

She sat on the couch, watching the lightening as it danced across the black sky. The stars and moon were hidden behind a black blanket of clouds. Thunder rumbled above her home, so ferocious it made the house shake. The rain fell gently, mixing in with the pale yellow light of the street lamps outside.

She was curled into a ball on the couch, her knees tucked under her chin as she watched the storm. She yearned to be outside, under the mercy of the storm. She was fascinated by storms; not only for their beauty, but for their raw power. Another crack of thunder, this one so loud the pictures hanging on the walls shook. Streaks of lightening flew across the sky, her eyes widened as the sky turned white for a few seconds. She peered through the living room window, observing the rain drops that dangled helplessly on the pine needles from the trees outside.

There was something refreshing about thunderstorms that caused her to be drawn to them. As if to show how fearsome nature is, and how little control we humans have over it. Her eyes darted across the sky, marveling at the chaos high up in the sky. How humbling, she thought to herself, a smile forming upon her lips.

Tired from its late night games, the lightening became less frequent and slowly the thunder began to fade away. It wasn't until the storm had almost disappeared that she realized how tired she was, as if the storm had taken the last of her energy. Quietly she got up from the couch and tiptoed her way back to her bedroom. As she walked through the kitchen, she gave a final glance out the window, and all she saw was rain, so light and gentle, descending from the darkness above.