You Make Me Want to Punch You in the Face

Meeting Sammi

Ren quickly skated to the boardwalk. It was almost lunch so there were plenty of people out. A few men were breakdancing and their music was exceptionally loud. Ren decided to set up across the walkway from them and kind of barrowed their music. She put Derrell’s hat on the ground and leaned the skateboard against the guard railing. She started with just some simple robot moves then took it to the next level and started doing hand stands. Soon after she was doing flips and drew in a small crowd. Some asked her how she did that and Ren explained growing up on a small ranch made her stronger than most. Then, that she joined the Marines and learned how to fight. After a few more minutes she started taking requests. Some person asked her to do a hand stand on the guard railing, she did. Someone asked her to lift her small daughter up with just one hand by her foot, like a cheerleader, she did. She started to do flying air kicks and it went on and on for a few more hours. Once midafternoon hit the crowd had died down. Ren had made it a point to almost completely empty Derrell’s hat every hour or so, in case someone had sticky fingers. As a family left her to get lunch she heard a scream from down the walkway. As Ren stared she saw the crowd part and a man with a hoodie burst through running full speed.

“Help! That guy stole my bag!”

Ren looked down both sides of the boardwalk and made an irrational decision to chase down the guy. She grabbed her board and rushed after him.The wheels got caught on a space in the wood and Ren flew forward. Instead of face planting she fell into a roll, popped up, and kept running. Ren had gotten pissed off now, not only did this cut into her profit time but she might have just broken her board. She was able to grab his shoulder and fling herself around him. Then, wrapping her thighs around his head. The guy was brought down and Ren grabbed the purse from him. She quickly got up and took a defensive stance with her hands up. The guy got up and tried to grab the bag from her, but she dodged and gave him a hook to the face. The guy was obviously disoriented and didn’t really want any trouble, so he ran way. People in the crowd clapped for her. But, she just pursed her lips, raised her shoulders, and shook her head. She didn’t really see it as a big deal. Ren started to walk back to where her things were and a small boy brought her board to her. He said how cool she was, but Ren was more worried about her board than the complement. It looked fine and she waved at him as she walked back to where she left Derrell’s hat. Bending down she noticed there was no money in it.

Ren sighed in frustration and punched the guard rail. “God. FUCKING DICKS.”

“Um, excuse me?” A small girl had tapped Ren on her side.

“WHAT?” Ren yelled but didn’t mean to come off so angry. She turned around with a sour look.

“Oh. Um… You have my bag.” The girl pointed to the cloth beach bag that Ren had forget about.

“Oh, uh… Ya.” She handed the girl back her bag. “Sorry, while I was busy looking like a flashy douche somebody stole my cash.” Ren flapped Derrell’s empty hat at her for emphasis.

The girl covered her mouth in shock. “Oh no way! What assholes!”

The small dark attired girl made Ren smile. “I know right? It’s okay, they didn’t get it all.” An odd moment passed between them, “Oh shit! I didn’t even check the bag. Is it okay?”

The girl’s eyes widened a little and she quickly shuffled through the bag.

“Everything seems to be here, what a relief.”

“Oh good.” Another awkward silence. “Uh, I’m Ren.” She held out her hand to the girl.

Said lady shook it vigorously and replied. “I’m Sammi. Thank you, so much! I honestly though it was lost forever.”

“Oh ya, no problem.” The old cell in Ren’s back pocket let her know she had a message. After reading it she found that her friends were actually eating on the boardwalk and wanted to walk to the venue.

Sammi joked, “Nice phone.”

Ren chuckled at her sarcasm. “Thanks. 2009 piece-o-crap addition. You’d think after two years I’d get an upgrade.”

Not wanting to be rude she put it away and apologized. “Sorry about that, meeting some friends for lunch. Listen Sammi, I don’t mean to cut this short but do you know were Willow’s Song is?”

Sammi blinked a few times, “Uh, no I don’t, but I can look it up.” She pulled out her newly rescued phone and looked for the restaurants. “It’s right down there actually. Next to that hot dog vender.” She pointed down the boardwalk and put her phone away. “Guessing you gotta go?”

“Ya, Derrell’s not exactly patient. We’re going to this AP Concert tonight. He like to be there early to get in a good standing spot for the bands.”

“You’re going to the concert?”

Ren smiled as she gathered up her things. “Yep, I’m guessing you are too.”

“Ya actually! Would have never guessed you were a fan.” Sammi seemed to bite her cheek. She seemed to think what she said was rude. “Hey Ren, you wanna meet BVB?”

Ren shot up and looked at her seriously. “You serious?”

“Ya! It’s the least I could do. I actually know them.” She reached in and pulled out an all access pass. “See?”

“Holy shit Sammi.” Ren took it and examined the ticket. “But, is it okay for you to invite me?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. Here take my number.” After they traded digits Sammi added, “Just text me after the concert whenever you feel like meeting up. And here, take some cash for your trouble.” Sammi offered her a twenty.

After Ren expressed her appreciation she tried to refuse the money but Sammi was persistent. They said their goodbyes and Ren went to meet her friends while Sammi marched in the other direction complaining about a boyfriend that slept in too much. After fifteen minutes Ren managed to find them in the restaurant. Ren quickly ordered since the waitress was waiting for her.

“Hey what took you so long man?” Derrell questioned. “And why’d you take my hat?”

“Had to play superhero.” After getting deadpans from the other two Ren just waved it off. “For the tips obviously.” She added, before tossing his hat back.

They started eating and talking about the randomness of their lives. Ren decided to keep the possibility of meeting the band to herself in order to surprise them later. After the long lunch they decided to make their way to the venue with leftovers in hand. It was relatively early in the afternoon and the show wasn’t for hours, and Ren tended to have a bad time when she was hungry. The line was short and they would be the first 30 in the building. As they waited and talked to other fans in line a cute guy with a septum piercing came up to them.

“Hey, were you on the boardwalk earlier?” He was a little enthusiastic considering he was waiting in line for more than two hours.

“Ya, I was. Why?”

“Holy crap! I saw your takedown! That shit was amazing! Check this out.” He pulled out his phone and went through youtube. Ren and her friends were interested so they huddled around it. A video started that was recorded from a cellphone and it showed Ren taking down the purse snatcher. “There are like five different videos.”

“Holy shit Ren!” Derrell shouted as Ren landed the punch in the video.

News of the video spread like wild fire down the line of waiting fans. Pretty soon everyone there had seen it. Ren had been overrun by questions and people asking about what happened. Hours passed and they were finally allowed into the venue. Ren was exponentially grateful. She had been swarmed by people all day and it was fun, just exhausting. Now that they were inside the attention of the crowd seemed to turn to the empty stage.

The venue was a little noisy, but not overbearing. The roadies were setting up the stage. There was still another hour before the show started. She grabbed a cup at the bar then found good standing with her friends a few rows behind the guardrail right in front of the stage. Many of the fans in front saw Ren, they knew her from the video and decided to let her move up to the front of the crowd. She was a little shocked by this, but took the gesture with a grateful smile. As the venue filled, time seemed to pass quicker. It wasn’t long before Drive A appeared on stage and got the crowd pumped for the head liners. By the time Danny got on stage Ren was exhausted. She had been up all day, but there was no way she wasn’t going to try and enjoy herself. The energy that vibrated through the venue was contagious. Soon enough, Ren was jumping along with one hand up in the air, reaching out to try and touch Danny with everyone else. It was almost 9 when Asking Alexandria left the stage.

The crowd started to chant ‘Black Veil Brides’! The fan girls flooded the floor once the boys got on stage. Ren was crammed up against the guard rail. Her rib was slammed uncomfortably against the rail, but this wasn’t her first concert. So, she used her body moment to mosh back against them and gain some wiggle room. The screams became incoherent as BVB started their set, but Ren ignored it. She was just happy to be at the concert, it let her escape her problems for a little while. She was almost overrun again when the fans reached out to touch Andy’s outstretched hand. Ren didn’t blame them though, Andy was severely attractive and she didn’t waist the opportunity to try and touch him too. Ren started to really get into it once ‘God Bless You’ started. It was her favorite song on their new album.

Once their set was over Andy and Ashley thanked everyone before leaving. It was 10 and that was the curfew for the show, since minors in the city had to be home by 11. Ren and Derrell had come up with a way to find each other during concerts since they attended them all the time and they constantly had them at The Roadhouse. It was easy since Ren was already next to the stage. The security guards tried to stop her as she climbed on the guard rail, but when she explained she was looking for her friend they let her do as she pleased, with a watchful eye of course. It was a little hard since the rail’s top was rounded, but she managed. Ren looked for Derrell and his glow in the dark phone app. Once spotting him she rushed over.

“Hey, though you were lost in there.” Derrell greeted with a pat on her arm.

“Oh my god!” Chelsea grabbed Ren’s arms and spun her around. “You were so close! Did you touch him?”

She took a minute for her head to stop spinning before she answered. “You mean Danny and Andy? Ya, some bitch kept elbowing me though. Real fucking annoying.”

The small group chatted about the concert as the massive amounts of people began to leave. All while drinking, of course. As Ren went to check the time on her phone she realized she had a message. It was from Sammi, sent twenty minutes ago, about meeting up.

As Ren was replying frantically Derrell became concerned. “You alright, Ren?”

“Ya, I just forgot about something. Hopefully, she’s still around.”

“Who?” Derrell asked, both Chelsea and him wore looks of utter confusion.

“The girl who’s bag I got back. Apparently she knows Black Veil Brides.”

Chelsea stood there with her mouth wide open and Derrell covered his mouth while murmuring an ‘What?!’ Just then Ren got another message from Sammi telling her where they were.

“Oh cool, there not that far. Let’s go.”