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The Switch

High Roads

Van’s POV

I sat in debate paying attention to Dr. Carson speak. The great thing about debate was the teacher, she was in her early thirties and she wasn’t afraid of any topic to talk about, like today, we were talking about gay and lesbian rights. What I also loved about the class was the openness we all had. The class only consisted of fifteen of us, which made it even better. The only real downside to the class was that Reid was here.

“Vannah argue for the rights and…” She scanned the room as I got up and went to the front of the class. “Reid, argue against.”

Dana laughed muttering ‘this would be good’ as Reid rolled his eyes pushing a hand though his hair and got up.

“Now guys, I assigned them this so remember this does not necessarily reflect their personal views.” Dr. C reminded the class like she always did before any debate we had. “Reid, why don’t you think gay marriage sound not be legalized?”

“Well…” He thought. “First off I have no problem with this guys remember.” He reminded again. I could never truly tell if he cared or didn’t care about what people thought about him.

“Out with it.” I sighed annoyed.

Reid’s POV

“Ah.” I held my hand up and slowly made a closed mouth to motion for her to be quiet as I spoke. Just like anything else, it earned an eye roll.

“I think it’s kinda weird and totally against humanity.” He said sarcastically.

“Vannah.” Dr. Carson nodded towards her to start he statement.

“It should be legalized because everybody is supposed to be with somebody no matter his or her sex. On top of that who is the government to tell somebody who to marry?”

“Well their sex of who they love should be the opposite.” I nodded towards her.

I’ve only debated in class with Vannah one time but I only won because she was sick and didn’t give a shit. But now she’s fully aware and in full effect. The win was easy and while I did enjoy it, I liked seeing her try. It was funnier when she actually took offense.

“Why should it matter? What if the government told you couldn’t play football because of the size of your head?” She challenged making the class laugh a little. “Should they make that decision based on your appearance or would you rather them see you play?”

“You do realize that you are only saying the everybody needs somebody because you are a female?”

It was true, all girls had this whole love deal going on. If they didn’t have somebody then they were lonely and desperate, if they did then he was an asshole. It wasn’t that girls were confusing or anything, they just couldn’t make up their minds. ‘Oh should I wear the red or yellow’ how about the gray and a cup of shut the hell up?

“You do realize you are saying that because you are a guy right?” She clearly mocked.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You don’t get things, you either sleep with somebody.”

Van’s POV

“That’s true.” Kayla thought out loud and nodded before a few girls agreed.

“Most guys don’t think about anything but sex, food and sports. Am I right?” I said knowing I was. I also knew I had to consider the fact that all guys weren’t the same but the ones who were like Reid or even close to being like Reid, were. It was no secret.

We were getting off topic but Dr. Carson didn’t care as long as we were along the lines of the subject and we were having a debate.

“That’s very inaccurate.” He said with some of the guys also agreeing with him.

“Wow, Reid that’s a big word for you.” I gave a slow clap.

He shot me a glare and started back to speaking. “Like I was saying, females are mushy and think that every single person in the room is supposed to be with another person, if not that then they can’t make up their mind as to which shirt to wear, when truthfully, it’s the same shirt in a different color.”

“That makes absolutely no sense. Not everybody is the same.”

“I know, you are an example. You are probably the only one of your species known to mankind.” He smiled.

“Don’t use to many big words, your head might explode.” I said before the bell rung.

“Okay, somewhat good debate although you drifted off so that is a 3.” Dr. C told us as we went to get our stuff and go to our next class. A three meant we got a C plus. Which was barely acceptable for me.

I sighed and headed to pick my stuff up. “You know what, some of us don’t really want C’s.” I looked at him.

“It’s a passing grade, chill your tits.”

“That’s just passing. I know mediocrity is you thing but it isn’t mine.”

He gave an irritated sigh. “You’re complaining to the wrong person, sweetheart.” He said as he walked away.

I couldn’t wait, today I had my free period and was going to spend in the back parking lot with whoever else from drumline was there. Beating was going to serve as an alternative to beating Reid. Though I would have preferred the actual thing.

Reid’s POV

The last class of the day and for me that was gym. Today we were being split up and I was most likely going to be in the weight room. I had gotten into my gym clothes and headed straight to the weight room not even bothering to check. Even it honestly didn’t matter where I was, as long as Coach saw me doing something he didn’t really care. As I lifted, I thought about the day. Everything had been just fine until the debate. When I thought about it more, a bunch of other things were fine until Van was involved.

“Slow down Calloway.” Steven said as he spotted me.

“I’m fine.” I said pushing the 75 pounds up.

“You don’t seem like it.”

“Well I am.”

“Whatever you say man. Are you going to that carnival tonight?” He asked.

“Maybe. Why? Is Otter trying to get you to help get me to go?”

Otter had been bugging me about it all day, but I only said maybe because I knew I’d have fun some how and this was the one Friday night that I had nothing to do. I wouldn’t have anything to do either, since I knew most of everybody was going to be at the stupid carnival anyway.

“No, I was just asking.” He shrugged as I sat up.

“Well, I’m not promising anything.”


How the hell did I get here? When I say maybe (most of the time) means that there is a 99.9% chance that I would do it. This was one of those things that I was not going to do but there is always that .1 chance.

“Why did I come here?” I groaned as I walked with Otter and Steven.

“Because everybody is here and there are no parties, meaning you sir, have no life.” Otter said putting his arm on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and they ended up seeing Van, Dana, Nixon and Tyler. They were all talking while Van just nodded and ate her funnel cake, offering Nixon a piece as Dana and Tyler walked away.

Everybody knew that Nixon Dace had a crush on Vannah. We don’t know for how long but last year Blabber-mouth Becky had gotten it around when he had heard him say it while he was talking to Tyler of course.

A smirk grew onto my face as I got an idea.

I put my arms around both Otter and Steven still with my smirk. “Hey you wanna have a little fun?”

Van's POV

Just as I had wanted, I had gotten my funnel cake and now Dana, Tyler, Nixon and I had split up and Nixon and I were walking around sharing the rest of the cake. If it hadn’t been do big, I would have kept it to myself.

"You know Mr. Law can make really good funnel cake." I nodded finding a subject for us to talk about. After we finished talking about music. He hadn’t been awkward or anything, but random conversation never hurt.

"So true." He laughed getting powdered sugar on his nose.

I laughed a little and whipped it off making him smile. "You have some right there." He said pointing to his top lip.

"I do?" I asked a little embarrassed brushing it off.

"Let me get it." He laughed.

He moved in a little closer. Our noses touched but before anything further could happen, we both had water shot at us. I wiped the side of my face to see who and why exactly water was on my face. I made fists by my side when I saw Otter and Reid laughing with miniature water guns.

"What the hell is your problem?" My voice crescendo as my sentence went on. Nixon’s face grew to a slightly more worried one, since he had been aware of the temper I had at times. He pulled me back slightly and gently while I had somewhat began to charge their way.

"Nothing." He shrugged. "I just find you being pissed off very entertaining." He added.

"How old are you!”

"I turn six next week." He nodded sounding as if he were serious.

"Dick." I spat knowing he took offense when I said it a certain way. Reid never got upset over being called a name, he would get more upset about the tone that was being used.

He stumbled thinking of how to come back at me. "Know it all!"


As we went back and forth I noticed the lady in the fortune telling booth get a smirk on her face as she arranged her cards. Why I looked up, I wasn’t sure but that obviously was nothing to worry about.

Reid's POV

After she had called me an ass I had ran out of things to say. I didn't want to call her a slut because one, if I did then I wouldn't be able to reproduce let alone have sex and two it would be a false statement. I liked to prove points when I argued.

We both looked at each other frustrated and turned away immediately without another word.

"Why can't you two just go out and call it a day?" Otter asked. "While it was entertaining, you know you wanted to do that because you hated seeing her with Dace."

I rolled my eyes as we got to the baseball throw, which I needed to let out some frustration. I slammed down a five-dollar bill and waited for the balls to be given to me.

"You two seem like you like each other honestly." He said as I started to throw the ball. "You’ve been getting under her skin easily and She's been getting under your skin easily lately."

"I don't like her at all. Just because you're hot doesn't mean you are likable." I said throwing a fastball knocking all three bottles down.


Van's POV

“Are you ok?” Nixon asked when I stomped off to blow off frustration.

I sighed and turned around rubbing my forehead. “Nixon, I’m sorry. I need to go home, if I stay here then I’m going to hurt somebody.” Preferably Reid.

He gave me a faint smiled trying not to show disappointment. “It’s alright. Just get some sleep, I’ll tell Dana where you went and I’ll see you later.” He said kissing my cheek.

“Bye.” I smiled.

I got into my car and drove gripping the steering wheel still a little pissed off. There was some type of line that had to be drawn sometime. All it took was one good kick and…

Stop Vannah, you are going to take the high road and not retaliate I said in my head over the Eminem song that was playing.

One kick, even a punch. Some action to scar him for life, The devil on my shoulder said.

I was going to do what the angel Van said and take the high road.

The high road, one fucking high road.