Battle Of The Marching Bands

chapter two

Chapter two:

Me and Taylor have just arrives at the school. It is gorgeous and huge. The entrance is as big as my whole school.

We grab our stuff and walk to the registration table and waited in the long line. Then I saw a guy. Woah was he hot. It was obvious he was from the other band and that's no no territory. He has shaggy black hair, and bright blue eyes. He's tall. Probably 6'4 which is towering over my 5'2 tiny frame. The first thing I noticed though was the Chelsea grin shirt he's wearing. A rebel in a school of Christians? Interesting.
Finally I was to the front.
The lady at the table asked, "Hi sweetheart what's your name?"
I didn't bother to smile. I don't like religious people. "Rayne Corin."
"Spell your first name for me please."
"R-a-y-n-e" I noticed her eyeing my The Black Dahlia Murder t-shirt disdainfully. What now bitch.
"Oh here you are. Flag line officer for Cleveland High school. Room 328 in the B building."
I just grabbed the key and map from her, said by to Taylor and headed toward what I figured was the B building. Then a voice stopped me. "I wouldn't take you for being a flag line girl. Less likely the captain." I turned and saw the hot guy from earlier.
"I wouldn't take you for the guy to be on a christian campus," I told him. He just stood shocked then walked away. Guess he isn't used to a girl mouthing off to him.
I finally got to the big building B and headed in. I'm on the third floor, so go to the elevators to wait. There's a mixture of people from my band and the other waiting for the elevator. The number 3 lit up on it and I knew it was going to the third level so I stepped on with another girl from my band and another guy from the other band.
We didn't talk as we went up. When we exited i started looking for my room 328. It was a ways down the hallway. The last dorm on the right side. I unlocked it and went in assessing the room. Looks like my room mate isn't here yet. Good. I grab the far bed in the corner and set my stuff down. The walky talky on my side beep and I heard my band director, "Officers please report down to the cafeteria areas to meet the other bands officers."
Ugh more walking. I grab my map and look down trying to figure out where the cafeteria is. I soon get happy realizing its in my building. I leave the room locking it and walk back to the elevator. For once I'm alone. I get it pressed the L button for level and slowly go down. It beeps when I reach the bottom and opens. I still have my flagline drawstring bag on my back with my officer stuff. I take a right of out the elevator and head straight the the cafeteria area. Once I enter I realize I'm the only one not here.
Mr Beady sighs, "Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence Rayne." I reply by smirking, "oh anything for you." He just shakes his head muttering about regretting give me the officer position. I take a look at everyone here. The boy from earlier is in here. Great he's an officer.
The other bands director starts talking, "Hello I'm Mr Pins. I'm Saint Vladimir Christian Academy's Band director. I'll introduce the other officers then you can introduce yourself." I tune out in till I see him point the the boy from earlier, "This is Dimitri Blanc. He's drumlines officer and plays quads.[a/n tenors]"
Well then, hot boy has a hot name and instrument. "You can introduce yourself then."
Everyone always looks to me since I'm first to speak for everything. "Well then I'd say its nice to meet you but frankly its not. Were rivals. It will always be that way. By the way I'm Rayne Corin. Flag line captain." Everyone from my side smirked as the introduced themselves. I saw Dimitri look at me with his eyebrow raised as if challenging me. To what? I don't know.

The first week of band camp passed without incident mostly. One freshman hit her head and got a concussion. I had no more run ins with Demitri. Today's Friday which means the weekend is off. Technically band camp is 10 days we just call it 2 weeks because we stay during the weekends. I'm still at the field practicing my solo while everyone's at dinner. I have a regular flag and want to do as many tosses as possible in this routine. I have 32 counts to do what I want on my own. I sat down on the ground to catch my breath from the hot sun and practicing. With it being so hot I just have on black shorts and a black sports bra with my hair tied up but my fringe left down.

Suddenly a figure sits next to me, I turn and its Demitri. I rudely ask, "What the hell do you want?"
"Wondering why you're alone on the field when your bands all eating."
"Practicing. I have a solo. Now if you don't mind I'll be leaving," as I got up he grabbed my wrist pulling me down and the sudden movement sent me falling on top of him. That's where. I noticed he had no shirt on. And his toned chest pressed against my bare stomach was distracting. Neither if us said anything. Just staring into each others eyes. I finally realized the position were in. I quickly jumped up, grabbed my stuff and left. I walked up to my room with thoughts of demitri on my mind...