Accepting Chaos

Wendy Darling, Home at last

Throughout the car ride Louis spilled every detail of the moments I missed. He was now seeing a girl named Eleanor who just started uni. She sounded like they were made for one another unlike Liam and his current girlfriend Danielle. Harry cringed at her name as Louis told the story of how she had written “property of Danielle” in Pink lipstick on his favorite shirt. She was the overly jealous type but the night that was described to me was just psychotic. The two of them had gone out to some high end club in the center of London for her friends birthday when fan had approached Liam for a picture. The girl had wrapped her arms around him and wore a grin from ear to ear. Liam had just made this persons life with one picture but Dani had to ruin it when she pulled him out of the girls grip to kiss his neck, pecking ever inch of his jaw before glaring at the innocent fan and dragging him away. Just Rediculous. I was shaking a little when Harry put his warm hand on my knee pulling me back to reality.

We changed the subject after they had realised how annoyed I had gotten over hearing about the incident. They described their new humble abode as a large flat styled apartment with five bedrooms, a large living room and a beautiful kitchen. The flat was just above the studio they recorded in so that their late nights recording sessions were just a floor away from their beds. They had informed me just moments before we arrived at their place that sometimes there were groups of girls outside the apartment that would hassle them when they were with a female friend. How many female friends did they have here?

“Do female friends come over often? I mean they must know Dani and Eleanor by right?” I asked

“Uh, Well yeah but they don't really know anyone else. Like the night Zayn brought that Lexi chick here to ruin movie night. The girls looked like they wanted to pull her hair out. As a matter of fact they almost did that to the girl Ha-” Harry shuffled his feet around kicking Louis and pointed to the small crowd of girls gathered around the red doors just a block down. Was Louis about to say Harry brought someone home? He doesn’t do that… or he didn't used to. Harry had a few girlfriends in the time I had known him but he wasn't the type to just bring someone home after a night of drinking. Olivia, Stop getting upset. He's your friend, not your boyfriend!

“Okay so when we get out you need to stay as close as possible to Louis. They don't really think into it too much because they know he's infatuated with El. Im single so they may think somethings up, thats when they get vicious.” Harry said just before opening the door allowing the shouts to fill the car He got out and headed straight over to them.

Louis got a signal from the security “Ready Olive?”


“Yeah.” My voice squeaked a little giving away my real feelings.

He laughed and squeezed my hand. Louis opened the door and tucked me under his arm pulling me closer to him as we passed through the crowd of squawking teens. I heard one of the younger girls scream out something about sexual relations with Harry. More bluntly ‘Fuck me Haz!’. I couldn't help but contort my face in disgust. Who screams that? Thats SO creepy! Once we were all safely in the building I had to compose my shocked body so I could make it up the flight of stairs before me.

“Liv, You okay? I know it’s a bit intense but-” I cut Harry off

“INTENSE? That was unbelievable! Did you hear that child scream at you? Her father would die if he heard that! She was thirteen TOPS! What has this world come to? Since when did you get THAT popular?!” I flung my hands across my chest and huffed. Its just disgusting.

“Well gee, thanks?” Louis said unlocking the door ahead of us. “Were not all that bad Olive.”

I blushed a little. “Sorry I didn't mean it like that I just didn't know you were already being worshiped as sex Gods.” Harry leaned against the door frame and threw his head back making what I can only assume was supposed to be a sexy face. Louis made kissy faces and posed against the hallway wall trying his best to convince me they have achieved sex God stats. I just laughed at the attempt and walked inside. I dont really mind the image of Harry against the frame. Ill just save it for later.

The apartment was warm and smelled lightly of Niall’s cologne. It was a phenomenal smell. I bought this specific bottle for him on his birthday. I was enveloped by Zayn and Niall immediately when entering the kitchen.

“ LIVIA!!!” Zayn cried out in my ear. I couldnt stop laughing at Zayns childish jumping or smiling at Niall tickling my sides.

“My boys!” I dont want to let go ever.

“She needs a pint as our guest of the weekend!” Niall yelled throwing me over his shoulder. He slapped my ass quite hard and ran me over to the couch where he threw me into the pillows. “lovely, right? those pillows are absolute heaven! Oi, and you my deary look like an angel in ‘em. Sexy like though, not all good girl like-” He growled a little

“Drunk, He is. Sober, he be not.” Zayn said very yoda like with a british twist. He was legless, no doubt.

“ I can tell, he ripped my dress in the process and didn't notice.” I pulled the fabric together so my thigh wasn't so exposed.

“It didn't slip my sight love. I saw it Miss. Legs.” He wiggled his brows causing me to blush. Harry came up from behind me and placed my bag on my lap, covering the split. What a party pooper.

“Enough of the peep show already! Don't you give her those eyes Horan. I know what happens when those baby blues are thrown around. Getting everyone in a room pregnant isn't on a bucket list tonight.”

“But theres only one here! It won't be too much of your time deary, just long enough ” He winked and began dancing in my direction. Oh God Niall no.

“NO OLIVE BABIES!” Louis jumped on Niall's back while I was Scooped up again. The room whirled around me and I had caught a glimpse of Harry laughing across the room

I looked into the eyes of my liberator.

“LIAM! My savior!” He pecked my cheek. I hope Dani doesn't catch wind of that. I may be next on her hit list… Bring it.

“We have missed you Wendy Darling. Were absolutely lost without you.” His smile is simply beautiful. He placed me on my feet.

“Oh i’m sure you're all so lost. Gorgeous apartment, record label, crazed fans. Lost sounds like heaven.” I was twisting my curls in my hand looking around what must have been Liams room. He had very simple taste. There was a queen sized bed covered in chocolate colored sheets. Two long side tables filled with pictures of his family,the boys,dani and one of him and me on my roof.

I let out a little sigh and picked the picture up. “I love this picture of us! Can we make a copy before I go home?” I attempted a puppy dog face.

“What kind of question is that? Of course we can.” He took the picture and placed it back on the table. “ But that one's mine, dont steal it!” He pointed to my bags at the end of his bed “You'll be sleeping in here. My home is your home Wendy. Now get into something that won't rip, Yeah?” he winked and shut the door behind him.

I got dressed as fast as I could. I fixed my hair a little more casually and re-applied my face. When i was ready I walked out to the living room where I could see two newcomers. Well not really new just Dani and another dark haired girl I didn't recognise.

“Oh, This must be Olivia?” The dark haired girl met me with a hug. “Hi Olivia, I’m Eleanor. Louis girlfriend.” She was gorgeous and beyond kind.

“Yes, Eleanor! Louis has told me all about you on our ride here.” He beamed at me from across the room.

“Great so you’ve probably been lied to about a few of those things he told you im sure. Let me clear some up, I dont have three nipples or a fish named Ronald.” She looked back at Louis who was trying his best to look innocent.

“Lou, you're so weird sometimes. Why would you pick Ronald as a name for a fish anyway?” I asked

“No time to explain! We're going out to Aura tonight. The DJ is supposed to be really good and so is the food, El’s starving! " Louis pulled her over to him and kissed her gently "let's feed you doll. Come on styles! El is hungry and you're taking too long!"

I could hear his footsteps descending into the kitchen when he came into view I almost spit my drink all over Niall. He looked amazing. I'm gawking. His black button up was opened low allowing just enough room for his necklaces to hang fully exposed. His hands were stuffed in his tight pants as he fully rounded the corner. I felt a flick on my neck from Liam behind me.

" Tone it down I don't want to have to mop up the floor or wait for you to change your pants ." He whispered in my ear

"I wasn't doing anything to deserve that ."

he rolled his eyes "Uh yea course not"

I rubbed my neck and returned my eyes to my best friend In front of me.

" Come on Jack Sparrow this party isn't going to start itself."

His dimples cut across his cheeks as he gripped up my hand and dragged me out the door. Most of the crazed teens were gone and the ride to Aura was short except this time when the boys got out of the car zayn helped me into the club . Harry and Niall were the first ones out of the car tending to the fans as a minor distraction. Harry was acting a little strange on the was to the club but I couldn't figure out why. Usually we're messing about with each other all night but he's hardly talked to me since we got to the apartment . Maybe he's just nervous to have me around the when the fans are all over? I just don't know.

The music was loud and the lights were set in a light pink color. It was much nicer than what I’m used to back home. Tiff , Nicole and I are usually sitting at the local dive bar doing homework and stuffing our faces with chips and other fried goods.

Once we were all seated dani opened her hole to complain about the place thus far.

" Dixie's was better. The food was great and the crowd was perfect" Zayn gave me the ‘Shut her up’ eyes. She just needs to stop before she ruins the night.

" Dani we just walked in. Give it at least five before you burn it down will ya?" Liam looked annoyed already.

" I'm just saying Liam. This place could use some better music at least " She looked over to me

“ Olivia I love your shirt, is it new?" She must be Bipolar .

"Thanks. Tiff got it for me at the mall last week" she was always picking up things for me or Nicole that she wanted to see us wear. Ill have to send her a picture later.

"Tiff? That's the tall truckers mouth one right?"

" Dani!" Liam was going to explode… or thats what his face said

"This is called a Conversation Liam. I'm not being rude" She put her hand in his face and turned back to me

"That's okay Liam I don't mind.” I winked at him so he knows i'm not upset with him

“Yeah Tiffany is the taller of the two and she does like to drop a few f bombs at dinner. She's really sweet though. She's my Harry replacement in Holmes chapel. well she's the closest I can get aside from this one" I pinched Harry's cheek. He grinned down at me.

"She's not me though. I know all your Dirty little secrets and that you still sleep with your nighty bright on." My face reddened a little

"Really Styles? Why don't you just spill all the goods at dinner" He looked at me through hooded eyes and pulled me into his chest

"I just might liv. I'll tell them where I found your favorite toy-" I pressed my hand to his mouth quickly

"Don't you even dare Harry. I will murder you right here right now." He licked my palm until I pulled my hand back

" What Toy?!" Niall asked “share! I leaned in to hear it and I think I heard right miss dirty." He was laughing at my drained face. I was already mortified that Harry found it in the first place.

"Oh are you talking about Harry's new toy? That blonde little thing? What was her name again Harry? Vanessa?" Dani turned her head like a stupid puppy.

I see now. He didn't want me to find out.

I looked around the table for a confirmation of this new fun fact. Liam looked like he had seen a ghost. Ill take that as a yes. Niall looked confused. Thats a natural state when he doesnt know what to say, so yes. Louis looked like he was going to throw a knife at Dani and El was finding something interesting on her skirt.Obvious yes. Zayn who was sitting next to me must have felt me tense up so he grabbed my hand under the table. Yes on all accounts. Harry was with someone while he was here. I didn't have the courage to look to Harry's face. I simply found a loose string on a napkin to play with

" She wasn't a toy Dani. She was just a girl I met when we went out."

I snuck a peek at his face then . Fury was seeping from every pore. he must have been mad his secret was out. He turned his glance to me which I escaped narrowly. I felt the heat in my cheeks and the hot tears threaten to spill down my face. Suck it up

the waitress came at the perfect time we all ordered a light meal and Zayn bought a round of shots for everyone. Perfect. When we all had our shots in hand Louis made a toast

"To having Wendy Darling home at last. We wouldn't have gotten this far without your fat heart, love." He winked, Niall blew me a kiss and shouted, Zayn mouthed ‘Love you’ and Liam let out a whoop. Under the table harry squeezed my knee. Cheers Olivia.

I threw back the spicy liquor and let it burn my throat. I wanted badly to throw something which wasn't me at all but I guess betrayal will make you into a different monster.

"Bathroom?" El whispered extending a hand out to me. I gripped her hand and she yanked me across Zayn and out of the booth . Thank you El!

" She's a right cunt you know? Shes been waiting to throw that in your faces since that night." El stopped at the bar,ordered two shots of Jameson and two tequila sunrises. So it'll be that kind of night.

"Yeah well just because she said it doesn't mean she made him do it. It doesn't matter anyway. We're not dating so I shouldn't be upset." We took our shot with a bit of a fuss. That shit was powerful but after two more its a piece of cake.

Whiskey does shit to you though. In less than five minutes I was fuzzy.

" You know Lou talks about you two like you're married and in love like crazy? So why is it that I haven't seen any if that?" She asked before taking a swig of her drink

" He hides in his shell when he does something I wouldn't like. Last year he drove home drunk one night and stayed in his room for nearly a week because he " didn't feel good". He finally told me he was just trying to avoid my wrath.” we laughed and decided maybe we should return to the table to eat something.

Dinner seemed normal enough because Zayn made sure there was always some sort of conversation was flowing between the tension of few said people. When we were all finished Dani took Liam outside for some ‘fresh air’ probably to yell at him for something else.

" El, lets get another. Maybe stick with tequila?" She grinned at the idea.

" Tequila it is then darling.” We excused ourselves again walking over to the bar. I looked back at Harry who was heatedly talking to Zayn. He looked past Zayns shoulder right at me. Shit he looks frustrated. I focused on the task at hand…

" Goodbye night, I shall not remember you!" El toasted


I learned in just a few short hours that El is an excellent friend. Shes funny, Honest and shes an excellent time. I will introduce her to Tiffany and Nicole the minute we get settled here.

We never returned back to the table but after three more shots we shuffled to the dance floor because walking normally was no longer an option. El stopped at the table to give Lou kiss but it turned into something a little more intimate

" enough! If the alcohol doesn't make me lose it you two snogging will!" I looked at Liam who seemed in a horrid mood. ...Dance time for Liam and Wendy!

I leaned over Lou and grabbed Liam's elbow so he would lean in to hear me.

" I want some Liam Wendy time. Come on Payne. Three months is a long time" I made a pouty face and reeled im in with my imaginary fishing pole. Yup I have one of those.

He laughed loudly pushing Lou out of the booth before taking me to the dance floor. There was no point In looking at harry I knew he was watching me from the moment I got up to the bar. I don't want to deal with whatever his eyes were trying to get across to me.

" Let it go for now. He wanted to tell you himself" Liam whispered

" I will. " He pulled me to him and I could feel every crease of his body pressed on mine as we danced. Boy if he wasn't such a good friend..

Yup I'm drunk

" I could have sworn before he left we had this thing-" my voice was too quiet to really be heard so I signaled ‘later’ we just danced like crazy animals for the next two songs and battled over who danced sexier. It was all just really messy, unflattering fun.

" Can I cut in? I would like my best friend for a while!" Harry took my hand in his without my permission. I just smiled. It was a pretend smile but I put it on anyway. Liam kissed my forehead and walked back to the table without another word.

Harry wrapped my hands around his waist and he rested his around my shoulders. He squeezed lightly and pressed his lips to my ear so he could be heard.

" I should have told you liv. I certainly didn't want you finding out like that." His hot breath was melting me in my already drunken state.

He pulled my chin so our eyes were level and suddenly I was lost in the sadness his were giving off. I tore my gaze away.

" Please, say something liv, your killing me here."

" I just hate finding out everything second hand Harry. You know this! Normally it comes from your mouth and recently i'm hearing things from all the others. " I looked straight in his eyes.

" I know. I get my phone taken for having it out during recordings or press dates like a kid in class.” I glared at that pathetic excuse.

“I haven't been a good friend, I know. I promise I will make it up to you. No more secrets.” He held out a pinky I grinned at his childishness.

“ Harry, Ill always forgive you but dont make me regret it. You’ve been around too long for me to lose you over secrets when theres no need for them.” i took his pinky. It was that simple with us. problem solved. Secret forgotten.

“Can we just dance and talk about how I've just died without you around?" We laughed and shook it all off.

We were dancing like strippers on the dance door in seconds beaconing the rest of the group to join us. Eventually I had become sandwiched between Liam and Harry while El, Louis and Zayn distracted Dani from seeing Liam dance near a girl. She needs to stop swinging her dick around and give him his freedom or she was going to lose him.

Harry was standing in front of me swiping his ass back and forth over the front of my body while Liam practically assaulted me from behind. Warning: pregnancy may occur on dance floor.

Finally Dani noticed and pulled her boyfriend away from any surrounding females.

" Oh lame!" Harry shouted with a pointing finger in Liam's direction "Right then, I shall have my way with you Rivers. " He spun himself in a very cheesy but suave manner to get behind me.

" smooth haz. Mucho sexy points! "

He was laughing at me now

" You're not a very good drinker Miss. Rivers. Your pissed and you know it.” If it weren't for his arms wrapped around my waist I'd be on the floor.

" Yup."

" Time to go then!" He lead me off the dance floor. He gathered everyone and we all met outside. I was hoisted into the SUV after everyone piled in the back. Louis and El were ranting about some girl they had seen walk out of the lady's room with two guys. While Dani and Liam argued in the back again. She will not ruin this weekend for us I absolutely refuse!

" Oh Dani I think you need to pick up a hobby or something. You complain too much for one human. Lay it to rest will ya?!" I shouted to them in the very back seat

Louis lost it. He was clutching his abdomen trying to catch his breath I between belts of laughter

"Olive ,I LOVE YOU!" He raised his and for a high five and I took it proudly. El covered her mouth to contain the giggles. I know she was worried about being rude as well but not even she could hold it back

" We'll way to just let it run out'cha gob Livie! Niall laughed as well while Liam smirked at me from the back . All was relatively peaceful for the rest of the car ride.

" I want pizza!" Niall ran into the kitchen

"I'll make some" El volunteered following closely behind

" Where did Liam go?" Harry asked noticing our missing ranks

" Dani whispered something about going home early. She has some dance workshop tomorrow. i think you just scared her off" Louis replied

I nodded admitting it was probably my fat mouth that chased her off early.

Harry started taking my Bobby pins out of my hair. He always did this knowing well that I hated falling asleep with them in . When he was finished he combed his long fingers across my scalp. Feels so damn good.

" You want to get into something more comfortable?" His voice was husky and deep

" Yeah I'm pretty sleepy anyway. I think I'll just say goodnight."

" Okay"

I walked into the kitchen wishing them all sweet dreams. I hugged El and thanked her for being the best sidekick ever.

" Love you lot! Sleep sound lost boys!" I blew them a kiss goodnight.

I found my way to Liam's room and changed quickly, well not quick enough because as I was going for a new bra when Harry walked in. I clutched my breasts in my hands as quickly as I could and turned around glancing back to see him with his mouth opened the slightest bit in awe.

" Haz!" What the hell turn around!

" Oh God sorry liv! I'm turned now!" I snatched the bra on and slipped my baggy tank over it. My face must have been blood red.

" I can't believe I just saw your twins!" I could hear him holding back laughter. If it wasn't a moment ago it is now.

" Harry!” I chucked a small pillow at his head

" Can I turn around now?" I was too embarrassed to notice he was only in a pair of boxers and white shorts. His bare back to me. He looked mind blowing with those shorts riding so low. Every muscle was seen perfectly through his tanned skin-


"Yeah turn. I'm covered now."

Don't turn. That's never a good idea when the man you adored to bits was this close to naked and only a short distance away. My mind is dulled with liquor so my will isn't that strong.

I slipped out a quiet throaty moan as he slid onto Liam's bed. His eyes shot to mine.

" What was that?!" His mouth hung open for the second time in only five minutes. Oh Lord. Think, think! Why did you make that noise!?!

" What" I said playing dumb. Yes, Brilliant. When in Doubt play stupid!

" The moan that just slid out.. of..your.. mouth, Olivia." He wasn't letting this go. His eyes were wide and I think he was blushing a bit.

" It just feels so good not to have heels on that's all." Oh sweet baby Jesus he looks edible right now.

" Good God woman that's all it took for a noise like that to be coaxed from your lips? Olivia Lynn, You mustn't make noises like that with a male present. " Harry let a grin slide across his face. That really needs to cease or bad things will happen .

Bad things like Liam walking in at this moment...

" Alright you two say goodnight!" Liam walked into the room throwing his shoes in his closet before stripping Down To his briefs. subtle little Liam.

Harry rolled his eyes and rolled off the bed.

" Right Payne.Keep a good distance tonight. I'll be checking on you." He walked over to my side and hugged me for a while.

" I can't begin to explain how happy I am your here livia." He softly kissed my cheek "Sweet dreams Wendy darling."

“Goodnight Harry.”

I have Liam a look only he would know.

" Yeah it was daddy rivers that said I was to have you in my room at all times of the night. He knows Harry better but ...he knows Harry and that's enough for any father to worry."

" This is true. But Harry's slept over a million times. Why would he worry now?" I slid under the covers.

Liam laughed like I was an idiot

" Because he's not here to beat his skull in."

I crossed my arms

" We'll what's so trustworthy about you?"

" We'll I never said he didn’t threaten my life... " oh wow dad. He would threaten Liam into protecting me. Liam turned off the light, crawled into the spot next to me and took my hand.

" Thanks for putting Dani in her place tonight."

I smiled into the darkness

" Anytime Liam”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I have one more chapter finished so ill be posting it tomorrow!

I swear reviews are huge motivation to keep going :)

Thanks loves!