Somewhere in Neverland

Chapter Three

Austin and Alexa walked side by side to the theme park, followed by Logan and Zack, Tony and Mike, Vic and Jaime, Alex and Jack, and then Alan and Rian. It was a warm summer day, and Alexa wore a light weight All Time Low zip up, along with some shorts and sneakers, her usual Summer time attire.

"So, how have you been?" Austin asked, looking down at his little sister.

Alexa looked straight ahead of her, focusing on where she was going. The theme park wasn't that far from the house, so they decided to save money and gas, so they were walking to the park. "Decent, I guess. Logan has been being an ass hole, like always. I swear he's bi polar. He's super sweet one minute, and then a total douche the next. You'd think he'd be nicer to his twin sister." She rolled her eyes, and shoved her small hands in her pockets.

"Well, soon you two will get along, and you'll be glad you never held a grudge on him. When I'm not here, Logan is like.. your protector. Logan would do anything for you, Alexa, I promise. But sometimes, he doesn't understand that you're fragile, and doesn't know how to give you the respect you deserve." Austin said, putting one of his arms on Alexa's shoulder.

Alexa shrugged, and kept walking, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Logan quietly and sneakily ran behind Alexa, and grabbed her sides , causing her to let out a loud yelp. Alexa was really ticklish on her sides, and Logan loved to use that to his advantage. Alexa glared at her brother and swatted at his arm.

Jack and Alex laughed, and started playfully mocking Alexa. “AH!” Jack said, jumping when Alex grabbed his sides.

Alexa rolled her eyes and giggled. This was going to be a very interesting summer, and that’s for sure.


When the large group arrived at the Theme Park, they all pulled out their wallets, and paid the park’s fees. It was only $10.00, and Alexa thought that was a fair price for how many amazing and fun rides there was at the park. Plus, the games weren’t completely terrible.

“Group picture, guys!” Austin said smiling childishly. “Come on, come on!” He laughed happily. He handed his phone’s camera to some stranger, and asked them if they could take a picture, and they had agreed.

Austin told Alexa to go be buddies with Tony, so she waddled over to Tony slowly, and smiled. In return, Tony picked her up bridal style, and laughed. “You’re really light!” He smiled playfully, and Alexa smiled shyly.

Jack climbed on to Alex’s back with ease, and Austin threw one of his arms around Logan. Rian hugged Zack happily, and Zack made an awkward face. Vic and Mike hugged each other cutely, and Alan and Jaime were holding each other.

The lady who Austin asked to take the picture did so as soon as they were all in a pose, and handed the phone back to Austin. Austin smiled down at his phone happily. “I have a new wallpaper!”


“Hello?” Austin said in to his phone, before they left the amusement park. “Yes, this is Austin Carlile! …. Mhm! Yeah! That’ll be fine! Okay! Thank you! See you tomorrow morning!” He smiled, and hung up his phone. “That was an interviewer, they want to see me, Alexa, and Alan.” Austin chuckled, “My little sister is getting famous already!”


“Ow! Stella! Ow! That hurts! Stop! You’re pulling my hair out!” Alexa shrieked, as her best friend, Stella, was trying to ‘help’ Alexa get ready for the interview with Austin and Alan. “It’s bad enough you put me in leggings!” Alexa said, throwing her hands up in the air. “It’s just an interview! It’s for fun!”

“Fine. I’ll just put your hair up in a ponytail, okay?” Stella said, popping her gum, and rolling her eyes.
“Thank you.” Alexa laughed quietly in triumph.


“Hello, I’m Brenna Dean, and I’m here with Austin Carlile, Alan Ashby, and Austin’s little sister Alexa! Why don’t you guys, and girl, introduce yourselves?” The pale, blonde girl announced, and smiled at the trio, who were sitting comfortably on the couch.

“I’m Austin Carlile from Of Mice & Men.”

“And I’m Alan Ashby from Of Mice & Men!”

“And I’m Alexa Carlile from… my house..” Alexa said awkwardly, not really knowing how else to introduce herself, since she was probably the biggest wallflower in her school. She never really had to introduce herself. Besides, she was introducing herself to a camera, and that was just silly.

“Okay, so I gathered some questions from Twitter, and the first one is actually for Alexis! It asks, ‘What was it like growing up with Austin?’” The girl who was obviously a vampire asked.

“It’s Alexa.” Alan corrected, rolling his eyes, as if making the mistake of Alexa and Alexis was the dumbest mistake anyone could ever make.

Austin chuckled. “It’s okay.” He told Alan reassuringly, and Alexa giggled a little.

“Well, it was pretty fun. I have a twin brother named Logan, so I bet it was a big handful for our mom to raise us. It was always pretty loud in our house. We lived surrounded with a lot of love, warmth, and definitely a lot of music. I learned how to play the guitar when I was 10, so I would walk around the house, strumming my guitar, and Austin would just start making up lyrics to go with the song. When I was younger, Austin was like my protector from the world, and it was really cool.” Alexa smiled, looking back in to her childhood actually was kind of nice for her, because she could remember all the good times she once had.

“Very cool!” Brenna said, smiling widely. “So, Austin, how well does everyone get along at your house?”

“Well… It depends. Me and Logan very well know that if there is pudding in the house, it is automatically Alexa’s, and if you eat it, you will regret it your whole life, and Logan learned that the hard way.” Austin chuckled, “But, everyone gets along pretty well, to be honest. Everyone is so nice to my little sister, and that’s really all I could ever ask for from anyone.” Austin responded.

“Okay, so here’s a question for all of you. What’s the most annoying thing about everyone in the house?” Brenna asked, and the trio looked at each other.

Alexa leaned on Alan, and kicked her feet up, so she could rest them in Austin’s lap. “Well, I think that we all can agree that for Zack, it’s how loudly he snores. And I don’t really find anything annoying about Austin, besides the fact that when he’s really tired he runs in to things. And with Logan, it’s like… he’s my brother, so a lot of things about him annoy me, of course, but the thing that annoys me the most is how he uses my ticklish spots to his advantage.” Alexa said, rolling her eyes.

“Alan really likes Alexa’s cat, so sometimes, if we can’t find him, we look in the laundry room, since that’s where the cat usually is. And then you see a person sitting on the ground, and you get scared, but it’s okay because it’s just Alan stroking the cat.” Austin said, and everyone started laughing.
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Okay, the story is done for right now, because I'm really tired, and I have to update all my other fan fictions. I've been listening to the Collide With The Sky album whilst writing this, and the chapter took like fourty four minutes to make. I thought really hard on it, too, so it's like psh.
And if you guys want another chapter, please subscribe, recommend, and please please comment c: Thank you!