There's Oceans In-Between Us, but That's Not Very Far

Chapter 013


Corey’s first contest was two days later. He did really well. I love watching him ride. He ended up second though. He was still pretty pumped on it. I went over and congratulated him with a hug and quick kiss.

“Ams, is that your mom?” he asked when we started to walk away. I followed his gaze and… it was her. Why?How?

“Lets just go this way,” I said while pulling his arm the other way.

“She has to know you’re here if I’m here,” he said while completely stopping.

“But if she doesn’t see you, then she won’t find me.” I said trying to get him to move.

I looked back and she wasn’t there anymore.

“Can we please just get out of here?” I asked and stood in front of him. He looked back and then at me.

“Yeah. Come on,” he said while taking my hand and leading the way back to the car. We walked as fast as we could. When we were both in, I just happened to look up and see her standing there with her arms crossed.

"Corey… Back out now," I said.

He looked over at me and obviously saw me staring out the window. He didn't say anything, but he did start the car and attempted to back away, but my mom opened the passenger door and literally dragged me out of it.

"Why are you with him?" she asked grabbing my arm really tight. I hated the way she said him too. It was in this rude disrespectful way.

"Dad told me I could," I said jerking my arm away from her. She gave me 'the glare' before saying anything else.

"Amber do you know how worried I was? It took me so long to get it out of your dad," she said sounding like she actually cared.

I wasn't buying it. Corey got out of the car and stood beside me. My mom just gave him the stare down. I seriously didn't know what to say. I was kinda afraid to. I didn't want to start anything.

"Your dad and I both agreed that you should go home tonight. We already got your plane ticket," she said like it was no big deal… I can't believe her.

"No. I like it here. Why do you guys get to decide when I go home?" I asked not being able to contain myself anymore.

"Since you ran off with him." She said stressing the him again in that disrespectful way.

"His name is Corey and I didn't run off with him. Someone knew where I was and I didn't go far."

"We can talk about this at home. Here is not the time," she said trying to pull me with her.

"No. I want to stay with Corey," I said getting out of her grasp and going over to Corey. I put his hand into mine and gave my mom the stare down.

"Ams, maybe you should go with her," Corey said out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"It will save a lot of drama," he said and gave me this look… I didn't like it.

"Since when do you care about drama? If you cared about drama, you wouldn't have asked me to be your girlfriend knowing that my parents don't like you," I said and pushed his hand away from mind. I was pissed. I don't know if it was more towards Corey or my mom.

"Just please… Go. I'll call you later and explain. I promise," he said while trying to pull me into a hug.

"No. Don't even bother," I said and walked away.

My mom eventually caught up to me and she led me to her car. I was trying so hard to hold back tears. Just a few managed to fall. Of course my mom noticed.

"I told you," she kept saying.

She wasn't helping anything. I didn't want to say anything though. I'll probably make things a lot worse than they already are between her and I. I just kept my mouth shut the whole way home. My mom said random comments about Corey, but I didn't say anything even though they ticked me off so f-ing bad. When we got home I went up to my room and found Matt on the computer. I ignored him and started packing my stuff.

"Whoa… What's going on?" he asked while standing up.

"I'm leaving tomorrow," I said as my voice cracked. Even though I was so mad at Corey, I didn't want to leave him. I've developed such strong feelings for him that I just can't leave like this.

"Why? You don't want to do you?"

"No… Mom's making me go because I went with Corey."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"You don't have too. Just because I did something doesn't mean that you have to take the downfall of it either."

"No. I'll go with you," he said while standing up and giving me a hug. When he did all this emotion poured out of me and it pulled out so many tears. "Maybe going home will help some though. Maybe not a lot, but some. Mostly getting away from mom for you. A lot has happened in so little time. This will give you time to let things soak in a little more and accept them."

Even though we may fight a lot and not get along most of the time, I really love Matt… He knows what to say just at the right time. I seriously don't know what I would do without him.

"So when do we leave?" he asked in this cheery voice.