Accepting Chaos

Mr. Hyde

The sun shone through the cracks filling the room with yellow light. Liam's alarm clock said 7:15.

Why was I up this early after a night like that? My head doesn't even bother me, this is excellent! When I came to a little more I realized my legs were intertwined with Liam's. I giggled a little into my pillow. I rolled over to look at him but his arm snaked around my torso, pinning me in place.

"Stay. No moving. Harrys been opening the door every ten minutes for the past hour. Let's mess with him, yeah?" Liam whispered into my ear

Harry doesn't get up this early... Ever. I'm always the one dragging him out of bed.

"I don't believe you. Harry must still be sleeping. He doesn't get up this early."

"He'll be peeking from the hall in about two minutes and then he'll huff away.” He laughed quietly “You should have heard him when I pushed the sheets away so he could see our legs. It was a straight hissy fit he threw. Stomped all the way down the hall"

"Ok what shall we do?" I could practically hear the smile take over his face

“Do you trust me?" He asked

Oh Jesus.

“Stupid question, yes Liam"

“Right then, pull your tank top down"

My eyes almost fell out of my head

" wh-"

"Trust. Remember?"
I did as I was asked and he pulled off his shirt as quietly as possible. We maneuvered ourselves so that it looked like we were naked and tangled together.

He’s going to murder someone.

"I think he's coming, shh."

Sure enough I heard Harry's feet pad over to the door. The knob turned slowly and clicked open.

Don't laugh, don't laugh!


I could hardly sleep knowing Liam was the one who was trusted enough to have Livia stay in his room for the weekend. Livia has been curled up in my bed back home more times than I've been in it alone. We haven't balled up together for a movie in ages and that’s all I can think about since I left. I wanted to do that again just hopefully not ending the same way.


"Haz! I swear that tree is going to bust through your window any minute."

The storm outside was vicious and Olivia's dad refused for us to leave my house until the morning.

"Don't be such a puss Olivia, just press play and stop staring outside." I handed her a small bowl of popcorn and set her drink on the nightstand.

She really did look quite scared of the sounds outside. I hate when she makes that face where she looks the she's pouting but she's just thinking of how to calm herself down

I crawled under the covers with her and pulled her into my chest, for her benefit… or mine it doesn't matter.
We watched the ridiculous movie she picked. Some chick flick we ended up just talking through. My phone buzzed against the table.

Ugh again?

"Liv, can you pass me my phone?"

She grabbed it and read who it was from

"Oh, Gabby? Is this the girl from almost two weeks ago?

I snatched it out if her hand

“Yes. Why would you say it like that? Like I can't hook a girl for longer than two days? "

"Harry, I've been with you since before you even started dating. I know it doesn't last very long. Your too picky and there all crazy.”

"I am not picky! That Melissa girl had huge feet Olivia. It was unattractive and a little scary."

“There was also Brittany with the weird earlobes, Jane who snored a little in her sleep-"

"She woke me up when I was in the tent across from her! You can't count any of that! They were practically barbarians.” Olivia laughed and rolled her eyes.

“Picky." She said shoving another piece of popcorn in her mouth

“Whatever liv. What about you? You turned down John baby face and I know every girl in Mrs. Landon’s class would tear out their best friend’s hair to get a piece of him. I heard them say so. That’s proof girls are barbaric, inhumane cannibals.” She shot a kernel at me from her mouth.

“Take that for barbaric.” She snapped at me
“Your ignoring my question. Stop blinding me by your manly spitting!”

“He has nothing to offer me. His conversations are crap and he's egotistical. Pass."

“Your too picky. You should have just sleepy with him." I smiled knowing her innocence. She slapped me across the chest for it too.

“that’s discussing harry!"

“Liv your ruining the damned move! Now I have no idea how this woman is going to get to her boyfriend in time! You spoil everything Rivers." She looked offended.

"No, That’s you girlfriends job. I just got a text asking if I was with you." She held up the phone showing me the text.

“Ugh I'm sorry, I don't know why she's so clingy recently"

“It’s been two weeks I think she's just hoping for someone that wants to be around her more than once every two weeks. I mean she doesn't live far so you have no excuse. Not in her eyes at least."

“Are you saying I should just run over there right now? Are you trying to get rid of me?" I put on my best hurt face with some puppy dog eyes.

“Maybe, I invited John baby face over so I could sleep with him like you suggested" she waved her phone around.

I could feel my ears burn at her comment. John wasn't even close to what she deserved and I would probably tear his head off if he even tried to get with her.

"Fine, I’ll see you later then!" I slowly put on my shoes as she chomped away at the popcorn like it didn’t matter.

I threw my shoes on and walked out my door pretending to leave heading towards the stairs I could hear her laugh and say 'yeah you can head over now he's leaving' she blew a kiss into the phone.

She loves pressing my buttons. She has no idea how mad she drives me sometimes. I walked back to the doorway and glared at her. She finally decided to take notice.

“Oh gee your still here? I’ll have to tell John we can only mess around when-

I jumped on the bed before she could say another word. She wrestled me a little before giving up. I was now straddled on her thighs holding her arms down above her head.

“Olivia Lynn, don't even finish the sentence!" She bucked in attempt to get me off her.

“You mean I can't say John was going to..”

I didn’t give her time to. I tickled her sides until she cried mercy. I was laughing at her form weakly under mine.

I noticed then. In that very moment how sexy she looked.

Her hair was a messy halo around her face which was bushed perfectly. The light panting didn’t help either. It just made it look more like I had just taken her right there on my bed.

This is Olivia! What the fuck is happening?

I hopped off of her giving her a minute to breathe.

“you alright Harry?" She leaned up to me trying to search my face

I looked down in her eyes that were staring at me intently now. I shifted my sight to her parted lips.
“Why did you break up with Hunter?"

Really? I decided to bring up this subject just when I was feeling … what ever that was.

She stared dating Hunter Johnson last month. We went to school with him and we both knew him pretty well. I was told by a mutual friend that he cornered Liv one night recently at a party and yelled at her for having a male as a best mate.

He made a scene in front of everyone. Worst of all, he made her cry. He told her she needed a real set of friends and if she didn’t stay away from me she would be in trouble. Only shortly after the living room full of people had witnessed this Tiffany put a stop to it. She shoved Hunter around, screaming at him for upsetting Olivia. Tiffany texted me just after Nicole came to get them and she spilled the beans. Now, she wasn't going behind Olivia's back she was doing it for her own good... And I would have found out eventually.

She looked a little confused as she decided to play dumb. She forgets I know all her tricks.

“You know what I'm talking about. Now I'm just waiting to hear it from your mouth Olivia." I made sure I didn't break eye contact so she knew I wasn't stopping until she fessed up.

“Harry, we broke up because he didn't like sharing. He never wanted me to be with Tiffany or Nicole and especially not you.” She fiddled with her fingers before speaking again.

“I don't tell you because I know that look you get when anyone messes with me or Gemma, you go all crazy."

She looked me in the eyes again with a stern expression.

“I don't want you doing anything stupid Styles." I could see her eyes were getting glossy and she tried to look away.
I won't have any of that now.

I took her chin in my hands and made her look at me. The tears slipped down her face.

... I'm going to kick the shit out of Hunter.

I brought my lips to her now tear stained cheek. Her skin was so soft and smelled of peaches. When I pulled away immediately went in for the other side kissing away the little salt water drops running away from her eyes.

"I. hate. Him."

She studied me for a moment

“We were having a good night why did you ruin it?”

"You don't like when I keep things from you. Why would you think that didn't work the other way around?"

“Harry I've seen that other side of you.”

So she’s seen Mr. Hyde once, wasn’t that bad.

"I don't need you cleaning up my messes. When Hunter told everyone I was sleeping with you I nearly-"


I'm absolutely on fire. My body is shaking in an instant.

She looks mortified. She thought I knew.

“Olivia, did he say that shit at the party too? In front of everyone?" I pointed at her.

She simply looked down. Well that confirms it.

"Give me your phone." I held out my hand.

"Absolutely not."

"I asked nicely once Liv. Now,"

"Fine." She got off the bed and picked up her purse.

I'm going to destroy this asshole. He should have kept his mouth shut.

I opened my closet to grab a beanie so I could go outside to call him but before I knew it I could hear her running down my stairs.


I sprinted out of my room and down the stairs. I heard my back door slam shut.

Is she fucking crazy?! It’s pouring outside!

I bolted through my living-room out the back door after her. I could see her running across the field to her house.


I chased her into her own kitchen where her dad stood confused and looking angry.

“What’s going on styles?"

“You should ask Miss Olivia." I said through pursed lips.

With that he put down his bowl of ice cream and glared at his daughter dripping wet in front of him.

She shot me the same look.

“Dad, Harry lost it. He's just mad over something rude someone said and now he's turned into a raging murderer!" She threw her hands in the air exasperated.

“No Mr. Rivers it was not just. Rude it was done out of jealousy and it was cruel. Hunter deserves to get his ass handed to him!" Mr. Rivers looked at me waiting for me to continue.

I love that he always seems to take my side.

"If you don't shut your mouth Harry ill make you regret it!" She had her hands in fists by her side.

That was adorable. She thinks she’s tough!

"Hunter told an entire audience she was sleeping with me. He said it because she shouldn't have friends who are guys apparently!"

She covered her face with her hands.

“I never like that little jock strap anyway." Her dad took her into his arms as she cried.

I hated feeling this useless. I wanted to pull her into me and promise I wouldn't do anything about it…

But I can't make promises I know I won't keep

“I’ll bring your things back in the morning liv." I headed to the door

She looked up from her dad then walked toward me.
Mr. Rivers picked up his bowl and escaped the room quickly.

“I don't think so styles. We didn't finish our movie.” She punched me in the side pretty hard

She fidgeted with her phone for a second.

Yup she was deleting his number.

"All gone." She showed me her phone and sure enough I was right.

I leaned into her ear and whispered "I love a Challenge."

She looked defeated especially soaking wet. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back out into the rain so we could finish out movie.

We gave up on running this time around. We were already soaked so we carefully walked hand in hand back to mine.

I felt bad making her cry but I can't stand people like him.

Just before we went inside I pulled her close to me.

"I can't let things like that happen to you Liv. It's driving me to the brink of madness as it is. I’ll say something and that's it. If he pushes me it’ll only get worse"

I tugged the door open and we both went inside without another word.

-End flash back-

I needed to check on her again. As I walked to his door I heard shuffling of the covers. They must be awake.

I pushed the door open a little and immediately wanted to tear it down. I could see Liam’s bare back hovered over Liv. He pulled the covers over the two of them.

No, no, NO, Fuck NO!

"What the fuck."


I let a giggle slip do to Liam's face. He was about to burst with laughter.

"Fuck no!" Harry ripped the covers off the bed in one swoop.

That was it we let our laughter spill out.

Harry's face was just burgundy. Furious at the two of us it took him a second to realize that my clothes were still intact as were Liam's pants.

"Oh, fuck off you two!" He paced at the end of the bed all hot headed “Olivia Lynn, Get your shit and put it in my room before I lose it.”

He always looks sexy when he’s angry.

“Yes sir!” I quickly kissed Liam’s cheek mostly to get a rise out of Harry

I noticed his arms flex and his fists clench across his chest

“Olivia, until next time love” Liam winked as I walked out of his room with my things. Harry glared at him and shot him the finger. That just caused Liam to laugh more.

I plopped my things in the corner of Harry’s room so it was out of the way. Harry shut the door behind him.

“You are nothing but trouble.” He said calmly

“I think not. You’re just nosy.”

“Go get a shower I’m taking you out. Scrub hard, you smell like Liam. I don’t like it.” He threw a towel at me.

Who’s salty now?

“Fine, you’re next though because you wreak of jealousy.” I smiled in his face as I walked past him to the bathroom.

Today should be good! A day out with Harry all to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so lied I put all four up in one day. =]
Tell me what you wanna see in the upcoming chapters!