Accepting Chaos

Charity Auction

It’s been three months since the day I watched my closest friend leave home. Everything has changed so fast it’s hard to keep up with my own life! I have to admit when they left i wasn't expecting to be this… okay. I was pretty messed up the first week but with my two friends Tiffany and Nicole around it made everything a little easier.

Harry would text me as often as he could. When he was recording Lou would call me and scream “OLIVE, OLIVE, OLIVE!” then hang up just to call me back and serenade me with his rendition of “footloose”. When I was real lucky Harry would face time when he was either waking up or going to bed. He would pop up on my screen looking half dead or cute and puffy from sleep. I missed them so much but now it was only two weeks until I get to visit and only a few months until I’m in London for school.

I picked up my phone and pressed on Tiffany’s name.

Tiffany and i have been friends since birth really. Her mom was a surgeon as well as mine who worked together at St. Georges Hospital. Tiff is gorgeous. She’s tall, tan and beautiful even in sweatpants and a tee shirt. When we are together we don’t stop laughing until we part. I swear she likes to make me look childish in front of people because she makes the craziest facial expressions over everything that strikes her funny or dirty when the others aren’t looking.

“Hola Chika! What time are you coming over? You said you would be here by now!” she answered

“I’m leaving right now I’ll be there in five! Calm down woman.” I replied flustered

“Mrs. Jay is going to rip you a new one if you're not on time again. Were you skyping with Harry? Ill forgive that. However if you were moping over the fact that he didn't I’ll beat you when you get here.”

“No it just took me longer to get ready today. I was really feeling the need to look amaze today.” She laughed at me. I checked myself in the mirror again. Zayn is beginning to rub off.

“You better blow me away when you get here then. Like make me fall in love kind of blowing me away. Were supposed to be on time for charity events. Don’t make us look bad in front of our entire church Oli. I have a one way ticket to the big pearly gates and I don't want you to fuck it up for me.” I giggled.

“You’re at church with that mouth? Really? I’d say you’re the only reason that tickets on the line.”

“Jesus, just get here already.” She said quietly

“So eager for the second coming?” I like to get her all riled up. It was just too easy

“Oh, always. Just not the coming you’re referring too.” I lost it. I laughed so hard i almost drove off the road. She would be the girl that says that... in a CHURCH.

“Just down the road Love. See you shortly!” I hung up and drove a little faster.

I turned up the radio and sang along to every song that played. I was getting a little nervous for this event. Tiffany and a few other people in the neighborhood are in the choir and when they have charity events like this painting auction we sing a few songs. Mrs. Jamison, Tiffany’s mom, and my mom started us in the choir when we were five and i still lived in Stafford.

Then there’s Nicole Blackthorn. Oh wow where do I start? She’s absolutely amazing. She’s adds to our madness when necessary and if we need to be serious she’s our anchor to earth. She had this stunning deep red hair that seems to get her in more trouble than it does good. There really is nothing guys like better than a feisty red head. Little do they know it takes tiffany and I two hours of pure agony to make it that way. She’s high maintenance and she makes it look easy but I love her to bits.

Tiffany, Nicole and I are moving to London after Christmas to attend Kingston University. We already have an apartment paid for because all the dorms were taken and we would have had to wait far too long to get one so our parents got together and made a deal with us. If our grades were anything but perfect we were out. Luckily were all quite brilliant and we've wanted this for so long we wouldn't have anything ruin it for us?

As soon as I parked the car the two girls were waving me down like crazy people.

“OLI RUN! EVERYONE IS ALREADY ON THE BUS!” Nicole gave me the ‘What the fuck Oli’ Look so I jogged as fast as I could in my wedges to the bus. The three of us sat next to each other in a row.

“These busses are so damn cold all the time” Nicole said pulling a blanket out of her bag and draped it over our legs.

Tiffany looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows in approval “You did make me fall in love. You look extra fit today. Perfection!” I laughed and fixed the ‘ladies’

“Thanks. We’re going into London so I wanted to look nice just-”

“OH, Just in case Haz miraculously gets out of his press shite three hours early then drives all the way to the museum?” Tiffany smiled at Nicole’s remark. My face fell a little. I know I have the most ridiculously high hopes but I can’t help it I just keep thinking he misses me just as much.

“Has he said anything about what he needed to tell you that day?” Tiff asked
He hasn't said a word. It was almost like it never happened. “No. Nothing”

“Maybe when he gets a little more used to this chaos he’ll talk to you about it. I know I wouldn't be able to properly focus on anything if I were in his shoes Oli don't sweat it.” She rubbed my shoulder and laid her head on me.

Nicole grabbed my hand “I didn’t mean to burst your love bubble or anything I just think if you stay in the bubble of hope it will be destroyed and you will be crushed. I don’t want you to think you’ve been abandoned by your closest friend. Harry is on a different level now and it's going to be really difficult to maintain a regular friendship”

She’s right.

“Thanks Dr. Downer! Let’s just yank her delicate little heart out while you're at it.” Tiff flicked Nicole’s forehead “Let’s just focus on the show tonight and relax a bit. No more boy talk.” She pulled out her IPad and we watched a movie to pass the time. Matt and Dane, The two in front of us, started singing in the middle of our Harry Potter movie but that was ended quickly when Tiffany pulled matt into his seat whispering in his ear something about high school musical and tearing his face off. I swear she’s really sweet but she has her limits.

We all fell asleep for the last half hour of the drive and when we woke up we were greeted by the phenomenal view of the Victoria and Albert museum. It was lit up beautifully just as the sun was setting.

“Tonight will be amazing.” I said with a grin. “Look at this place.” It was unreal. The bus came to a stop at the entrance and everyone gathered in the main hall. Mrs. Jay instructed us to our first stop in the library where we sang some French song Tiff and I have always hated. Sounds like elevator music. Torturous. I’m positive that once we get to sing the songs we picked it will get better.

As we walked from room to room serenading the rich men and women Tiffany, Nicole and I wreaked and much havoc as you could during a charity event. Nicole was telling an elderly couple the ‘meaning’ of a painting of a naked woman. According to Nicole, the woman went streaking through her city after a night of too much drinking with her secret lover. She would look at the piece of art studying it for a few moments and then making something else up. The two people were eating right out of her hands believing that the naked women in this picture was beheaded for sleeping with another man other than her husband. Nicole managed a straight face and even conjured up a few tears. “Just beautiful.” she said before walking over to us just a painting over.

I began to lose it so I left the room as quickly as I could before blowing her cover. She did this a few times and each time the stories got wilder. At one point Tiff walked over to a sculpture of a naked man and in front of two women said “ Mmm looks like this one’s got stamina.” She looked at the sculpture a little too lustfully causing the women to shuffle away.

Mrs. Jay gave us a twenty minute break before our last songs in the bidding room. We were starving so we decided to hunt down some food and fix ourselves up.

“UGH, all they have here is cucumber sammies,caviar, and shrimp! Is that all rich people eat? Where’s the red meat people!” Tiffany piled up the little cucumber sandwich squares on a plate grabbed some champagne and lead us out the front door. We found a bench to cozy up on.

“These are actually really good.” I said in between bites

“Yeah that’s because we haven't eaten since before we got on the bus!” Nicole threw her sandwich on the ground. I want chips.”

We guzzled down our champagne like lads do beer in the most unladylike way and went back inside.

“Let’s scope out the room over here. I saw a pretty fit guy heading in this direction. I would like some eye candy to spice up the night.” Tiffany grabbed us another flute of a pink drink and we walked into the room of statues.

“Um I think this is a bit of an old crowd to be looking for a snog dontcha think?” I asked looking around at all the older men and women in their back and white attire.

“Look there.” she pointed in the corner at two younger guys who were admiring one of the Greek pieces. They looked good from behind and they were definitely the youngest people here other than us. Nicole managed to slither into their conversation and waved for us to come over.

“She’s far too good at that.” Tiff nudged me and I just laughed at our friend’s ability to lasso a young man so quickly. On our way over I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. I turned to see an elder gentleman holding a black beanie.

“Excuse me ma'am, you dropped this.” He handed it to me and walked away. I looked down at the beanie recognizing the tag. This was one of Harrys. I can practically smell his shampoo on it. Well I wasn’t going to sniff it because that would just be plain weird. I looked around for a minute trying to make sense of what just happened when Tiff tugged on my arm.

“what are you doing all the way over here on your lonesome when we have a group of fit bums talking to us?” she looked at my face again “Are you okay Oli?” then she noticed the beanie in my hands “where did that come from?”

“Some man said I dropped it. Tiff I have no idea where it came from. It smells like Harrys shampoo!” I lifted it to her face and she pushed it away laughing

“You're still a lightweight aren't you? Little too much silly juice for Oli? It’s just a hat someone found. Just leave it on the bench and come show these boys how real flirting is done,yeah?” I nodded but kept the beanie in my hand. I pulled out my phone and shot Harry a quick text

H, you're missing out on the most stuck up charity event of the year! -Liv

I stuffed my phone and the beanie into my clutch quickly before I introduced myself to the gents Tiff and Nicole were talking to. It was short lived but we had a nice conversation until Mrs. Jay pulled us away for our last show. My phone vibrated.

L, Devastated I couldn't make the money bags charity. Have you found yourself a sexy dance partner?-H

I typed quickly.

H, you should be. I have met Ben the father of my future children. =P -Liv

It went off only seconds later

L, Get his number! Maybe you can meet up with him in London when you move here! - H

I’m a little shocked when I feel the sadness pulse through my veins. He wouldn’t mind if I had someone around.

When we walked onto the small platform that couldn't even be called a stage I scanned the crowd. The Guys we just met followed us to see the performance. From the middle of the room they waved, blew kisses and we waved back. I began to check out the crowd again. Rich, Rich, Drunk, Plastered, Snob, angry, messy sex hair … the owner of the sex hair was turned around looking at the guys who waved. Sex hair’s mate was whispering to him. The Lights dimmed signaling that it was time for us to start.

The girls picked ‘shake it out’. We almost got through the whole song without any interruptions but I could see some shuffling in the center of the crowd. When we finished the song all the girls connected hands and took our bow. There was a loud almost inappropriate whooping sound from the middle of the room. Tiff squeezed my hand and laughed over the obnoxious cheering.

(( Harry’s POV))

I couldn't yell any louder than i already was. They did amazing. Her eyes squinted a little looking for the source of the noise. I have forgotten the slight jealousy that took over me when she sent me that text and it was replaced by excitement.

“Harry, they're getting off stage, Let hide.”

“Yeah” I snuck over to the security guard and set my plan in motion.

I quickly ran out of the auction room and found a large tree in a bulbous planter that was tall enough to hide me and my hair. I watched Louis across the hall trying to eclipse himself behind a rather large man who resembled a walrus in a tux. Louis mouthed ‘mine is better’.

Tiffany and Olivia walked out just moments after, chatting their mouths away like usual. The security guard tapped her on the shoulder and I could see her begin to squabble with the bloke. He pointed in my direction and her eyes flashed over quickly. I pulled behind the plant before she could see me. I looked at Louis and he mouthed ‘she’s coming’

((Olivia’s POV))

I can’t believe this guy thinks I stole the damn beanie! He told me to return it to the gentleman as soon as possible and he pointed me in the direction of it owner. When i looked over I didn't see anyone but I was slightly furious I was being accused of such a thing.

“Fine! What did he look like?” I asked the guard but he was already gone. I shot an annoyed look at Tiff and stalked in the direction I was pointed. Just as I walked past the threshold of the next room I was stopped by a pair of large hands.

“I'm extremely disappointed that this thievery would happen at a charity auction no less.” The familiar deep voice said. I was turned to face his dimpled cheeky grin.

I could feel the smile rip across my face “Oh My God, YOU?! You said-” Someone behind me gripped me up around the waist and spun me around.

“Olive, when do you actually believe what we say? If you ever did, you should stop.” Louis. He kissed my cheek and Harry followed him up with a kiss on the other.

“We missed you so much Liv.” Harry whispered in my ear and he placed a small peck just behind it.

Heaven. I am in Heaven.

Harrys POV

I had this planned for only a day or two but I’ve been waiting to see her face for far too long. I've missed her every day and it kills me that I haven't been the same friend I was just three long months ago. I can't just sneak into her window whenever I want, I have to part a great distance for any time together. I’ve been getting in trouble at the studio when I have my phone on me so there’s not even a little text to let her know I’m aware she even exists. This thought overwhelms me and I scoop her into my arms twirling around as fast as i can.

She laughed and it went straight through me. That’s the one thing i missed the most was her quiet giggle.

“Louis, Put me down I’ll throw up!” She just held onto him tighter.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you Louis, She's been drinking.” Tiffany said walking over with a drink in her hand. I noticed the flushness in her cheeks and I knew for sure Tiffany wasn't lying

“Oh, what’s this now? Liv is a drinker since the months that I’m gone? I frowned like her father did at her. “Olivia Rivers, What has gotten into you? You’re misbehaving at a charity function for church no less?” I circled around her like her dad does when he’s mad

“Oh stop Styles, you know I’ve learned from the best.” She looked at Louis who looked back with shock.

“Olive, if you want to challenge me. I’m up for it any day. I’m still a better drinker then you are.”
“There’s no need for any of that now and no time. Olivia, you need to go get your things from the buss. Our driver is waiting to take us home.” I said pulling her hand into my larger one and heading for the door

“Wait, Harry. What do you mean? The bus is my ride home.”

“Oh yeah, SURPRISE OLIVE. “ Louis threw his hands in the air with too much enthusiasm “You're coming to ours for the weekend!”

Harrys smile confirmed it was true. “What about my Dad? Did you let him know or should I call him now?”

“Livia.” he rolled his eyes “I've been around for some time now. I know what makes that man tick and explode. I’ve had this planned for a few days with his permission, Love” Harry said

This couldn't get any more exciting. I was visiting my favorite’s weeks earlier than expected!

“Now let’s go get your crap and get going. The others are waiting for you!” Harry tugged me out the front doors. I said goodbye to Tiff and Nicole who had apparently known the whole time and packed me some extras. I’m so blessed to have the friends I do at my side.
♠ ♠ ♠
YaY! Two is finished! How sis you like it? Nicole is pretty crazy right?
Review Loves!