Deep City Lights

Coffee, college, and cute boys

It was a cold autumn evening in downtown Chicago. The sun was setting and the breeze off of the lake was starting to get that harsh winter chill.

I sat in Starbucks by the window exactly three and a half blocks from my dorm room.
It was the first day of fall break, but I was NOT going home. I had too much to do. Papers to finish, tests to study for. Not to mention I had lines to memorize, costumes to fix, music and choreography to go over. I was swamped.

As I typed and sipped on my caramel brûlée latte, someone plopped down into the seat opposite me.

"I thought I'd find you here", Cassie, my roommate, said while removing her winter coat and draping it on the back of her chair.

I laughed dryly, "where else would I be? The library is scary, and I'm not going home, that's for sure. I can't get anything finished at my house. I swear, it's impossible!"

Cassie laughed, "oh, girl, I know. My house is exactly the same", she said taking a sip from her coffee.
Her phone buzzed, "oh, hey, a few of us are getting together for dinner and a movie before everyone leaves. Wanna come along?"

Cassie looked at me with her expression full of hope, wanting me to say yes. I sighed, checking the time on my phone.


"I really need to study..." I said brushing my long, curly, red hair behind my ear, looking at Cassie. Her face fell. "But, I suppose I could meet you for some food, later, after the movie?"

Smiling, Cassie clapped her hands together. "Good! Ah! I'm so happy now. Okay, I better get going. I'm going to be late!" She said standing up to put on her coat. "I'll see you later, okay? Text me!"

Smiling, I stood to give her a hug. "I will! Now go, before you miss your movie!"

She laughed, "okay, cracka! Chill, I'm going, I'm going! Love you!"

"Love you!" I called after her as she left, giggling as I sat down. "She's such a goof" I mumbled to myself as I opened my laptop.

A few minutes had passed since Cassie had left.
I reached for my coffee, still focused on the computer screen.

Empty. Damn. I decided to get a refill. Why not?

As I leaned down to get my wallet from my bag, something caught my eye.
A tall, well dressed boy with dark, curly hair was crossing the street.
He was quite attractive, but I just went back to what I was doing.

I didn't really go on a lot of dates. It wasn't that I was unattractive, I was just so busy that I didn't have time.

Right as I looked up I saw the boy right outside the window walking by.
He caught my glance and did a double take, giving a half smile.
I knew in an instant I was blushing. (It can be quite the problem.)
I immediately looked away, not wanting to embarrass myself.

Shaking off what had just happened, I stood, leaving my stuff by the chair.
I knew it would be safe since the baristas knew me.

As I approached the counter I noticed the tall boy had come inside.

"It's just coincidence", I thought. "Anyone can come in here, it's Starbucks!"

After I ordered I went to wait on my beverage at the other end of the counter.
I couldn't help but stare at him, though. He's so cute!

Just as I was about to sneak another glance as he was ordering, he looked at me.


I quickly moved my head as if I was just nonchalantly looking around the store.

As I was bringing my gaze back around, I saw that he was staring at me!

My expression must have given away what I was thinking, because when I looked back at him he just chuckled and looked down as he put away his wallet.

Which meant he was coming over here.

Oh. My.

'Act natural. You're just waiting on your coffee. No. Big. Deal. Breathe!!!' I thought to myself.

He was walking over here.

Oh, gosh. I'm not ready!

Wait, what am I thinking?! Calm down!

"Hello", he mumbled as he waited patiently by the counter.

"Hi", I said with a small smile. Where is that coffee?!

Just as he opened his mouth as if to say something, Tom, the barista, came over and spoke.

"Hey, sorry about your wait. The steamer is malfunctioning and it could be a few minutes. Do you mind waiting? I'll send someone over with your order when it's ready!"

"Oh, no! That's fine. Thank you, I'm in my usual spot", I said with a smile. "Oh, excuse me", I said, brushing past the boy, who kindly stepped back to let me through.

As I sat down, I decided to check my phone. New iMessage from: Cassie<3

"OMG! Creepy McCreep-creep from our theatre history class is here! Be happy you didn't come. XP We're going to try to lose him after the movie. Wish us luck! :P"

I laughed to myself. I would much rather write a paper than be in her situation right now.

When I was just about to check my notifications on my iPhone, I felt someone standing next to my chair.
Assuming it was Tom with my latte, I didn't bother looking up right away. Instead, I removed some of my stuff from the table and said looking up,

"oh, you can just set it right he--".
I was cut off by the sight of the boy who was standing directly in front of me.

"Is this seat taken?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first fanfiction!!! I hope you like it. I'll try to update it as much as possible. But, I can't make any promises on regular updates. I'm a busy gal :p thank you so much for reading!!! :)