Rose Meets Hunters

Chapter 4

As we walked out to the truck, I asked him his name.

"John." He looked over at me and looked my body up and down. I nodded.

"I'm Rose. Rose Marie. I smiled and he opened my door. I turned before climbing in and ran my fingers down his cheek. He grinned and leaned in for a kiss. I turned quickly and climbed into the car.

We drove to a hotel strip and parked between a sleek black car, and a blue honda civic. I could see a shadow in the window in the hotel room in front of the black car. Dean's car. He peeked outside, and nodded at me. I glanced at John and back at Dean, nodding back.

John helped me out of the truck and led me to a room next to Deans. I followed John in and sat on the bed, looking around. John walked to a small table with a couple chairs around it. His back was to me and I stood up, walking to the window and glancing outside.

I heard a loud bang next door, the room opposite of the one with Dean in it, and spun around to look at John. He was facing me, his eyes closed, hands in the air like he was waiting for lightening to enter his hands. When he opened his eyes, they were bitch black, no pupil showing.

There was a bang from Deans room, then another one from the other room opposite Deans. I stood with my feet shoulder length apart and smiled.

"Hello, demon."

"Rose. I didn't think we would find you." I heard multiple voices say from within the man in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked, stepping closer and hearing the door bust open and Sam and Dean walk in.

"I have many names. And it doesn't matter. You have sent my team back to the underworld, and I must be going now. I see your future now. Who you will reside with. And with whom you will die for. And I killed your parents." The demon smiled and opened its mouth, black smoke curling and shooting from all holes on the human and flying into the air, around my head, then into the floor.

"Damn it!" I screamed as the body hit the floor, and Sam and Dean ran to it. "He's dead." I stated through clenched teeth. Sam cheeked the pulse, then nodded slowly.

I walked out of the hotel room and to Dean's car.

"Did you get anything out of him?" Sam asked.

"No. He said his name was John, then he said he found me. We didn't talk. I played nervous." I crossed my arms over my chest and shivered. I was mad as hell, and now I had to go looking for a demon maybe called John. That was going to be a bust.

I felt Dean wrap his jacket around my shoulders and Sam opened the car door for me. I slid into the back seat and slipped my shoes off, curling my legs under me and staring out the window.


We pulled up to Bobby's house and climbed out. I handed Dean his jacket back and walked to my room, changing into a big tshirt that fell to my knees. I washed off the makeup and brushed my hair out, putting my shoes away and throwing my dress into the dirty clothes basket.

I walked out to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, then stepped into Bobby's office.

"Hey kiddo. How was the night?" Bobby asked.

I shrugged. "Dean and Sam killed their demons." I shuffled my feet and walked to the window. "My demon...he let me know he killed my parents. The first demon I go looking for to kill, and it happens to be the one who killed my parents." I turned towards Bobby and noticed Sam and Dean standing in the doorway, where I stood not too long ago. "Do you know how that is? To be sitting in a car next to your parents killer? A fresh death killer too. Because this wasn't even a month ago. I was alone in a room with him. I had him." I wrapped my arms around my waist and looked at the floor. "I'll get him..."

Sam walked up to me and stopped. He laid his hand on my shoulder, squeezed it, then walked up stairs to his room. Bobby did the same, kissing my forehead as he went, and turned off the hallway light.

"You'll get him." Dean said, leaning against the door jam.

"I know. Everyone does, right?" I sat in the window seat and curled my legs under me, leaning my head on the window.

I heard a shuffle, then Dean was sitting beside me, pulling me into his lap. I curled my arms around his neck and buried my head in his shoulder and cried.

We stayed like that for hours, not moving. Not talking.
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So closeeeee. Off to workk