Status: Currently writing


after // four

I arrived home at 7:42PM, I found Mum sitting in the family room watching TV. She looked behind at me and signalled me to sit with her.

“Where did you go?” She lowered the TV volume.

“I just went to the park.”

“Why didn’t you call me back?”

“I didn’t feel like talking to anyone,” I had enough of this, so I stood up.

“Alaska,” I turned around to look at her, “I just want you to be safe, that’s all.”

I went up to my room and locked the down. I stripped down to my underwear and inspected my figure in the reflection of the mirror. My long blonde hair, parted in the middle, raced down to the tip of my behind, my slightly hollowed green eyes staring back at me, my pointy elbows and knees, and the worst of all, the scars. They all cuddled each other next to one another all up the insides of my arms and the front of my thighs, I had some on the side of my hips and I had several burn marks on my disgustingly skinny thighs. I had tears swelling up in my eyes; I held the mirror and faced towards my reflection closely.

“Why are you so fucking horrific? Fuck you.”

Next thing I knew, I was crying yet again. The warm water streaming down my face, dropping onto the floor. I climbed into bed and cried for a solid three hours and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up at 3:22AM to the hurting of the gashes on my left wrist. I got out of bed to wrap a bandage around the cuts, then my phone lit up. It was (1) new message from the same unknown number.

Come to the park.

I felt like doing something dangerous, so I did what the text said. I dressed into my skinny jeans and a large black hoodie; I walked downstairs quietly and escaped out the front door without getting caught or making a sound. While I was walking to the park, I had another cigarette; it was freezing outside. I sat down on the same bench and waited, I texted the number.

I’m here.

I heard someone come out of the bushes behind me, a part of me wished it was a murderer, so they’d finally get it over with and kill me, but another part of me wanted it to be the boy. To my luck, it was him.

“You wanted to see me?” I inhaled from my cigarette.

“Well, since I know your name… Alaska,” he emphasised my name slowly; “I’m Destrin.”

I turned my head towards him, he was smiling, “Lovely name,” I blew an O around his face.
We were looking at each other, his blue eyes exploring my body then he looked up at my face, bit his lip and smiled. I slid across the bench and looked straight at him.

“I’m not what you think I am,” he slid his hand up my thigh, “I’m not one of those normal girls, “his hand continued up to my arm, “I’m dangerous,” he slid it across my shoulder blade, “I’ll tear you to pieces.” He grabbed hold of the side of my face, “I’ll fucking break your heart,” he leaned in to kiss me, but instead I blew smoke into his mouth. He inhaled it and blew it out from the side of his mouth, “not if I break yours first,” he said and kissed below my ear.

I stood up, flicked my finished smoke onto the ground, I looked at him and licked my lips, “watch yourself.”

While I walked off, I heard him laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys are liking the story at the moment. Comments?