Accepting Chaos

Little Teal Box

There really isn't anything like a hot shower. Just to have those few moments to clear your mind absolutely.

...well almost.

"Liv I have to brush my teeth." Harry said shutting the door behind him.

"Your breath can't be that bad where you couldn't wait until I was finished?"

"According to zayn. And what are you being shy for? I've already seen all your bits and pieces." He laughed causing me to replay that awful moment.

He's really not shy at all recently ... I can play that game. Well, I can't try.

" oh well in that case why don't you just get in? It'll save us some time " I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn't laugh.

I heard something smash in the sink so I practically ripped open he screen enough so I could see harry standing there with toothbrush in hand looking flush and shocked. The toothbrush holder was in pieces before him.

Maybe I'm not so bad at this!

I let out a devious little laugh " who's shy now styles." He watched me as I closed the curtain

He brushed his teeth with haste

" hurry up liv, were going to be late." And with that he left.

I finished up in the bathroom as fast as a girl could. I ran into Harry's room and shut the door. I double checked to make sure 1. no one was in the room and 2. The door was securely locked. I scrambled to get dressed but had difficulty because I had no Idea what we were doing.

Once I was all finished I walked out to the living room where Harry sat alone on the couch. As a matter of fact I'm not totally sure where everyone else went.

"Hey I'm ready when you are."

He sat up and stretched. When he turned to face me he hesitated. Was it hesitation? He looked at loss for words. Surely that wasn't my doing.

" you look perfect." He grinned as he walked around to me

" what?! What have I got in my teeth?" I reached up to make sure I didn't have anything lodged in between them

He laughed low and husky .

"No Olivia,that's not why I'm walking over here." He smacked my hand down playfully.

" I meant what I said. You look amazing" his grin got even bigger

"Thanks haz. That very uncharacteristically sweet of you."

" I'm sweet all the time! Must you always doubt me?" He these pulled his hand from behind his back to reveal three roses. A pink,red and white rose bound together by a white ribbon.

"Happy Birthday Olivia." His smile was so big I could count all 32 teeth.

He remembered. In the middle of all this record business.

"Harry! You remembered."

"Of course I did! What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't?" He Tousled his hair with his hand

" I also got you something else, but that's later."

" you really didn't need to do this, Haz."

"Oh, shut it will ya?" He leaned Down and placed his soft lips in the corner of my mouth.

I could have died right then and there and been perfectly happy with my short life.

When he pulled away his cologne invaded my aura. He smelled delicious.

"Come on I don't want to be late" he intertwined his long fingers on mine. Don't let the fans bother you. I'm just getting straight into the car so don't let go." I nodded nervously

He opens the door and entered the manic crowd outside. It must have grown ten times larger since last night . Nothing but screaming. I heard one of the girls scream ' who is she'

And another 'Harry's mine back off!'

We finally made it into the vehicle and it took off.

"That was madness." I whispered

He looked at me almost hurt

"Just ignore them. Let them yell what they want. None of it matters anyway." He said with an irritated tone.

"You okay?"

" Yes miss rivers I'm doing just excellent." He took my hand in his again. This used to be regular for us but now I've ruined it with thoughts of 'more'. Now something as simple as holding his hand fills me with irrational adrenaline.

" we're here Liv." Excitement was all over his face . He pulled me out of the car before I could say a word

It was beautiful... Well as good as you could get on a British cloudy day. Hyde park.

He lifted a brown bag to his face and smiled " I got the best breakfast around. Come. Ill take you to the breakfast bench!"

I laughed at his madness.

My birthday morning was wonderful so far. Well up until he thought it would be an excellent idea to take a picture of me stuffing my face full of pastry and post it on Instagram.

" look at your cheeks. Who would have thought you could fit more food in then then a chipmunk." He pulled at my face laughing at the contorted expressions he created.

" aw, it's so great we can finally match a little." I hooked my fingers in his mouth and pulled them away from each other

"Eeeghh, eching uurtts!"

"See we're like twins Harry!"

He slapped my hands away

"Could you stretch my lips out any more liv?!" He pretended to push them back together.

"You very dramatic."

He picked up his phone and began messing about with it .boys and their toys.

" Come on Liv,Birthday picture." He lifted his arm for me so I slid against him. His musky aroma is invigorating and I had to hold back a shiver.

"Three,two,one.." He moved mid picture pressing his lips to the corner of my mouth.


When he backed away he whispered "happy birthday Olivia, love."

My hormones could be compared to a raging sea at this moment. His closeness teasing me- SNAP OUT OF IT!

"”Look at this picture. We are perfect." He holds it out to me.

My eyes were closed and I wore a Cheshire grin. His eyes were also shut lightly as his lips just barely grazed mine while his curly mop of hair blew in the wind. He looked so perfect. WE actually looked wonderful.

" I think this, Harry, may just be our best one yet. I love it and I want it framed. Ill put it -"

I was cut of by raindrops on my face

" oh shit. It's about to pour." He said looking at the darkening sky

We raced to clean up our mess before it downpoured.

...with no success at all

We were sopping wet in mere moments.

Harry began to laugh

"What exactly is so funny?!"

He pointed to me and then lifted his arms to signify the situation we were in. We both just laughed

"Let's get you back so we can change and continue with my plans."

The driver got us back to the apartment quickly where we both raced to get new clothes on.

When we met downstairs he held out his umbrella and we shared the dry space under it.

“Im taking you shopping”

Oh please no.

“Harry the last time you went shopping with me you made the lady give you the loud speaker so you could complain about how long i was taking. Its not safe for you to be in any clothing store ever. I refuse.”

“You have no choice. Besides its not only clothes, you need some things for your flat.” he pushed his messy hair back out of his eyes

“Well I hope you don't think you're paying for my things because thats NOT happening.” I poked him in the chest.

“Its quite adorable how you think you can talk to me like you're tough.” He pinched my cheek in addition to his remark

“You can buy me one gift. Thats it though. I dont feel comfortable with you spending your money on me.”

“Oh Olivia, just shut up.”

His attitude turned demanding and slightly cold.

“Whats your problem?”

“I just want to do something nice for you and your being a pain. I have the means to do it so im going to. Please just drop it and let me do this for my favorite girl.” He smiled down at me and I was like butter in seconds.

Im such a pussy.

“Fine.” I was defeated because i didn't want to push him in his crabby mood. His eyes lit up after that and the shopping spree began.

The rest of the day was just amazing. I bought things for the flat, Clothes and a pair of shoes. Harry behaved himself relatively well during the course of the morning with only one hissy fit. He decided if he could humiliate me enough I would leave and he was successful.

He managed to flirt mercilessly with the cashier, getting himself thrown out at one point . once outside he pressed his whole body against the glass windows like a squashed bug to get my attention.

Yes, I do consider this a successful day of shopping with Harry Styles.

His “part three” of my birthday was taking me to see my favorite rugby team play against France. The game was great but the kiss cam was the HIGHLIGHT of my day.. maybe my life..

We were sharing ice cream when everyone one around us started shouting at us to look up. Our faces were outlined by a large red heart on the big screen. Of course Harry just charms the camera with one of his sexy grins then grips the back of my head and pulls my face to his. His lips molded to mine as he began sweet slow movement I responded by moving mine along as well. It felt like I lived in that moment a lifetime.It seemed as though the stadium emptied and it was just the two of us. When he pulled away he was still close, with his eyes anchored to mine. The stadium nose filled my ears again. He winked at me as he laced our fingers together.

"Come on, we have to get to you back to the flat for your party”

"P-Party? I didn't want a party!” Just kiss me again damnit

He stood up taking me with him

" That's an absolutely unacceptable attitude to have on your birthday I won't take it."

He threw me over his shoulder

"Must you always throw me around like a rag doll?"

"Your little. I'm allowed."

When we got to the flat we had to pass through a line of paparazzi.

This is a first for me. Fans were a whole different beast.

Harry threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. He whispered to me

"Just pretend your mom and mine are taking pictures of us at junior prom... Except those

two were worse"

I laughed remembering how badly blinded we were on the car ride to the dance. I kept a smile plastered on my face.

We made it through the inquisitive picture snapping crowd after 5 minutes. When we got to the flat I was greeted with the wonderful visual of Niall in a onesie. My day is completed.

Harry was laughing hysterically next to me. “Oh my God Niall. Thats unbelievable!”

“Niall, What are you wearing?” I said in between fits of laughter.

“Its a onesie! I had it made especially for tonight. Like my clovers?” There were green shamrocks and four leaf clovers all over.

“Love them!” Niall turned revealing a pot of gold on his left butt cheek that made Harry and I lose it.

“Don't laugh Harry I got you one too mate.”

“What kind of party is this?” Harry pulled me on to the couch

“Its a slumber party.” His eyes were practically glowing with excitement. “I figured we could just stick with low key and you would be more then happy.”

“Its perfect. Let me go get my pajamas on.”

“Oh no you don't!” Liam walked out of the room and came back with a box

“This is Tomlinson’s gift to you.” He handed it to me

I opened the box next to Louis and Harry on the couch. I pulled out a onesie that has little olive’s printed all over.

“Seriously Lou! These are excellent!” I kissed his cheek

“Your welcome Olive juice” I think he sees that as an endearing term but its just gross.

I put the new onesie on and created a space on the floor to burrow in pillows.

Zayn brought out a large tray of what looked like champagne and passed them around. we were all in onesies ( Zayn picked bunnies, Louis had airplanes, Liam was rocking pink skulls and Harry debuted his onesie adorned with red kisses) and comfortably in our own spots around 6:30. Best idea EVER. We watched one chick flick in my honor then and action movie. We took a break to eat dinner then put in a horror film.

Harry slipped beside me in my pillow fortress for the last film of the night. I found myself hiding in his chest for the scary parts while Liam held my hand from the couch. Once the movie ended everyone flocked to the kitchen to get dessert. all except Harry and I.

“ I still have to give you your birthday gift you know.” He was propped up on his elbow above me

“You bought me half of London. What else could you possibly give to me?” He reached out to push a strand of hair out of my face.

“You have to wait and see.” I stuck my tongue out at him. What? Im very mature… I know

Zayn ran out of the kitchen holding up his phone in a panic “Harry! You might want to check TMZ mate.” Harry Huffed and opened his phone hastily as I did the same.





WHO IS THIS GIRL ANYWAY?( Picturing Harry and I walking into the apartment)

“Wow,They figured me out. I was going to ask my non-existent girlfriend to marry me and they've gone and spoiled the surprise.” He said scrolling through the headlines. He threw his phone on the couch in annoyance. “Liv, Come here please.” he asked walking to his room. I followed behind while Niall yelled something about being the best man when I said yes.

The room was all cleaned the way he like it. There was a candle on his side table that was filling the room with a woodsy scent. I like it alot. It suited him well.What didn't was seeing him pull the covers over his head in the middle of his bed.

“Under the covers Ms. Rivers. Now. Dont make me ask again.” I stifled giggle at his demanding tone. “Yes Sir!” I slithered my way to him under the covers.

He was sitting there with his onesie unzipped and pulled down so it just looked like pajama pants. His bare chest exposed had me distracted from the object in his hand.

A small teal box.
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