would never know.

“Hey, Ace. What’s been with you when it comes to Maya?” Tommy asked beside me.

I was shocked that he didn’t call me by my nickname, but then again my customer just showed up to pick up his car. “I don’t really know. She called me a pig and left. It looks like she is the one with the problem” I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. I turned to the customer. “Follow me, Brandon.”

I heard Tommy laugh as I lead the customer into the office. It was nice to be out of the blaring sun of the desert. Living in a desert made it hard to keep cool without air conditioned buildings. Everyone in this town carried a bottle of water with them and stayed in the shade as much as they could if they had to be outside.

My thoughts reverted back to the woman in the blue car. I had a feeling that she was new to the city, and her face was stuck in my head. She had long dark hair. I couldn’t tell the exact color because of the tinted windows, but it couldn’t have been blonde.


I climbed off of my Harley Davidson motorcycle in front of my red brick house. I looked down to the house on the corner had the for sale sign down. It was sold, but I guess someone finally moved it. The same blue car and trailer was parked outside. I thought about going over and introducing myself, but that wasn’t really my style. Not only that I was covered in grease.

I failed to realize that there was six year old boy trying to ride a bike. He fell on my front lawn. This shocked me. Children usually avoided my house because their parents were afraid of me. Then it popped in my head that he might be the child of the new girl in town. I decided to help him up. I liked kids. I wanted some of my own, but I had to make things safe for them here first.

Once I had the boy standing, I bended down to his level to see if he had any scrapes. “When you’re riding the bike, you just need to keep the wheels forward and stay calm,” I told him with a grin.

The boy smiled and nodded his head. He picked his bike up and said, “Thank you, sir.”

“Aden Matthew Davis, get over here,” the girl yelled walking over to us. “What have I told you about talking to strangers?”

“Not to, Aunt Harper,” the boy said before walking back to his house.

“Miss, I didn’t mean any harm by helping him up,” I pointed out as nicely as I could. I got why people got onto their kids about it, but I wasn’t a threat to him. I would never hurt a kid if my life depended on it.

“You can call me Harper if we’re going to be neighbors. I don’t know what you are going to do to my nephew. Besides, shouldn’t you be surrounded by men your size and not six year olds?” She glared at me. Her brown hair moved with the light wind, and her brown eyes glowed with anger.

“Well, Harper, I would say ‘welcome to the neighborhood’, but I’m not too happy knowing that there is another bitchy woman in the area,” I barked at her.

She turned around without another word and headed back to the corner house. I watched her slam the front door behind her. I had to admit that she was attractive, and I wouldn’t mind spending a few nights with her. I just couldn’t understand her anger towards me. I might have encouraged it a little, but she did make that smart comment.

I walked back in my house ignoring the ringing phone. It could be Maya or one of the boys, but at that moment I didn’t care enough to check. I was mad, and I needed time to think. The phone beeped saying that I have a voice message from the caller.

I threw myself on the couch. I looked at the coffee table realizing then that I hadn’t cleaned this place in two weeks. It had really piled up. I groaned because I knew it was going to bother me if I didn’t do it. I just didn’t like beer bottles stacked up in front of me. Hell, I didn’t even realize that I had drunk that much. I grabbed the trash can from the kitchen and started to throw away the trash.
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Well, here is the first chapter. What do you guys think?