Status: Be sure to check out Apokalypse The Unveiling: The Key, and Apokalypse The Unveiling 2: The Link



It is dark and gloomy, filled with many caves and screams of tortured and lost souls.

Shaun and Liela have just finished defeating a barrage of demons that surfaced.

The group of heroes are faced looking at 3 caves which lead into hell.

Prophetess Zooshada

The war is starting on the surface world. Many lives will be lost.

Mrs. Paschar

Shaun, we had hoped that this day would never come. I'm sorry that we hid you away instead of preparing you but..


I understand mom. It doesn't matter now, what matters is finding our friends and family and joining in the fight!


Indeed, though this abyss has many doors leading and misleading. We should split up into groups to cover our way.


And how will we get out?


Have you no faith? It will all come together.. trust in God dear angel.

Liela steps forward.


Shaun and I will search for Angie. Zooshada and Marcus shall search for Henny and Pendragras with mrs. Paschar to find Mr. Pendagras and Samantha.


Just call me Susan.

The group gives one another their farewell and head out.

Liela and Shaun begin to go into the first cave but are stopped by Prophetess Zooshada.


I must warn you two. Hell is a place that feeds on the damned. It's also a place that is drawn to ones purity. You cannot venture in hell within your angelic form. Only when faced with sure obstacles should you show it.


In other words, we have to search for Angie in our human form.


I'm sorry. It's the only way to journey in this place, else you will draw the entirety of evil upon you.

Liela transforms into a human.

Shaun transforms into a human.

Marcus transforms into a human.

Mrs. Pendagras and Mrs. Paschar transform into humans.


I'm sorry we couldn't save you Prophetess.


Come come my child, Now that you're here I'll soon be set free. Now go.. find your friend and be careful!

Shaun nods at Zooshada.

Liela and Shaun leave down the first cave.

Mrs. Pendagras and Susan leave down the second.

Marcus and Zooshada leave down the third.