Rose Meets Hunters

Chapter 2

We pulled into a little junkyard looking place, with a gravel drive way and old, beat up, dead cars that were ripped apart all around us.

"He lives here?" I asked, horror filling my eyes.

"Yup. It's better than it looks. There's a long road that leads to a house with a backyard and everything." Sam said, looking back at me and smiling.

"Right...when can we go get my dog?" I had totally forgotten about her, and I felt bad about that. She was my baby, and the only real thing I had to remind me of my parents.

"Ask Bobby." Dean said shortly, pulling up to the house, and cutting off the car. He climbed out and walked in the house.

I watched him and shook my head. "Is he always short?"

"Not with females." Sam said, watching his brother too. "Come on. Lets get your stuff and take it inside. Get ya settled." He smiled at me and we climbed out, grabbing my bags and going inside. He led me to a small room, big enough for a bed, a tv, and a dogs cage with a small closet. Good enough for me. I shrugged and threw my duffel on the bed. Sam set the roller next to the bed and put his hands in his pockets.

"If you need anything, just ask." He smiled and walked out the room, closing the door slightly behind him. I put all my clothes in the closet, hanging them up and folding my duffel bag and setting it in my rolling bag. I made my bed with a blanket a friend gave me as a goodbye present, and walked out of the room.

"Sam?" I called, walking down the stairs to go to the kitchen. Food sounded really good right now. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking around. Nothing. I shook my head and opened the cabinets. Old cereal, and cans of soup. Great. No food.

I sighed and closed the cabinet doors, over hearing loud voices.

"Bobby. You can't bring her here. She is too young to be around all of this stuff. What if she gets hurt?" That sounded like Dean.

"Don't you think I already thought of that? What else was a suppose to do though? Her parents left her to me, and it's my responsibility to make sure she stays safe. I couldn't leave her out there, with those...those things looking for her. She's safer here with all of us, then out there alone." I heard an older southern voice saying. Must be Uncle Bobby.

"I agree with Bobby, Dean. She's in more danger out there alone than here with all of us here to protect her. She wanted as much as I am." Sam's in it too?

And what danger? The only danger I'm in as far as I know, is danger of not being able to see past all these beat up trash cars and trees for days.

"She's too young." Dean growled.

I walked out and leaned on the door jam. "Too young for what?" I asked, biting on my thumb nail.

All three of them turned and looked at me. I smiled and waved at the older man, assuming that was Bobby. He smiled slightly and walked over to me, hugging me.

"Hey, Rose. How are ya?" He asked.

"Fine. Considering...and you have no food. So we need to go shopping. What am I too young for? Hunting?"

Dean and Sam exchanged looks and coughed. Sam rubbed the back of his neck, and Dean walked over to the window.

"I've been hunting before. I watched my parents all the time. They didn't know..of course, if they had of known, I'm sure everything would have turned out different..." I looked at my feet and tried to hold back my tears.

"Do you know what you mean?" Bobby asked.

I nodded and sniffed. I looked at all of them and bit my lower lip. "Demons..."

Dean whirled around and stalked up to me. "How do you know?" He demanded.

"I'm not a complete idiot! Just because I don't have mad skill to pass as a couple of road trip boys, doesn't mean I can't kill a demon. I watched my parents. I learned. I took defense classes behind their backs and spent my free time killing. They don't know that. They never even caught on. I'm smart. And I know it was a demon who killed them. It's just a matter of time before I find out which, and kill the son of a bitch." I said, getting mad with each word until me and Dean were toe to toe.

"You can't even hold up your own weight. How are you going to kill a demon?" He sneered.

"How would you know?"I crossed my arms over my chest and glared up at him.

"Look. Rose. I know you want to kill the demon, I get it. But you can't just jump in. There is special training that you need to go through." Sam said, trying to push Dean back and get between us. "There are tricks you need to learn, and you have to be able to speak latin."

"Latine loqui possum." I growled. "Non sum idiota."

"Utique non." Sam said quietly. "So you speak Latin well. Can you fight?"

I hesitated. "I can protect myself."

"But can you fight? Can you kill a person. Sneak up on them and kill them. Throw a few punches, take a few? I didn't think so." Dean smiled, acting like he had won.

"It can't be harder than protecting myself against blows." I pointed out.

"Why don't we train you? Me and Dean?" Sam said, stepping back to look between Bobby and Dean.

"That sounds like a good idea." Bobby said.

"Hell no. I will not help her kill herself. No." Dean said, walking out of the house and getting in his car.
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Second chapterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr