

Daryl and I had arrived at the prison and I saw a little boy guarding the gate. I hadn't seen a child in almost a year, so my mind was trying to comprehend what I was seeing. The boy opened the gate as we drove through and shut it quickly behind us. Daryl parked the motorcycle as I saw a large group of people run out of what seemed to be cell block C.

"I'm glad you're back, man. We were starting to get worried." A tall man with very wavy, dirty blond hair said as he hugged Daryl. A grey haired woman and the little boy hugged him as well. Daryl then turned to me, helping me off the bike and letting me lean on him so I could walk.

"This is Ariel. I found her on the ground while I was out on the run. She injured herself so I was trying to get her back to health out there."

All of the survivors came over to me, shaking my hand. I met people by the names of Rick, Carol, Carl, Maggie and Glenn. They all seemed very sweet.

"I'm going to bring her to my cell to rest."

Rick nodded at Daryl and gave him a pat on the back. We walked into the cell block and were met by an older man with one leg and young teenage girl holding a baby.

"Herschel, Beth. This is Ariel. I found her out on a run, her ankle is injured pretty bad. Is there anything you can do?" Daryl spoke as he sat me at a table in what seemed to be their supply room. Herschel kneeled on the ground in front of me, examining my leg.
"Seems to be a sprain. I'll wrap that up with an ace bandage for you. You'll need to keep any weight off of it for the next couple days."

Beth handed Daryl the baby and went over to a first aid kit to get a bandage.

"The baby is adorable," I spoke as Herschel began wrapping my ankle, "Who's her parents?"

"Rick is her father. His wife was Judith and Carl's mother. She died during childbirth." Herschel kept his face down looking at my leg, I saw sadness on all of their faces.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered. I couldn't imagine how Rick was feeling. I lost my family in all of this mess, but a significant other? Luckily I was single when the apocalypse came about.

Daryl nodded and kissed baby Judith on the forehead before handing her back to Beth.

"Just don't bring it up to Rick. He's still very sensitive to the situation." Daryl was rubbing my back and Herschel finished up the bandage.

"Thank you so much." I said shaking Herschel's hand. He smiled at me. Daryl then let me lean against him as we walked into the room with their cells. There were two floors of cells, and Daryl informed me that his was the only one on the top floor.

"Think you can make it up the stairs?" He asked me, concerned.
"I should be fine."

I grabbed the railing and got up the first stair, Daryl stayed behind me with a hand on my back to help. Once we got up there he helped me sit on the bed in his cell and sat beside me.

"I really appreciate everything you've done for me. You don't know how much it means to me." I whispered as he grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry about it, I couldn't let a pretty girl like you be in harms way."

I felt myself blush, and I think he saw it too. He brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear before placing his lips onto mine. I was in shock but I kissed him back firmly. I couldn't believe what was happening, but I went with it. I barely knew Daryl, but I felt a connection with him that I never felt before.

"I'll let you rest, you need it. I'm going to leave this knife with you incase you need it."

He laid me down on the bed and kissed my check before walking out of the cell. My heart was racing. Did I really have feelings for the man who saved me?
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Thank you to all my new readers! I hope you're all enjoying this story so far! Please continue to leave me your feedback, I will definitely be keeping up with this story.