Rose Meets Hunters

Chapter 3

After Dean left, me, Bobby, and Sam climbed in the beat up truck and went to the grocery store to get food for the house. Turns out, the boys had been living on a fast food diet.

"That is so bad for you. I don't know how you did it for so long." I sighed and grabbed a cart, grabbing ramen noddle packs, boxes of cheese itz and bags of chips. I grabbed spaghetti noodles and pasta sauce, hamburger meat, hot dogs, buns, a loaf of bread, turkey meat and ham, a turkey, a chicken, bags of chicken breasts, salad mix, fruit, vegetables, a pie, cake and brownie mix, and everything else that looked good. Safe to say our grocery bills was close to $350.

We loaded everything in the car, and drove back to the house, where the guys carried everything in and I unloaded it and put it away. I smiled, looking at the now filled up cabinets and fridge and freezer full of food and started to make spaghetti for dinner. I boiled a pot of water and threw in the noodles, put a pot of sauce on to simmer, and threw a box of cheesey garlic toast on a cookie sheet and into the oven to cook.

By the time dinner was done, I had made the guys clear off the dinning room table, placing the books down in the basement in boxes, and set the table for four place settings. I set out clean plates I had to dig out from the attic, and silverware, and wash four glasses for sweet tea.

I made all of us plates and poured the tea and set the sprinkle cheese on table. As I sat down, Sam and Bobby came up the stairs and Dean walked in the house, sniffing.

"What smells like a pasta joint?" He asked, stopping in the door way, watching as Sam and Bobby sat at the table with me. "What is this?"

"Dinner." I said, passing Sam the sprinkle cheese. "You can sit with us or stand there looking like an idiot."

Bobby cracked a smile and Dean rolled his eyes. He sat across from me and glanced up at me, then dug into his plate. He moaned and ate faster, and there was silence throughout the table, except the sound of forks scraping plates.

Dean and Sam got thirds and Bobby got seconds. I smiled and started putting away the food and doing the dishes. Dean came in with the dirty plates and set them next to me. He walked over to the drying rack and grabbed a dry towel, grabbing the plates and drying them, then putting them away.

We worked in silence for ten minutes, then he opened his mouth to say something, only to close it. He did this about five times.

"What, Dean?" I asked, turning off the water and looking at him, drying my hands.

"I'll help you fight." He said, putting the last dish away, and leaning across from me.

"Thanks." I looked at the counter and smiled.

"Your welcome.." He stepped back. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Sleeping?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Come out with me and Sam. We go to a bar every night." He looked down at me and shuffled closer.


He gave me an odd look and cracked a smile. He pulled me close and his lips touched my ear. "To hunt." He pulled away and walked to Bobby's study.

I stared after him, my knees weak, and wondering what the hell had just happened.


I looked in my closet, tapping my foot. Sam leaned on the door jam and looked at me.

"What should I wear?" I asked, looking at him.

"Who's your date?" He asked, cracking a smile.

"You and Dean." I smiled.


I pulled out a silk black dress that hung off my curves. I wasn't skinny, but I wasn't fat. I had a great chest and a little bit of hips. I was short, about 5'2" and weighed about 115. It had thin straps and reached a couple inches below my butt. I pulled it out and showed Sam. He nodded and I looked at my shoes.

"I'll wear flats..I like being as short as I am." I picked up my black flats and set them on my bed. "Get out!" I laughed. I pushed him out and closed the door behind him. I changed into the dress and slipped on the flats. I ran a brush through my thin blonde hair that reached below my shoulders and applied some mascara. I put on blush and opened my bedroom door. I sprayed my perfume and walked into Bobby's study. "Good enough?" I asked the guys.

Dean looked up and stared, Bobby's jaw dropped, and Sam smiled.

"You look great, Rose." He was in blue jeans and a white collared shirt, with black sneakers. Dean was in Blue jeans, worn out, black leather boots, a grey tshirt, and a leather jacket.

"Is that appropriate for a bar?" Bobby asked.

"It's a stake out, Uncle Bobby. I have to look good." I leaned on his desk and gave him a half smile.

"You look good in jeans and a shirt." He grumbled.

I shook my head and looked at Dean, then quickly to Sam. "Ready to go?"

Sam nodded and hit Dean on the head. I gave Bobby a kiss on the cheek and walked out after the guys. We all climbed in the sleek black car, and drove to a little hole int he wall 45 minutes away from Bobby's house.

I climbed out behind Sam and looked around. Many guys stared at me as we walked in and I sent a couple a small smile.

Dean grabbed my elbow and put his lips next to my ear, sending chills down my spine. "Stop looking like that."

I sent him a quizzical look and we took a seat at a table in the middle of the bar. The bartender stared at me, sex in his eyes. I winked at him and looked over at Sam. A big boobed red head walked up and took our drink orders, staring at Dean.

Dean ordered a glass of Jack, Sam ordered a light beer, and I got a coke with ice. She rolled her eyes at me and sent a flirty smile at Dean, who gave her a sexy grin. I rolled my eyes and looked at Sam.

"What do you guys do? Sit here and let Dean flirt with every hoe, hooker, and tranny that walks in?" I leaned on my hand and licked my bottom lip.

"Usually. What do you do?" Sam leaned back in his chair.

"Talk to the bartender, the DJ, any waiters. Talk to people." I shrugged.

The waitress dropped off our drinks and a number on a napkin for Dean. I raised an eyebrow at her and she walked away.

"Let's dance." Sam said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the middle of the dance floor.

We laughed and dance, spinning around and doing crazy things. I turned in a circle and glanced at the table to see Dean missing, only to see him standing off, towards the back of the bar, talking to another waitress, with thick curly brown and hips for days. I turned around to Sam and looked up at him.

The song changed to a slow song and we exchanged glances, before he pulled me close and wrapped his arms around my waist. I laid my hands on his upper arms and rested my head under his chin.

"Dean is casing the place out." Sam mumbled to me.

"He's doing a great job of it in that brunettes pants." I grumbled.

"It's how he works." Sam shrugged.

"I've already taken everything into account. The bartender, the red headed waitress, and the couple at the table three down from us, to the right." I put my lips close to his ear, and bit his ear lobe. "And this was all taken in when we got our drinks." He shuddered and pulled me tighter against him.

"How'd you do that?" He placed his mouth in my hair around my neck and inhaled.

"Skills." I laughed.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned around. Dean glared down at me.

"Let's go." He spoke to Sam.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"It's dead here." He glanced at me.

"Let's dance, Dean." I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck. He hesitated, then wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. We swayed side to side and I watched Sam walk back to the table and sit down, drinking his beer, looking around the bar. "Bartender, red headed waitress, and the couple three tables down." I whispered into his ear, my lips brushing it slightly. I felt him shiver and dig his nails into my hips. "You would know that if you stopped being a damn flirt and paid attention."

He pulled back and looked down at me, glaring. "How did you find that out?"

I glanced at his lips and looked away, smiling at the couple next to us. I looked back up at him and he was staring at my lips. I licked my bottom lip and felt him suck in a breath.

The song ended and I pulled away from him and walked up tot he bar, leaving him to go back to the table with Sam.

"Hi." I smiled at the bartender.

"Hey there, cutie. What can I do for you?" The guy looked down at my chest, then back at my eyes, and smiled.

"I was wondering when you get off?" I whispered, licking my lips and biting my bottom lip. He sucked in a breath and looked around.

"In about 10 minutes."

"Wanna come somewhere? I was wondering if we" I looked at the bar and tapped my finger nail a couple times, then looked at his lips.

"Sure. Just let me grab my things and I'll meet you out back. Green truck." He winked and walked to help another customer.

I walked back to the table and leaned over it to whisper to Dean. "Call the whore and tell her you want to meet her. We need a scene first.." I glanced at the couple and then to Sam. He nodded and punched Dean in the face.

Dean hit the ground and jumped up, glaring at Sam. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He balled up his fist and stalked towards Sam. I jumped between them and pushed at Deans chest, pushing me back into Sam and I felt his full, hard body against my back.

Sam went to swing at Dean again, and I ducked quickly, backing up into Dean, feeling his hard body against my back, and back up more. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I pointed at Sam.

"Go! I'm tired of you two fighting!" Dean dropped his arm and I stepped away from his body, even though I didn't want to, and he could tell. "Sam, I want you to go home. And Dean, I want you to go away. You can't even give your sister a good birthday. You have to fight all the time. You couldn't set aside your differences for 2 hours for me? I'm done! When I get home, you both better be gone." I felt my chin wobble, trying to hold back tears. I crossed my arms over my chest and felt a tear slip out.

"Rose-" Sam went to pull me into a hug and I pushed him away.

"No. It's not fair. I've lost everything, and my brothers can't stop fighting long enough for me to have a good birthday. Just go." I shook my head. "Go." Sam ducked his head, and sulked, walking out of the bar.

Dean glanced at me, then looked at the floor. "I'm sorry, sis. I should have dropped my pride." He pulled his jacket on and looked for the red head. "I won't bother you tonight. Call me if you need a ride." He walked away and towards the red head, whispering something to her and she nodded. He walked out and she grabbed a jacket, walking out behind her.

I looked over to the table the couple was at and saw they had left. Hopefully Sam got them. I looked at the bartender and he was standing at the back door, waving for me to come. I inhaled deeply and walked towards him. Hopefully, I don't screw this up completely.
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Chapter 3!!!!! Got some drama.