Status: from Nano Wrimo 2013

High School Has Its Perks


- October 2012 -

Joe looked around the study hall room. He had no idea how to do his math homework and really needed to know how to do it before class. He couldn't find anyone in his math class. He saw the usual juniors in his class. Bryan Matthews and Ross Barnes who Joe knows from football. Sean Zales is sitting with his usual crowd. AJ Watson and Aiden Bauer are together and he knows them from their law class earlier in the day.

Joe spotted Leena Warren. She's pretty smart. She's in advanced classes. Yet she comes off as some tough ass bitch. Joe wondered why such a pretty and smart girl would act like she's some kind of thug.

He walked over to Leena, she was sitting alone doing work. "Leena?" he asked. He had never really talked to her before. She looked up at him and this was the first time Joe saw her gorgeous blue eyes.


"Can you help me with someone?" he asked.

"No" she said simply. Joe was confused.

"You don't want to know what I need help with?" he asked.

"Not really" she said with a bit of an attitude. "You're either going to ask me for help on the Law work or the answers to the English packet..."

"Actually, no" Joe said. "So thanks for being a bitch" she gave him a look.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" she asked.

"Yeah I did" Joe said simply. "Cause you're acting like a bitch" Leena got out of her chair and the two stared each other down. They are the same height. If they started to fight, Joe had his football skills, but Leena had three older brothers so it's an even fight.

Leena pretended like she was going to hit him and he flinched. She smirked. "Pussy" she sat down.

"Can you help me or not?" Joe asked. "It's geometry"

"Geometry?" she asked. "Why is a junior in a geometry class, that's so freshman year"

"Well I'm not bright" Joe sat opposite from her. "Can you help?"

"Of course" Joe handed her his worksheet. "This is so simple dude" Joe rolled his eyes.


"I want to ask someone to the homecoming dance" Sean said. "Have any suggestions?" he asked Dakota. Dakota looked around their Law class.

"Do you got game?" Sean shrugged.

"Do I?"

"We'll find out...what about Hannah Ashford?"

"Too fat" Sean said. "And annoying"

"Uh, Tiffany Christian?"

"Too stuck up"

"Taylor Lancaster?"

"Taylor's a boy" Sean said. Dakota shrugged. "I want to ask a girl, Dakota, a GIRL!"

"Fine, fine" Dakota said. "Ok, what about Rebecca Ainsworth?"

"Too bitchy"

"Leena Warren"

"Leena Warren?" Sean asked. "Since when is Leena in this class?" Dakota pointed over to Leena in the corner.

"She's been in the class all year, dude" he said. "And she's kind of your type. She's a girl and she acts like a dude" Sean rolled his eyes. "Go ask her"

"I don't even talk to her" he said. "I can't just ask her"

"What's the worst she could say?"

"No" Sean said. "She could say no and then call me a faggot"

"Nah, she's too nice for that" Dakota said.

"How do you know?" Sean asked. "Ryan Bass told me she kicked him in the balls when he tried to ask her out"

"Don't take advice from a pedophile" Dakota said. "Ryan Bass is a go ask her out, she's my neighbor" Sean got up and walked over to Leena. She was nonchalantly chatting with Joe. Sean knew Joe from football.

"Hey" he said. He sat behind them. "What's up?" Joe didn't find that weird, they talked occasionally during football. But Leena had her defense up. Who was this kid?"

"Not much" Joe replied. "Ready for the homecoming game on Friday?" he asked. Sean nodded. "I've been working out more" Joe flexed his arm.

"I can tell" Sean joked. "So Leena--"

"What?" she asked. "What do you want, for me to do your homework, get you drugs. Name it" she said. Sean found that pretty strange.

"I wanted to know if you were going to the football game"

"Maybe" she said. "I'm unsure"

"Oh she's coming" Joe said. "And it's going to be awesome" Leena rolled her eyes.

"I hope to see you there" Sean said with a smirk. Who was this kid?" Leena asked herself. She knew his name was Sean Zales, and he's a junior like herself. But where did he get off waltzing over and talking to them?

"Why does it matter if I'm there or not?" she asked.

"It gives me good luck to see a pretty face in a crowd" Sean said. He got up and walked away, no further explanation.

Joe snickered. "Someone has a crush on you" he sang.


- October 2013 -

"I'm not saying I have game" Sean started. "But I had game" Leena rolled her eyes. They were at Leena's house for their bro's night, but Ross was missing.

"As soon as you walked over it was like Leena put up a defensive wall in her mind" Joe said. "Like she was not going to take whatever shit you dealt out. And in one settle and soft punch you broke the wall"

"Cracked it" Leena corrected him. "He cracked the wall"

"And then I broke it later along with your hymen" Sean smirked. Leena grabbed the closest thing to her which was a pillow and hit Sean over the head with it. She hit him so hard he fell off her bed.

"Fuck you" she spat. "It took you five months just to get it up long enough to do it..."

"Daaaaaammmn" Bryan smirked. "It takes me five seconds" Joe and Bryan high fived.

"Good one, bro"

"Thanks, I'm working on my rebuttles"

"Sean, I'm not saying that was a great line" Joe said. "But if it weren't for me you wouldn't have had a chance" Joe said. "I talked about you with Leena all the time after you told me she was cute. I got it wet, you did the deed" Sean chuckled.

"I couldn't have fucked her without you, thanks bro"

"Your welcome, bro" Leena rolled her eyes.