

Emmalee attended Sweet Amoris High School and if there was one thing she liked doing best out of everything, that was creep on the unsuspecting Kentin who was the object of her obsession. Before being sent to military school, she had liked sweet Ken who was somewhat "geeky" as the other students at the school described him as, but it was when he returned that she realised just how attractive he had always been. But, of course, she had no idea how to tell him.

"Emmalee," Kentin greeted as she bumped into him on the courtyard. "ready for the exams tomorrow?"

The exams! She had totally forgotten about them, again. Last year had been the same except for the fact she had a reason for forgetting because she'd been so busy at home that she'd totally blanked on the fact that she had work to do in school. It had resulted in some less than perfect grades which made it so that she had to intercept her report card and made sure none of her parents ever saw the grades.

"I am," she lied, brushing her hair back from her face. "I'm just having some trouble with some notes but everything is going fine. What about you?"

"My dad's drilled me with the answers so I should do nothing but ace them." He seemed to be pleased with himself for a moment, something which reminded her of another classmate of hers, before his expression changed and he spoke again. "What notes are you having trouble with?"

Quickly, she rifled through her bag and pulled out the first set of notes she found which were for Mr. Faraize's class. "Um, it's these. I just don't get what they're supposed to be telling me."

Kentin held out his hand and she gave him the notes, allowing him to have a read through what she'd written down from the class. "I know why you don't understand them," he announced after a few moments. "You copied them down wrong."

"What?" she exclaimed, grabbing them back from him and reading over the notes. Feeling insanely embarrassed, Emmalee crumbled the papers up in her hand. "I'm going to fail now."

She didn't know what she'd do if she failed because even though she hadn't been too aware of the exams through lack of paying attention (and the fact that she'd been focused on her obsession), she still thought she was going to do okay considering she knew a lot of her notes and could remember some classes in vague detail. Now it seemed to be that she couldn't even trust her notes to be accurate so who knew whether what she recalled was even correct?

"Hey," Kentin said, digging around in his own bag. "You can borrow my notes. I've done the best I could with them and don't need them, so hopefully you can salvage what you copied wrong."

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" she gushed, throwing her arms around his neck in thanks. After a few moments she realised what she did and pulled away abruptly. "Thanks, Ken."

"Don't call me that!" he snapped, his mood changing drastically by the slip of her tongue. "I have to go." With that, he walked across the courtyard and into the school, leaving Emmalee alone with his papers in her hand.

With a sigh, she had a quick look over the notes before opening her bag and slipping them between books to make sure they didn't get ruined. As she turned to enter the school, she bumped into Nathaniel. "Hello," he acknowledged, giving her a beautiful small smile. Okay, so maybe she thought he was a tiny bit cute as well, but that meant nothing compared to how much she liked Kentin. "I see you didn't get very far with Kentin." And apparently it was clear to everyone but him.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she replied briskly, walking past him and into the school, knowing full well that he was smiling at her back. After all, how was she supposed to let someone who used to crush on her so hard but not anymore know that she was crushing right back at him but at the wrong time? She didn't know.

As the day wore on she didn't see Kentin for the entire of it, making her think that her saying "Ken" had done more damage than she first thought. She knew that he didn't like being called that because it was a clear reminder as to what he was like being going to military school, but it was still his name and she liked both Ken and Kentin so she didn't see how it could be too harmful. Then again, Amber would have been happy to be seen with Kentin when he first came back but not with Ken so there were a lot of difference between the two despite them being the same person.

When it was time for school to let out, she decided to just head into town and take a walk through the park. On her way out of the school, she heard someone calling her which made her stop and look over her shoulder in time to see Kentin approaching her. "Emmalee, I was wondering whether you needed help in studying?" he asked, giving her a smile.

"No—I mean, yes. I would really appreciate the help," she said, mentally slapping herself for almost turning down a chance of being alone with him. Not that anything would happen because she's too much of a coward, but that was besides the point. They started walking together until they passed the café and Kentin guided her inside. "What're you doing?"

He shrugged but didn't stop as he held the door for them to both enter. "I figured we could study together in the café, if that's alright?"

"Oh, um, sure!"

They sat at a table before he offered to get them a drink and went to the counter to get them. While he was gone, Emmalee debated about whether she should get the notes out or not because were they actually going to study? Or were they going to simply talk for the whole time?

All too soon he was back with their drinks. "So I was thinking that maybe we could work for a bit on the notes I gave you and then talk for a bit," he suggested as he slid into his seat. She nodded and pulled the notes out, placing them between them. This led to Kentin spreading them out on the table and talking to her about them.

While he was talking, she was watching his lips move because wow, she had never paid attention to how nice his lips actually were before. To make it look like she was actually paying attention, she would nod whenever it seemed right to nod and sometimes look down at the spot he was pointing at, but other than that she focused solely on his lips. The lips that just seemed to be perfect and before she knew it, she had leaned across the table, pressed her lips against him and kissed him like she'd never see him again.

She couldn't even think about how this was probably the worst thing to do because his lips were just so soft.

After a moment, Kentin pulled away from the kiss, his eyes wide with an unreadable expression on his face. Either he couldn't believe that she had actually kissed him because ew, why would he want Emmalee to kiss him, or he couldn't believe that she had actually kissed him because he thought she'd never in a million years like him, despite her having been the only nice person to him back when he was Ken. "Um..." he began, looking at her for something to say.

"You have really nice lips," she blurted out, and of course that was the only thing she would say after doing something like that.

But that was something Kentin was used to.