Heart Beat

20 years later

I woke up from my nightmare and started to scream.

Since I lived alone, no one was around to hear my scream except for my dog from my childhood named Justice.

Justice was in my room that night when my family was killed and when the cops had questioned me about what had all happened.

Sadly, Justice wasn't much of a guard dog then, so when he saw the two men in ski masks, he ran into my bedroom, jumped onto my bed, and crawled under the covers, shaking like a ragdoll.

I felt sad for him that night, but I was more mourning over my family's deaths than anything, because that night, I became an only child, an orphan, even!

I never thought I would see the day where my family would be killed by the hands of two men.

I still cry to this very day abut my family being dead, and me getting made fun of because I became an orphan.

I was greeted by Justice and he started to lick my face all over to make me feel better.

I kissed his nose and started to cry into his fur.

"Oh Justice. I miss Mom, Dad, and Angelina. I wish that I could have done something to save them that night. Some nights, I think I can still hear them talking to me, telling me to live on and not be so depressed just because of their deaths, but my therapist says that it's all in my head, but I know that that woman is wrong. The voices specifically tell me who they are and what their reasoning is for talking to me."

Justice just started to whimper, and I knew what he was saying by those whimpers, too.

He was telling me to be happy that now I'm an enforcement of the law and that I can protect the people of Clearwater, Florida.

Justice was by my side every day at work because my family that raised me since I was 9, made Justice a guard dog if he was going to stay in the house, so now he is an official attack dog for the Clearwater Police Department.

I rolled onto my other side, and fell back asleep with Justice nearby.