Battle Of The Marching Bands

chapter one

The main point of few is from a junior girl on flag line named Rayne.
Occasionally I will switch point of views depending on what part and who it is.

Chapter one:
I was never a quite child. Marching band fit perfectly in my life. I'm 17 now getting ready for my third year in Flag line. The great part is this year, I'm the feature twirler and on rifle.

I have music blasting in my room as I back for band camp. Band camp is always when I know my summer is over. I don't complain though. It gets me away from my family. I throw my clothes in the duffel bag, grab my drawstring flag line bag, unhook my phone from the charger and music cable. Off I am to head to the high school.

I yell by to my grandparents and dad even though they probably don't care. I have no car so I walk to the high school. It only took about 30 minutes. When I get there, I realize its only 8am and we were required to be here till 9. Oops.

I go in and grab my personal flag and rifle. I'm sure its obvious I don't talk to many people but eventually my best friend will be here. She's always late. She marching trumpet and is inline for section leader next year. Her names Chauncy.(pronounced Cha-an-ce) When I get back outside to the courtyard which is obligated flag line practice area, I work on a few basics to build myself up on flag. A few rounds of the warm up routine and I grab my rifle and do basics with it. When done I look at my phone and see its almost nine o'clock so I head inside the auditorium for announcements.

I find Chauncy as soon as I walk in. Her small blond head bouncing up and down looking for me. I go up behind her and yell "BOO!" I start laughing as she screamed and called me a bitch. I take my seat next to her and wait for our band director Mr Beady to start.

"Alright kids ready for a great year?" We all yell our response and he just smiles. "Okay well this years different. As you noticed, the schools being remodeled so we can use half of it. This means were going to be sharing band camp with another school. I'm sure not all of you will like this but Saint Vladimir's has opted to let us stay there."

Everyone except the freshman who don't know about our rivalry with Saint Vlad's groans and boos. Chauncy just has a disgusted look on her face.
"Now, now hush kids. Here are the rules: all freshman and sophomores are required to use the bus to take us there. Juniors and seniors can drive or take the bus. You will be given dormitories when there just like the band. Band camp will be 2 weeks like usual. Girls with girls, boys with boys. No exceptions. Our schedule will be from 9am to 9pm. Flag line extra practices Kelsey sets." I groan along with the other girls and roll my eyes while Chauncy just laughed.
"I'm going to announce the officers now. Flag line will be miss Rayne Corin." Everyone claps and I just smile. Wow that honestly surprises me. I thought one of the other girls would get it. I walk up on stage to get my officer book, shirt, and ID.
The same process followed for the rest of the officers. I'm the only junior that's an officer. Once again, wow.
"Okay guys you can get ready to leave its about 30 minutes to Saint Vladimir's. Buses are loading."
I head off to find Taylor and see if I can ride with him. Most likely he's with equipment crew. I head outside the band room to the band trailer and sure enough there's Taylor. He notices me and I point to his car and he nods and throws me the keys. He's a senior this year and I'm dearly going to miss him next year. He's head of equipment crew and plays french horn. I walk over to his SUV and open the back throwing my bag, flag, and rifle in there. The extra flags are going on the trailer.
As an officer I have to go find my people and take attendance.
I use the walky talkie I have now and tell everyone to announce flag line to the outside parking right next to the band door. I see all my girls showing up. I take out my officer book and start roll.
"Brooke?" Check. senior
"Addy?" check. Senior
"Lauren?" Check. Junior.
"Morgan?" Check. Sophomore
"Kristen?" Check. sophomore
"May?" Check. Freshman
"Katie?" Check. Freshman.
I start my mini speech, "alright girls. This is gonna be a great year I know it. Freshman will work extra with Kelsey on basics. Now go have fun."
Most of them leave except Lauren. "Congrats on making officer girl." Shes our only black girl.
"Thanks love!" I say and she heads off and Taylor's waiting on me. I get in the car and hand him the keys. "Thank you Taylor!"
He laughs and says, " you're welcome. Its not problem."
The car ride is mostly silent except for the heavy metal music playing loudly.

I'm no time at all we've arrived in Hell. Saint Vladimir's.