Rose Meets Hunters

Chapter 1

Rose stepped off the slight stairs and looked around. Trees. Really pretty. She smiled slightly, and set her rolling carry along bag on the ground, walking with the rest of the group of people to the airport lobby. She grabbed her duffel bag and walked outside, looking around for the beat up old blue truck her Uncle Bobby said he would be driving.

She heard a car horn blare and looked int he direction, looking at a sleek black car, pristine, and an oldies car. She looked away, then back and watched as an arm waved at her from the passenger window and she slowly walked over.

She stopped in front of the window and leaned down.

"Need a ride?" Said a cute, long haired boy.

"No thanks.." She stood up and went to walk away, looking back when the boy called her name.

"Rose. We're here on Bobby's behalf. He...couldn't make it." The boy got out of the car and moved the seat up. He grabbed my bags and tapped the truck, which popped open, and he set them inside as I climbed into the back seat. He climbed in the front seat and we set off.

"I'm Sam. This," He gestered to the man driving. "Is Dean. Bobby is a family friend. Very close."

I nodded and clicked on my seat belt. "I'm Rose. Rose Marie. What is Uncle Bobby doing that is so important he couldn't hold it off?"

Dean looked in the rear view mirror and raised an eyebrow. "Well. I f I didn't know any better I'd say you didn't want to meet us. We're gunna be around a lot. So why not meet us?" He sent me a devil may care smile and winked at me.

I raised my eyebrow at him and shook my head. "It's not that. I was just...expecting someone I kinda know to pick me up. Since I've never been here before..." I looked out the window and crossed my arms over my chest. "How do y'all know Uncle Bobby?"

I watched them exchange a look and Sam answered. "He was a friend of our Dad's. He recently...went away."

I slowly nodded and pulled out my cell phone. I clicked on facebook and updated my newsfeed. I was going to miss all my old friends, back in Calvert County, Maryland. I clicked on my messages, updating that, then clicking on my old best firends message.

"In SD, about to be at the Uncles. How's the town? Miss you. :(" I sent to her and closed the screen, opening twitter.

"SD is really pretty. Looking up from here."

I turned off my screen and set my phone in my lap. "What do you guys do?" I asked.

"Hunt." Dean said after a couple minutes.

"Like, deer and things?"

"And things?" I asked, leaning forward.

"Yup." He turned the music up, cutting off the conversation. I sat back and looked out the window at the huge amount of trees again. So many trees...
♠ ♠ ♠
Idk, is this a good first chapter? :P