

I woke up on the ground of what seemed to be a forest, staring up at the sky. I was disoriented, and couldn't remember as to how I had gotten here. My first instinct was to stand up, which to my surprise, hurt like hell. What happened to me?

"You're finally awake."

I heard a man's deep voice speak behind me. I turned to face him. He was beautiful. He stood about 5' 10", scraggily long brown hair with a matching beard and the most mesmerizing blue-grey eyes I had ever seen. He stood slouched almost, a crossbow slung over his broad shoulders. His style was that of a bikers, leather vest and combat boots to match. I could tell I was drooling over him, I blushed.

"How're you feeling? You took quite the fall."
"I honestly don't remember a thing. My ankle's pretty swollen," I spoke as I lifted up the bottom hem of my jeans to show him, "What happened?"
"There was a herd chasing you, you tripped over a tree root and fell pretty hard. The impact must've knocked you out."

He put one of his hand under my legs and the other under my back, lifting me up bridal style so I didn't have to put weight on my leg.

"How'd you find me?" For the first time in the year since the apocalypse had happened, I felt safe, almost invincible. This stranger provided some strange sense of comfort for me.

"I was riding my motorcycle through that area and it just so happened to be good timing. I got all them walkers off of you just in time."
"Well, thank you. I'd be dead, or worse, if it weren't for you."

He smirked a bit. Under the dirt on his face, I'm sure he was probably even blushing a little.

"It's nothing, really."

"So, do I get to know my rescuers name?"
He laughed a bit, smiling at me.
"I'm Ariel."
"My pleasure." He spoke quietly.

"Where are you bringing me?"
"To my bike, and then back to our camp. It's a few miles south, we've got a decent set up at a prison."
I felt my jaw drop.
"How many of you are there?"
"Probably about 15 or so. We've got a few families. A newly born baby, too."
I was astonished at the fact this group had survived for so long. Especially with a baby.
"I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you for saving me."
"It's what we do in this world, gotta save as many lives as possible."

He put me feet first on the ground next to his bike, letting me put most of my weight on him. He helped me on to the motorcycle, and then got on himself, starting the engine. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, looking behind us at the walkers running towards us. His bike left them in the dust.

This man was my savior, and I didn't know if I could ever fully express my gratitude to him.
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First full chapter! I hope everyone enjoys this so far, please leave me some feedback!