Footprints of a vampire

The dodgy garden.

- ALIZ'S P.O.V –

We sat there in the small cell, some people lay asleep sprawled across each other on the floor, others were drooling in their sleep and countless were passed out, only Matt and I sat there wide awake, the shock of getting arrested finally sinking in. Neither of us spoke as the night etched on, every now and then someone would cough and vomit, but we still sat there motionless. Matt was staring at a spot on the wall opposite, his eyes wide and focused and never blinking. I wanted to let out a small yelp or cry to get this emotion that was settling in my stomach out but I knew that if I did such a thing, I would get whacked by Matt. I knew it would be bad for his precious reputation, so I sat there in silence trying to make sense of everything.

We were going to be released tomorrow morning, once the police were sure everybody had sobered up and we wouldn’t be a threat to the public anymore, that was the only reason we were having to spend a night in prison! I thought back to what the officer had said once he had placed us all in this cell, he had mentioned something about a drugs raid. Apparently there had been a drugs issue at hand as well, someone or some people had been dealing at the party and a big deal went down at the party too. If I had known, I would have steered well clear of the place, I only really went to keep Matt in check. I mean, it was a party and Matt was in my body, I couldn’t not go, who knows what other trouble Matt could have caused.

I thought about that poor girl, her house trashed, I wondered what her parents would think when they returned home to find their house sectioned off, police swarming the place taking samples of drugs. I wondered what their expressions would be like when they saw everything smashed, the carpet ruined and more importantly when they found out that their daughter’s in jail for a night. My thoughts then travelled to Cassie. Cassie who almost killed Matt. She had strangled him to the point of death but that nice officer saved his life and my body. I didn’t pity Cassie at all, wherever she was now, she deserved it all, bloody lunatic.

"Are you awake?" I heard his voice sound from next to me quiet and it seemed distant, I guess he had been in deep thought too.

I shifted my head to let him know and nodded slightly, my neck starting to hurt from the awkward position it had been placed in for such a long time. I could barely see his face in the darkness but a tiny ray of moonlight was beaming down allowing me to see his big brown eyes, which were once my big brown eyes, and I missed them, I frowned slightly and he picked this up.

"I know . . . I know." He sighed pushing his head back against the wall.

"It's harder for me; I'm on my first ever period Aliz! And it’s the weirdest thing ever! I’m going to be scarred for life." He hissed quietly, making a face at the same time.

I didn’t feel for him in any way shape or form, well maybe just a tiny bit. Although it was about time a male experienced everything a girl has to go through! He didn’t understand what it was like to be me, coming from a poor background, trying to make something of myself, getting knocked down constantly and then at school having to deal with him being annoying and childish!

"I can't believe. . ." I trailed off putting my head on my knees and playing with my hands.

He took a while to reply.

"This has got to be the weirdest thing." He whined.

"I hate your grandma" I glared.

"I hate my grandma too." He agreed.

"You have to admit though, you started this all." I absent mindedly suggested.

He scoffed.

"How did I start it?" He wailed.

"Shut up. I am not going through this with you again." I growled, he knew fully well this was his fault!


"We are so dead." He breathed and then I remembered that our parents were arriving in the morning to pick us all up. I would get to see my own mother! But then she would be so disappointed, I’ve never done anything this bad!

"Uhh." I groaned dreading sunrise, we were going to be in so much trouble.

* * *

I vaguely heard a door opening and some loud footsteps but that was all in the distance for me, I was in another world.

"Some of you are allowed to go now, your parents are here.” I heard the loud voice and my eyes snapped opened quickly but then I squinted as the sunlight hit my eyes, I wanted to go back to sleep. I didn’t want to move from my comfortable position so I snuggled closer until I realized just who and what I was snuggling to. My eyes quickly opened again and I stared at Matt in horror as he realized we had both been leaning on each others shoulder, we both yanked ourselves apart and shot up dusting ourselves. Avoiding each others eyes we shuffled behind the other people walking out of the room to meet out parents.

There, in the midst of many other angry looking parents was my mother. My eyes lit up immediately and I ran towards her happily, even though her expression was fixed with rage.

“Mama!” I exclaimed in a hushed whisper as she looked me over confused and irritated.

“Who are you?” She spat, looking over my shoulder for someone.

Oh crap. I withdrew myself quickly looking around for Matt’s parents, who were staring at Matt weirdly. Looks like we both walked back to the wrong parents! We quickly exchanged a look of horror and swapped places.

“Matthew, you are in so much trouble!” Matt’s mother glared at ne, she pulled me by the wrist away from the police station in anger, I turned just in time to see my mother doing the same to Matt and she was talking in French at top speed.

Uh oh, we were both in so much trouble!

* * *

Monday morning rolled around slowly, after being grounded I received a massive lecture on responsibility and then was told to go to my room for the entire weekend. I wondered what Matt got?

I rushed into the hallway angry that I was a little late, as I walked through the deserted corridor; I shoved my books into my locker quickly and slammed it shut. When I shut it I saw Jay standing there grinning with his hands in his pocket, I jumped a little and he started to talk.

“I owe you!” He smirked happily following me down the corridor. I was guessing it had something to do with Nikki.

“Did you get arrested?” I asked remembering I couldn’t see them anywhere when the police arrived, or when the fight first started out actually.

“Oh, we left as soon as we met at the party.” Jay smiled, meaning Nikki and Jay escaped!

“Oh, well good, because it got so hectic.” I rolled my eyes remembering everything that happened.

“Yeah I heard, well we went to a café, got some coffee and just talked.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“How sweet!” I grinned and then stopped quickly remembering that Matt Baines would not say How sweet ever in his life.

“I mean, so err – did you get any action or what?” I quickly added trying to cover my stupid mistake up.

“It wasn’t like that, it was better than that, we talked, we – God Matt, she’s amazing.” He finished as we strolled into the form room late, not bothering to say sorry to the teacher who just looked us over and marked us in.

“Well, does she think you’re amazing?” I asked laughing.

“She was honest with me, she actually thought I was an idiot at first, but I’m growing on her.” He grinned happily again.

“How did you do it?” He turned to me seriously.

“Do what?” I asked my eyes wide.

“It was like you read her mind, you knew everything I had to do and say to her in order for her to like me! It’s like you know the secrets of being a girl!” He spoke fast.

“Huh, well that’s stupid. How could I know anything about girls?” I rolled my eyes turning away fast.

“Well I don’t know how you did it, but thanks for the advice.”

“Anytime.” I choked out, trying to keep my cover, not that anyone would openly just guess that Matt and I had swapped bodies.

“We’re going to the movies tonight; you and Aliz should join us.” He nodded.

“Why on Earth would Aliz go anywhere with me?” I spat.

“What?” He asked confused.

“I mean, why would I; Matt Baines, take Aliz out?” I added again quickly trying to cover my mistake up again.

“Because, it’s pretty obvious that you both like each other.” He acknowledged and I resisted the urge to laugh.

I did not like Matt and I was extremely sure that Matt didn’t like me either!

“Jay, I hate Aliz Jones and there is nothing in this world that will ever change that.” I stated to put him in his place and to sound like Matt that was the kind of thing he would say, cold and harsh.

“Err dude.” Jay whispered quietly nodding behind me, I glanced around to see Matt standing there looking angry.

“Well you’ll be glad to know that I hate you too Matt.” He barked in front of everyone.

"Good." I glared back as the bell rang and everyone left the room leaving us two.

“Follow me.” I told him, because we both had two free periods now.

I waited until everyone got to their lessons or their destinations, before sneaking out one of the back fire exit doors onto the back fields where I walked along a concealed path, Matt scuffling along behind me.

It was a windy path standing weathered and beaten between two sides of trees, I carefully climbed down some steps which had little stones covering them, so I had to be careful not to roll and fall! I then crawled under a small hole under a bush and got up to face a small garden.

It was tiny and nicely hidden, not many people came here because it was rumoured that dodgy dealings went down in this place, but I had been here many times, luckily I hadn’t bumped into anyone. It was a small square lined with trees and bushes and various other paths leading in and out of it, there were hundreds of other ways to get in and out of here, but I used the back path, not many people knew about that path, it was more dangerous, but quieter.

The square had small grass growing on it and I was guessing someone was looking after this garden because the grass was always trimmed. There was a small tattered and bent bench in the middle and some stone stepping stones surrounding it in a circle. I went and sat on the bench and Matt sat besides me in silence as the wind whipped his hair around his face. I knew it annoyed him, the fact that my hair was always blowing about.

He fidgeted with his bag for a second before revealing a paper, as I read the lyrics of the song he was supposed to sing I began to feel worried, could Matt even sing this well?

“Sing it.” I ordered.

“No way!” He exclaimed.

“Matt!” I groaned and he rolled his eyes clearing his throat.

I listened to him singing it, the words lapping the tune perfectly, sometimes he would falter and clear his throat and other times he’d sing it so faultlessly. After he finished my worry was gone, he needed a few adjustments but he could use my voice and that was the most important thing.

Just as I was about to speak, the bush on the far right started moving, we both sat still for a few seconds until it started to rustle even more. A big black chunky shoe stepped out and then another, I glanced up at the man and gulped quietly, he hadn’t seen us yet but he was talking to someone else.

“Did you bring it?” He asked in his gruff voice.

“Yes, 4 ounces, did you bring it?” The man replied stepping out with a gun.

I froze in fear at the sight of the gun and silently hoped they wouldn’t see us – even though it was very obvious that two people were sitting on a bench.