

My name is Zoe Rockerrella. Most just call me Rockerrella, though. Probably because, I’m a little different. First, let me explain why they call me Rockerrella, before I tell you my story. My hair is cut short, styled in a dark shade of blue. I usually sport a black or a blue dress. My eyes, they’re a dark green. Usually rimmed with black eyeliner, and dark blue eye shadow.
Slippers? High heels? Puh-lease. I usually wear combat boots. They match my accessories and attire as well. Diamonds? HAH! You must be crazy. I’ll usually have a dark color silk ribbon choker around my neck as well as a small jewel to hang off in the middle of my throat. Earrings would be spikes. I don’t usually wear bracelets, but when I do they’re black with spikes caressing the leather of the actual bracelet.
Others don’t appreciate my difference in clothing. It’s irritating that everyone tries to look the same. Sometimes I wish I could just go to a world of my own making. Just escape from this madness. Oh, I haven’t yet told you about my evil stepmother and her step-brats have I? Ha. This should be joyful for you.
So, I have a step-sister named Malice, and the other one is named Poison. Now, I don’t know if the names are the ones making you think evil or just the simple fact that the are evil! My Stepmother is the cause of them being evil, diabolically twisted, and just plain brattish. They get every ounce of that personality from their mother. They make me do all the work at the house. Oops, looks like I’ll have to hurry up with this fairy tail business. I’ll have to leave soon to go do something.
Anywho, so yeah cleaning and such. This how my story is really going to start off though. One day while I was scrubbing the nasty floors, I heard the bell ring. I got up, stretching lazily, before hurrying to the door. I opened it up and took the invitation hearing the man say every girl in the whole kingdom was invited. That meant me too!!! I got so excited. I gave Stepmother the invitation and told her what he had told me. I tried to bribe her with everything. She eventually gave in. Little did I know, she wasn’t going to keep that promise.
I didn’t like that I had to do a whole lot of chores in order to “go.” I did them all as it got closer to the date. I was also working on making my own dress. It was going to be held at the castle. It was referred to as “Dracula’s Castle.” it was named after the king’s great great great grandfather. Rumor says he was a vampire. I don’t believe it, neither does anyone else. So, I guess it’s fine. Ha.
My dress was hand made, and I must say I did a pretty good job of it. It had two straps on either side that wrapped around my neck. The dress was a bright royal blue. On top of the blue laid a layering of soft see through lace. It made the blue a bit darker, but gave it a bright vibe. I loved it. It was beautiful. To me it was. I didn’t need a big fancy dress, of course that would be cool, but oh well.
It was a dream come true. That is, until the two step-brats had to go and RUIN it. They just destroyed my whole room! Not just the little attic room I lived in. They also cut my beautiful dress up and completely just demolished anything in their path. I cried so hard. It wasn’t fair! What had I ever done to them??? NOTHING. They entered MY family, and DESTROYED my family, not me.
Let’s just say, while they were getting ready I was sitting in my room sobbing. I eventually sucked it up, and went out to help them with their corsets that would go under their ugly dresses. I tied them so tight one started coughing. I almost said a smart comment, but I held back any and all nasty words pointed towards them. I was not going to sink down to their level of horribleness.
My face was still red from crying. I finished and watched as they left. I sniffled and shook my head. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. I gasped softly as the witch popped up. She was cackling and then smiled. She was a good evil witch? I couldn’t believe this. It was insane. She looked at me and said, “I’m your fairy witch mother.” She said a bit grumpily. I stared at her.
“What in the world are you talking about!?” I demanded of her. She blinked and said, “You wanted to go to that ball correct???” I nodded. “Well, then come on. I’ll help you. You have to be home by 2:00 A.M, though.” She told me. I wondered why but just nodded instead, figuring it was best not to ask.
First, she started with my hair. She curled it to the point where ringlets hung down past my face and down around my shoulders. My black hair contrasted against my green eyes. It also made my cheeks seem more rosy than they already were. I let her rimm my eyes with black. She didn’t do blue eyeshadow though. She switched to green and black. I watched as she did this.
For my lips she outlined them in black, before finally filling in the pink with black. I closed my eyes as she put a little more blush onto my cheek-bones covering it with a light reddish color that was almost pink. She put me in an elegant, yet not too fancy dress. It had a black and red corset underneath. For the skirts they went outward a little, making it puff out just a little. The underneath was a red color and the top layer was a shredded black leading all the way up to my waist.
It was a sleeveless dress, being tight on my abdomen like most dresses were. I let her give me a pair of slender boots. They didn’t have much of a heel on them. I put them on giving me an inch or two upwards. Around my neck was a thin ribbon of lace and on it laid a small little red gem. On my face lay a mask. It was black and red. It covered my eyes and the sides of my cheekbones. It didn’t have much glitter or sequins on it, but it did a little. I looked in the mirror my eyes widening. I hadn’t believed I could ever look this good.
I looked at her almost tearing up again and hugged her tightly. “Thank you!” I said and wiped my nose with a hankerchief and then smiled at her thankfully. She snorted blushing a little in the face. I smiled. I then said, “Oh! What about a carriage?” I looked at her frowning. She seemed to snicker before going out and seeing an old skull laying down away from a pile of old bones. I watched surprised as she waved a staff of an old bone and then poof. The skull became the carriage. It was wound around with ivy and a vine to make sure it stayed in place. I watched in wonder as it happened.
The pile of bones became my coachman. I blinked and smiled happily. I let her help me into the carriage before waving at her. I then watched as we rode up the hill that led to Dracula’s castle, where the ball would be held at. I grinned the indentations in my cheeks showing making my dimples come out. Once there, I got out of my seat and, with the help of my coachman. I thanked him before pulling up my skirts lightly just a little, for me to walk.
I got up the stairs and stood at the top, before looking around smiling. I descended them one at a time, before reaching the bottom. Little did I know, the prince was watching me with bright eyes. They were a bright sapphire color. His hair was the color of a dark brown color. I didn’t see him, though, as I was looking out to watch out for my stepmother. He was wearing a black shirt, a red tie and a black coat. Somehow, we match. Wow.
When I finally did look over I was astonished to see him. I blinked. I noticed him staring at me, a light blush creeping its way onto my cheeks. I didn’t look at him, as I looked down. I noticed my step-brats walking towards him as he was walking towards me. I then couldn’t risk that. I started walking, at a fast pace, to the courtyard. I made it there, without too much trouble.
I sighed in relief. I then ran a hand through my ringlets. I bit my lip, before hearing music start playing, so I then decided it was okay to go back in there. I sighed in relief. I made my way back into the ballroom. I smiled hearing all the different musical instruments. I heard the alluring violin and then also heard the cello. I wondered why it was only those two instruments that seemed to reach my hearing. I saw a hand through the mask and looked up into the blue eyes of the prince. “Would you mind giving me a dance?” He asked me.
My eyes widened. I accepted though. I offered a small smile as we began to dance. It was the most amazing thing ever! I then heard the toll striking that it was midnight. I had two more hours. I heard him ask my name and I smiled softly. “Aren’t you supposed to tell me your name before I tell you my own?” I asked. He chuckled. He then said, “I suppose so. Alright. I’m Andrew. Andy for short.” I smiled and said, “Zoe.”
His eyes brightened for a second before him smiling and said, “No last name?” I smiled. “Maybe later.” He grinned softly. I then gave him a few more dances. I looked up and it was three minutes until two O’Clock. I gasped softly. I then said, “I’m sorry, I’ve got to go!” I then ran my combat boots making it easier. I heard him following. I gasped when my choker fell off. I sighed. I’d get it later. I then got into the carriage and told him to step on it.
The carriage was still going when two O’Clock hit. I bit my lip. I then got out before it turned back into a skull and bones. I walked all the way home, now in my rags again. I sighed making it home. I frowned softly. I then sat down in my room. I soon fell asleep. I woke up in the morning and smiled remembering last night. I hugged myself. I sighed and started getting everything ready for the step-brats and my stepmother in the morning.
It was early afternoon late morning, when the bell rang for the door. I ran to the door, opening it. I saw the man from the castle. I think he was the advisor, anyways, he was there to see who had black hair and fit the choker perfectly. He was doing everyone’s neck. He tried to put it on the step-brats, but their throats were much too big. It wouldn’t even tie.
He got to my neck, and it fit absolutely perfectly. I then asked, “What’s this about?” He smiled and said, “Were you at the ball last night dear lady?” I nodded. “The prince is looking for the woman he had danced with last night and whom was wearing this particular piece of accessory found on the floor of the castle.” My eyes widened.
He smiled. “Were you dancing with Prince Andrew last night Ma’am?” He asked. I nodded. I was then taken to the castle and away from those wretched people. I saw the prince and he greeted me with a smile. I smiled back. You all can guess what happened afterwards. I’ll give you a hint. I have to go to go with Andrew to the courtyard to help the servants plant. I hope it will be fun!
Well, that’s my story. I’ll talk to you guys later.
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This is all and it's only the first chapter and the last chapter because it was a short story.