Status: Be sure to check out Apokalypse The Unveiling: The Key, and Apokalypse The Unveiling 2: The Link


Rescue mission

Susan and Ashley are chained to the wall

John is chained to the floor

Angie is in a cage above the ground

Susan is trying to break free.


I know they will be coming for you. And soon I will have the key and the link in my grasp. And you? You will die and become my slave. It's a matter of time.


Go to hell.


Already here.


Listen to me you fool! When I get out of here I'm going to make you wish..


Wish? Do angels do that now? Make wishes? I'll tell you what.. the more silent you are, the less pain as my slaves you will receive. It's all a matter of time.

A fallen angel flies into the room


My Lord.. it's the redeemers they are attacking the north side of the wall.


And so it begins.

Redeemer angels are at war with the fallen

Gary and Darius are fighting side by side

Liela, Shaun, Marcus and Henny walk onto the battlefield

The fallen angels stop fighting and watch the two

Liela, Shaun, Marcus and Henny transform into angels on the battlefield

Everyone stops and watches them

Liela, Shaun, Marcus and Henny send off an energy wave

It goes quiet

Demons begin to rush in, they are chasing after the pure energy that was released

Liela, Shaun, Marcus and Henny Fly into the air to avoid the barrage of demons


So.. that was their plan.

The demons begin fighting the fallen

The demons are breaking their way into the castle searching for the angels that are captured

Liela, Shaun, Marcus and Henny follow Darius and Gary into the castle

Liela, Shaun, Marcus, Henny and Darius make it to the throne room.

Liela free's John

Marcus and Henny free Susan and Ashley

Shaun free's Angie

The doors slam shut

Barabose is standing at the door by himself

Barabose is clapping


All of you are now mine.


We'll see about that Barabose.

All the angels charge after Barabose

Barabose out manuevers all of them and fights back

Demons break into the throne room

Liela, Shaun, Marcus, Henny, Susan, Ashley and John are fighting Barabose and demons at the same time


Shaun! Take Angie and get out of here now! Head for the earth realm.


No! We all leave together. That includes you

Shaun stops fighting and puts his head down

Shaun's eyes go white

Kyle, Jermaine and Samantha enter into the throne room

Shaun lets out a long scream

An energy beam shoots from Shaun and into the ceiling

The beam tears the ceiling apart

The earth realm can be seen

Marcus grabs Jermaine and heads for the earth realm

Henny grabs Samantha and heads for the earth realm

Susan grabs Kyle and heads for the earth realm

Liela grabs Angie and heads for the earth realm

John, Ashley and Shaun head for the earth realm

Darius heads for the earth realm