There's Oceans In-Between Us, but That's Not Very Far

Chapter 007


I look around to make sure Matt or the parents aren't around. I don't think leaving with one guy and then coming home with another would make them very happy. Thankfully no one's up.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked walking into the kitchen and sitting on the counter.

"We could make a lot of noise and wake everyone up," he said resting his hands on either side of me.

"Yeah, some other time," I said which got me the famous, cute, Corey, smile.

"Do you have any ideas then, because if not, we could always go back to that one."

I smiled while thinking about this... Um...

"Movie?" I asked not actually thinking that was a very good idea.

"That works. As long as I can have ice. My ankle's really hurting."

"I'll do one better and make popcorn too," I said hopping down and getting everything around.

While the popcorns a popping, I get a plastic bag for Corey and fill it with ice. I empty the popcorn into a bowl and walk into the living room with Corey limping behind me. I feel so bad for him. He hurt himself by trying to impress me. He sat on the couch and I pulled the coffee table a little closer so he could rest his foot on it. He did and I tried putting the ice on it as gently as I could. I sat down beside him and looked over at me with a smile.

"Thank you," he said while putting his arm around me.

"You are so very welcome. So what movie?" I asked scrolling through all the stars and movie channels.

"Distrubia. I've only seen the beginning part of it, unless you want to watch anything else."

"That works. Plus Shia's pretty," I said bringing up the channel.

"Pretty ugly," he said while laughing a little.

"Ok, you have you're taste in men and I have mine," I said laughing too.

"So very right you are," he said pulling me closer to him and he winked again.

"Why have you been winking at me?" I ask wanting the answer now.

"I've only winked at you once," he replied.

"No you winked at me when I was at your house."

Ok. Wait. He was kind of drunk then. But I didn't think he was that drunk. He got over it pretty well/fast.

"Oh well. I don't remember."

I was trying to decide if he was lying or just couldn’t remember. Anyway, I let it go and we watched the movie. Don't ask me what happened because the last thing I remember is the dude going into the 'killers' house with the camera before I feel asleep.

I woke up and realize that I was sleeping on a sleeping Corey. Well my head was on his chest. I lay there a few minutes and hear voices from the kitchen.

"What do we do about her? Kevin, we can't keep letting her go out and bring guys home," my mom said. I absolutely hate her right now.

"But we don't know how many guys she's brought home. It's Corey. We know him. He seems like a really nice kid. And Amber is too."

I love my dad. Go on and define me and Corey more, dad.

"But he has the tattoos and piercings and what he does for a living. You can't tell me you support that relationship."

Now I know why she doesn't like him too much. Those still aren't good reasons to not like him. I think Corey's tattoos and piercings are rather sexy. And the BMX thing is so awesome. How could you not love it? But it's my mom. She doesn't love anything.

"Maybe you just need to get to know him."

Go dad. Keep suggesting things.

"No. What about that guy she went to the party with. He seemed really nice," she replied with.

James? Yeah right. He's probably in that chick's bed that was all over him last night.

"Matt talk to me about it. He just didn't get a good vibe from him and I didn't either."

Burn mom! Ha ha.

"I don't really care what Matt and you think. I will not let her see that... that... BMXer in there," she said the last part with this disgust in her voice.

I wanted to slap it right out of her mouth like she slapped me yesterday.

"How are you going to keep her from him? She's not going to listen to you. She barely listens to me"

I hate to say it, but it is true. I heard a door slam and thought it was a good time to look up and see what was going on. I see my dad sitting there at the table. I decide to go and sit with him.

"How much of that did you hear?" he asked looking up at me.

"Apparently I bring a lot of guys home," I said trying to keep a smile from forming on my face.

"I knew you didn't. She just thinks that for some reason. I don't think bringing Corey back here helped that either."

"But nothing happened though. We came back here at 2, like you told me, and we watched a movie. I just feel asleep."

"I know. I saw the popcorn so I figured that's what happened. Did one of you do something though? There was this bag filled with water."

"Corey hurt his ankle last night. I figured I would help him out," I said smiling at the thought of how he hurt is ankle.

"Amber, I really think he is a good kid. And I also think that you should be with who you want to be with. As long as they're not hurting you in anyway, I have no problem with them. But I want to know. Like if you and Corey have something going on. I don't care about anything else. I just want to know if you guys are together," he said hinting that he thought me and Corey were together.

"Corey and I talked about it last night and we both agreed that it would be better if we just waited a little bit before we tried a 'romantic relationship'. Just the way we met and we haven't known each other for more than like five days," I said this and my dad actually smiled.

Before he could say anything, I saw Corey get up. My dad followed my gaze and went to get up to leave.

"No. I want you to stay," I said quiet enough so Corey couldn't hear.

He nodded his head and sat back down. Corey wobbled over slowly and sat beside me.

"How's your ankle?" my dad asked looking over at Corey. He looked at me with a questionable look.

"Uh... It's still a little sore but, I'm ok," he said.

I'm thinking he was saying it was a lot better than it felt. Him and my dad kept talking, which I really wanted to happen. The more my dad likes him, hopefully, the more my mom will want to get to know him and stop hating him. Their conversation was pretty much about everything. It lasted for a good 15 minutes. But after that wonderful 15 minutes, my mom walked back in through the door. GREAT.